[pagan-magik] up! 0035// r.e.j.o.i.c.e.! // 19 06 06

fraser fraser at parallel-youniversity.com
Mon Jun 19 00:21:37 BST 2006


“Mommy, I can hear them now.”
“Hear what, darling?”
“Those voices.  The ones the adults hear.  I just wanted you to know I can 
hear the voices you listen to in your head.”
[conversation between a 5 year-old and her mother while travelling in a car]

“The greatest of faults, I should say, is to be conscious of none.”  Robert 
Carlyle  (1795 - 1881).

Get UP!  Stand Up For Your Rights (and everybody’s too of course! :)
u cant understand the world without innerstanding yourself
the up! 0035 // 18, 06, 06
u cant innerstand yourself without understanding the world
     Get UP!  Don’t Give Up The Fight (only we don’t mean violence, ok? :)

.. contents...
p.02  rejoice!  for the Dinosaurs’ Last Stand continues inexorably towards 
the firing squads!
p.05  God’s Hand At Work Through The Mechanism Of Evolution
p.07  caravanseraiclub safari/morocco 2006 [cont]
p.10  Terrorism Explained - it’s just a Tactic!
p.12  World Sees US As Bigger Threat To Peace
Than Iran, Poll Finds

rejoice!  for the Dinosaurs’ Last Stand continues inexorably towards the 
firing squads (which we zippies shall oppose on objectively moral grounds 
but also because it makes them martyrs of the right).

rejoice!  for it’s surfacing every day in the media now, leak after leak, 
revelation after revelation, bandwagon-jumper after bandwagon-jumper 
spilling the grisly beans, conscience cleansers after plea-bargainers 
trying to save their souls or escape jail/firing squad, scandal after 
scandal, exposed fraud after front page crime (the latest being how they 
cooked the global warming debate but there’s probably been another few by now).

“Leaders of both parties are acutely aware of the vehemence of anti-Bush 
sentiment in the country, expressed especially in the increasing number of 
Americans - nearing 50% in some polls - who say they would favor 
impeachment if the president were proved to have deliberately lied to 
justify going to war in Iraq.” Carl Bernstein, Watergate veteran reporter.

yea, rejoice!  for the Big Picture most people still don’t quite grasp is 
the Sea Change that’s happening, the Human species’ breakout into a Strange 
New Attractor that is now inching forward.  the next half dozen years (till 
2012 funnily enough:) will witness the End of the Old Politics 
FOREVER.  indeed, it’s the End of the Old World FOREVER.

yes, rejoice, for everything we were always assured “worked pretty well” 
HARDLY WORKED AT ALL!  we’ve had 2000 years of massive general suffering 
and bad health - mental emotional and physical - we just didn’t hear much 
about it, except that it was “all inevitable, just Life, people are just 
naturally dinosaur bastards”.  it was (exactly!) like the Romanus 
Dinosaurus Empire, a corrupt ruling elite lording it over a world of 
slaves, many of whom had been persuaded it was ‘natural’.  but those days 
are over!

“Something is revealed to us about ourselves by the fact that we are being 
ruled by people who are mad.  Imagine what we’d do if we truly recognised 
our government is being run by people who have collectively gone mad?  What 
would we do if we realised that the leader of the most powerful nation on 
the planet, the person with his finger on the button, is a genuine 
psychopath?”  Paul Levy.

if you don’t recognise that as the world you live in right now, consider 
this:  we are more likely to be evolved from the bonobo than from the 
chimp, and the average bonobo has 24 orgasms per day  this ‘Cultura 
Dinosaura’’ that shapes us from birth has filtered our Life Force to the 
merest dribble!  it hasn’t disappeared, though, nothing does, but it’s been 
pushed back into the darker corners of our individual psyches.

but now rejoice, for the Dino Chastity Belt that has squeezed and downsized 
us through the Long Dark Ages, and had almost obliterated the human 
identity into a mere ‘equal’ identikit consumer (feel its Power?!) is 
passing away before our very eyes.  as, indeed, it had to, if the planet 
was to be saved.  for, in fact, an End to Dinosaur Behaviour is precisely 
what’s required of the planet  the two are the same thing!  they are 
inseparable!  and the Bush Gang, their leaders and exemplaries, are pulling 
them down, down
 Earth :)

"The Bush administration needs to be investigated, inside and out, upside 
down, and inside out.  They should not be allowed to leave office as just a 
failed administration.  Because they are more than that - much more than 
that.”  Stephen P. Pizzo.

remember how unstoppable the Dinos thought they were?!  i remember feeling 
like the ONLY voice screaming out against it in the name of ‘Sanity’!  and 
i was certainly the only one who predicted from the start, and before the 
start, that this Dino Stand would be their Last (for it’s a fractal, not an 
infinite spiral).

since the last witch was burned, the overall evolutionary direction of Homo 
Sapiens has been the mass re-distribution of power from ‘leaders’ to 
‘community’, to which the Romanus Dinosaurus Empire has been fighting a 
continuous rear-guard action.

“Money is a new form of slavery, and distinguishable from the old simply by 
the fact that it is impersonal -- that there is no human relation between 
master and slave."  Tolstoy.

all through the Clinton years, while the Sea Change the planet needed 
evolved inexorably on (ecological if nothing else, but i include everything 
else because you can’t have a healthy environment policy run by a deeply 
sick, unbalanced Culture), the ‘slave owners’ had become more & more 
desperate to Strike Back - before they became redundant to human 
requirements (not that they would ever see it that way!).  they’d been 
expanding & developing their networks, building their neo-confidence-trick 
philosophies of religion, power & competition, laying their plans for 
Takeover, and hiring their drone armies with their vast wealth.

[don’t be misled by their absolute inability to sense the need for their 
own redundancy  all they can see is their weapons and power getting bigger 
and bigger!  that’s what Dinos value!].

of course evolution has gone now faster now slower and certainly ground to 
an almost halt under thatcher-reganism (but deep cultural changes were 
going on beneath the surface that would burst forth, primarily in the Rave 
Culture that swept and still sweeps the planet.  the first mass explosion 
of the
 New World Behaviour/Attitudes.

an article i read today said the Republicans will never agree to a senate 
investigation of the bush gang because they know “only too well where it 
would go.”  (notice how fast things have changed!)  this is Old thinking, 
but it sounds convincing.  until you read, for example, the recent report 
from the Cato Institute, a right wing libertarian think tank dedicated to 
“the traditional American principles of limited government, individual 
liberty, free markets and peace.”

·       “In relation to what are newspeakingly called “Free Speech Zones” 
(where protesters are banished out of eyeshot and earshot of our Chief 
Executive):  “At the very core of the First Amendment lies the right to 
criticize officeholders.  President Bush has failed to protect that right.”
·       Regarding torture in violation of U.S. laws and international 
treaties: “The Administration’s legal position can be summed up starkly: 
When we’re at war, anything goes, and the President gets to decide when 
we’re at war. “
·       And on domestic spying and illegal seizures: “The President appears 
to believe that he is the ultimate arbiter of what is legal and what is 
illegal -- at least in matters related to national security.”
·       And on holding suspects indefinitely without trial in violation of 
“Habeas Corpus: “Bush’s attempts to undermine ‘the very core of our 
liberty’ may be his most egregious failure to protect and defend our 
·       The report concludes: “President Bush's constitutional vision is, 
in short, sharply at odds with the text, history, and structure of our 
Constitution, which authorizes a government of limited powers.”

Dinosaurism has suffered an embarrassment from which it will never recover.

John Dean, the Watergate conspirator who ultimately shattered the Watergate 
conspiracy, rendered his prescient impeachment verdict on Bush two years 
ago by naming his book Worse than Watergate.

the article then discusses what might happen if the democrats win power, 
and opines: “you can bet there would be plenty of folks out on the left 
hounding them to do just that - investigate, investigate, impeach.  But 
should they do that?  I would argue, no.  Remember the Clinton 
impeachment?  What a mess.  What a waste of time.  Voters hated it. “

voters hated it cos it was sleazy and pretty much irrelevant, and it was 
old, old thinking.  i know it’s hard to see, but remember that nearly 50% 
of americans ALREADY want them impeached if it’s true.  AND THINGS ARE 

“They are arguably the largest, boldest and most virulent criminal 
enterprise to ever occupy that office.  Their alleged crimes span the full 
spectrum; graft, corruption, perjury, war crimes, false imprisonment, 
kidnapping....  It's breathtaking. Simply breathtaking.”  Stephen P. Pizzo.

when the Gene Pool does find out, as they’re doing already, the number will 
be well over 50% and they’ll be more deeply scandalised than ever in their 
lives!  the american public will feel deeply deeply humbled before the rest 
of the planet (as indeed was also needed for the planet to be saved) AND I 

don’t underestimate that “vehemence of anti-Bush sentiment.”  politicians 
will be unable to resist the public demand.  on pain of never being elected 
again (as most of them won’t anyway) they will be forced, just as cameron 
is now, to change!  they’re fighting to be greener already!

Worse than Watergate?
 >> oh yes, one hundred thousand times worse.  that was just a break-in, 
which US murder squads outscore 100 times a week in iraq these days!

"Worse than Watergate? ... In terms of imminent, meaningful action by the 
Congress ... the question of whether the president should be impeached (or, 
less severely, censured) remains premature.  More important, it is 
essential that the Senate vote -- hopefully before the November elections, 
and with overwhelming support from both parties - to undertake a full 
investigation of the conduct of the presidency of George W. Bush, along the 
lines of the Senate Watergate Committee's investigation during the 
presidency of Richard M. Nixon....  There was understandable reluctance in 
the Congress to begin a serious investigation of the Nixon 
presidency.  Then there came a time when it was unavoidable.  That time in 
the Bush presidency has arrived.”  Carl Bernstein.
 >> note that “there came a time when it was unavoidable”.

God’s Hand At Work
Through The Mechanism Of Evolution
Francis Collins, the director of the US National Human Genome Research 
Institute and the scientist who led the team that cracked the human genome, 
is to publish a book explaining why he now believes in the existence of God.

Francis claims there’s a rational basis for a creator and that scientific 
discoveries bring man “closer to God”.

His book, The Language of God, to be published in September, will reopen 
the age-old debate about the relationship between science and faith. “One 
of the great tragedies of our time is this impression that science and 
religion have to be at war,” said Collins, 56.

“I don’t see that as necessary at all, and I think it is deeply 
disappointing that the shrill voices that occupy the extremes of this 
spectrum have dominated the stage for the past 20 years.”
 >> i know i often seem to be on one of those extremes, but don’t mistake 
me for a candy ass american christian weirdo.  really what i’ve been 
attacking is Scientism.  the problem has been, as we should all know by 
now, that, despite Science being 100% unable to locate or measure anything 
beyond the very lowest levels of Reality - speed, weight, shape and that 
sort of shit - it has NOT, for the past 50 years, kept its mouth shut 
regarding what it knows NOTHING about.  and that’s what has needed 
attacking, and still very much does, because it’s educated the majority of 
the human species to see the world as meaningless, pointless and 
accidental.  which is very very bad for everyone.

For Collins, unravelling the human genome did not create a conflict in his 
mind.  Instead, it allowed him a “glimpse at the workings of God”.

“When you make a breakthrough it is a moment of scientific exhilaration 
because you have been on this search and seem to have found it.

“But it’s also a moment where I at least feel closeness to the creator in 
the sense of having now perceived something that no human knew before but 
God knew all along.

“When you have for the first time in front of you this 3.1 billion-letter 
instruction book that conveys all kinds of information and all kinds of 
mystery about humankind, you can’t survey that, going through page after 
page, without a sense of awe.  I can’t help but look at those pages and 
have a vague sense that this is giving me a glimpse of God’s mind.”

Among Collins’s most controversial beliefs is that of “theistic evolution”, 
which claims natural selection is the tool that God chose to create man.
 >> Intelligent Design in a word, the ‘theory’ that mis-educated leftists 
actually want banned from our kids’ education.  darwin’s “Survival Of The 
Most Apt” theory is not against god, it’s the ongoing process of God’s Design.

“I see God’s hand at work through the mechanism of evolution.  If God chose 
to create human beings in his image and decided that the mechanism of 
evolution was an elegant way to accomplish that goal, who are we to say 
that is not the way,” he says.

In his version of the theory, he argues that man will not evolve further.
 >> he’s dead wrong here.  our evolution is accelerating 
geometrically!  but a man who’s devoted his life to the world of Science is 
unlikely to catch more than a mere ‘emotional’ glimpse of the levels of 
Reality beyond its orbit.  for that you gotta go to someone who’s devoted 
their life to those areas.

"All of us look at each other knowingly, for the feeling that we knew each 
other in that most distant past conceals something else -- tacit, awesome, 
almost unmentionable -- the realisation that at the deep centre of a time 
perpendicular to ordinary time we are, and always have been, one.  We 
acknowledge the marvellously hidden plot, the master illusion, whereby we 
appear to be different." Alan Watts, 1962.

July 17 35th Annual
Routt National Forest, Colorado.

for some great fun and an insight into ‘Art’ and Zen, check this out :)

hi there fraser
i use to buy/read EPi, thought it was great, always fancied going to 
megatripolis however i live in edinburgh so it was not too practical.  my 
friends run a club called taste/fever, it’s been on the go12 years this 
month, not bad going for a tech/house club, i have just recently discovered 
the parallel-youniversity site and its the biz, i would like to send good 
thoughts, vibes and feelins to ya man, i really appreciate what you do, ok 
i’m off for now.
paul boyd, edinburgh

thx 4 spreading the awareness
Torsten Klimmer, Copenhagen.

@ A MEDIA-MEME RATE OF 160 IPP *   * Ideas Per Paragraph
TO SUBSCRIBE SOMEONE, WRITE I wanna get UP! TO fraser at parallel-youniversity.com

caravanseraiclub safari/morocco 2006  FEEDBACK

Hi Fraser,
Thought of two corny jokes after your hilarious descriptions of long 
journeys, anal preoccupations, and untrustworthy friends.
 >> i hope that’s not how it came across, there was great stuff too!

Here goes:


And i think your friend (if that's what you call him still ) should  be 
re-named (oops! -almost wrote 're-charistened ) "Careless. " Because he 
 >> i actually thought of that a couple of times in morocco.  but he is so 
wonderful in other ways, and actually very kind, always trying to enliven 
people he meets, and giving presents etc.  u just gotta accept his as he is 
or not, and i now accept him and hope he comes on all future caravanserai 

Hope the full frontal facial attack has  calmed down and left you looking 
as handsome as ever.
 >> wait till you hear about the shave i had in Jamaal El Fna that turned 
into a whole hair re-styling!  (the tension is killing moi :)

Excellent point about those bloody electricity wires. So obvious when it's 
pointed out.   But as you say, we are brainwashed in so many ways, 
since....forever, and from so many directions.
Jo, Brussels.
 >> yeah, think roads, water supply, and, oh god, oil!  and nuclear power, 

"The trouble with most folks isn't so much their ignorance, as knowing so 
many things that ain't so."  Josh Billings, American humourist.

caravanseraiclub safari/morocco 2006
[THE TRIP SO FAR: The caravanseraiclubbers are back together in the Sahara, 
among the Berbers.  NOW READ ON.]
tomorrow we shall have been in the Sahara for 2 weeks
and, in some ways, it’s been one of the most intensive experiences of my 
life, but more for the experiences of my companions than for my own.  and 
except that being there with them as they go through their experiences is 
new for me.  so it’s been partly about adding another coat to what was 
there before whatever that means, perhaps it’s something to do with 
aging.  And, unfashionable as it may be in this Competitive Era, the purest 
pleasure certainly comes from helping to place others in an environment 
that encourages them to grow :)  and, whatever else happened, am very 
certain that every caravanseraiclub member did some serious growing in the 
Sahara  even where that involved dropping stuff they thought they already knew!

discoveries and revelations are usually like that.  you don’t find 
something new, rather a veil seems to drop away and allow the truth you 
always knew to shine through.

for the first 2 days at the camp it was like my brain had melted.  or the 
strings which moved the puppet fraser in the city had fallen away and I 
couldn’t DO anything.  I moped around my tent and couldn’t write or read or 
even think while the sandstorms whipped outside.  or so it seemed 
anyway.  but I recognised it as a pattern that usually happens when you’ve 
arrived in a new, strange environment.  and so I was patient, and succeeded 
in not getting depressed behind it.  “it’s all perfectly natural and will 
pass” i kept repeating to myself like a  mantra.  until it passed.

A call to action from John Edwards
When MoveOn and The Christian Coalition agree about something, it's a good 
bet they're right.  Groups as wide-ranging as Gun Owners of America on one 
side and the One America Committee on the other are fighting to keep the 
Internet the way it is now - free and open to anyone with access to a 

Today, everyone in the world can communicate through the Internet on an 
equal basis.  A small-time programmer like Pierre Omidyar can start an 
auction site out of his home office and turn it into eBay.  A blogger like 
Josh Marshall can post his opinions on Talking Points Memo and end up 
attracting more readers than the country's biggest newspapers.

On the Internet, big corporations are on equal footing with everyday 
people.  And it needs to stay that way.

BUT HERE’S THE DANGER!!!! Right now, special interests are pushing bills 
through the US Congress that would divide the Internet in two.  Corporate 
deals would determine which web sites would run incredibly fast and which 
ones would barely run at all.  Some users might not be able to access sites 
operated by, well, regular people.

I don't want Internet service providers to decide which web sites I can 
look at.  And I know you don't either.

Last week, the House of Representatives fell in line with industry demands 
and passed a telecommunications bill without 'net neutrality' protections. 
That means our only hope of stopping them is in the Senate.  Please tell 
your Senator to keep the Interest the way it is now - free and open to all.

Some people fear that creating two tiers of the Internet could allow 
service providers to shut down web sites whose politics they didn't 
like.  But even if they didn't discriminate based on content, the access 
fees could marginalise smaller and poorer players.

This is the completely wrong direction.  We should be making the Internet 
more accessible, not less.  We should be working to connect rural areas, 
schools in poor neighbourhoods and wherever people have not yet benefited 
from access to innovation and technology.

The companies that want to charge for the Internet are running a slick 
public relations campaign to make themselves look like a netroots 
operation.  That's why the folks on our side need to wage a real - and 
overwhelming - netroots effort to make sure Congress understands that 
Americans and everyone want to keep the Internet the way it is - free and 
open to everyone.

I'm turning to you to ask for your help.  You know how important the 
Internet is to free speech, especially political speech.  And you know what 
it takes to turn out the netroots.  Let's show them how it's done!

Sign the petition now.

And then, use the Internet to protect the Internet.  Please forward this 
email to your friends, family and everyone you know in America..

Your friend,
John Edwards, US Senate.

caravanseraiclub safari/morocco 2006
the girls and the berber boys
Balleid, the musician owner of the Prends Ton Temps, is totally 
irresistible, with his large open caring jetblack face and white smile and 
singing and drumming and joking and laffing and saying “Prends Ton Temps!”, 
and the girls look in wonder, moved mysteriously to their depths.  in their 
waters, perhaps :)

Brahim is, I suppose, higher class ancient Berber, but in a western woman’s 
mind could be a Prince, an Honourable Saviour on a white horse 
(camel).  AND certainly he’s met enough western women to know how they 
think and feel  deep down so to speak  and how to make it to his advantage.

so i do know there was much flirtation between the Boys and Girls, and i 
know that Fatima (who’d been considering an ‘offer’ from Brahim) suddenly 
marched out of Prends Ton Temps, fully kitted up for travel, only 
whispering “he just became too insistent, i’ll tell you when i see you in 
london.”  but really it’s none of my business, and it certainly isn’t any 
of your business :)

and so they/we paid our deep respects to the Sahara, huddled together of a 
long evening in the communal Berber concert, suffered its indignities and 
bruises, its sweaty clingy lack of water (though the daily bottle we each 
consumed for the whole week and the rest of our time in Morocco must have 
emptied some anonymous sub-aquifer somewhere!)  all the girls cracked at 
some point, but it was mostly the crack of breaking through.

the Girls sang so sweetly a few times in return, and sounded so innocent 
and ‘protected’ among the old Barbarians.  the Girls were a strong 
Entity.  seldom seen and appreciated down here.  but they were maddening in 
their (indiscriminate?) enthusiasm sometimes.

and i should mention that Caress was a big hit with his drumming, which I’d 
always considered just hippy style, but the musicians accept him as an 
equal, indeed Balleid says to me one time:  “He is the first European I 
ever met who could drum like this”

"Most Americans aren't the sort of citizens the Founding Fathers expected; 
they are contented serfs.  Far from being active critics of government, 
they assume that its might makes it right."  Joseph Sobran, journalist.

"The trouble with most folks isn't so much their ignorance,
as knowing so many things that just ain't so."  Josh Billings

Terrorism Explained
- it’s just a Tactic!
by Charley Reese [remix]
Terrorism is a tactic, not a Thing or a Person you can bomm.  It’s a tactic 
used by people who have a political grievance and little or no military 
power to fight back.  Therefore, if you want to eliminate terrorism, as the 
UP! has been saying since the morning after 9/11, you have to address the 
political problems that gave it birth.

President Bush has made no effort to do this.  He has aggravated the 
situation and made it worse.  He's created a Sperm Bank for Terrorists.

You sow what you reap, and it’s a mug’s game to sow hatred, but the Bush 
Gang has been seduced by the great power he commands.  His headspace goes 
all the way back to the Romans.  He thinks the military and the 
intelligence community can solve the problem of terrorism when all they can 
do is deepen and widen it.  viz the Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire.

He should note carefully the situation with Israel.  As we were saying in 
the last UP!


Since 1947, the Israelis have been trying to use force instead of diplomacy 
and some kind of Justice to solve the Palestinian problem.  And what is 
that problem?  The Zionists, encouraged by the British, planted a 
colonialist country in Palestine with no regard for the rights or wishes of 
the Palestinian people.

And, ever since, they’ve had to keep telling “so many things that just 
ain't so”.

Just as the Jews used terrorism to drive the British out of Palestine, the 
Palestinians have also been forced to resort to it, and for 59 years the 
Israelis have been trying to kill and lie their way out of it.

It hasn't worked.  Does anyone doubt the truth of this?!  The Palestinians 
are still there.  They kill, too.  And, 100 years from now, the 
Palestinians will still be there, but it's not at all certain Israel will 
be.  A former head of Israeli military intelligence, among several others, 
has stated that if the Palestinians are not given their own state, and 
SOON, then Israel is actually committing slow-motion national suicide.

Israelis become daily more paranoid.  They are walling themselves in, on 
many levels, and they clearly believe “so many things that just ain't so” 
(like their ‘God’ made a deal!)  But the wall won't help.  There are 
Palestinians inside the wall who hold Israeli citizenship.  There are 
Palestinians in the West Bank, in Gaza, in East Jerusalem.  There are also 
Palestinians in refugee camps inside the West Bank and in Lebanon, Syria 
and Jordan.  And they’re all feeling more deeply and more widely terrorised.

Everyone must stop believing “many things that just ain't so”.   So long as 
there is no justice for the Palestinians, there will be no peace in that 

caravanseraiclub safari/morocco 2006
the thirst for knowledge, tho for health rather than the much simpler wisdom
most standing-out for me, though, was a generation’s Obsession with all 
aspects of health / food / medicines and all the body 
chemistry.  insatiable they were, each pulling out their treasure troves of 
elixirs, Japanese bees wax, Lithuanian evening primrose balms, oh it was 
truly endless and the Old Hippies could only sit back and marvel at the 
Pandora’s Box we’ve unleashed.  oh yes, the Dino Lifestyle is Dying, right 
down to the smallest detail :)

this Thirst For Knowledge (if for Health rather than the much simpler 
Wisdom) of a whole generation, along with the virus-like pandemic of Tecno 
across Africa, these were probably my main observations.

below them lie scores of lesser ones.  like the young Westerners’ desire to 
Help, to repay and yes, even to worship or at the very least celebrate, and 
certainly revere the Ancient.  the non-Time-full.  but this may have been 
happening more in their inner emotional brains than in their intellectual 

another less pivotal insight, though one I’ve encountered on every trip 
I’ve done, is the always startling realisation how different worlds, 
different stages in History, all share this planet and date simultaneously, 
side by side.  here you realise how parochial everyone is.  we Westerners 
assume the world picture we get  from our media IS the world.  in Africa 
you realise how parochial we are and they are.  here the news could be 
about some development in Egypt while the West reports a charge of 
corruption in Washington.  president Afterdinnershag visits Britain?  how 
about the Chinese Trade Delegation in Libya?!  missed that one, did you?!

we all get, naturally enough (but easily forgotten in this increasingly 
connected tho not necessarily always intermixing world) the angle our 
position gives us, or denies us.  and beyond that, the inevitably growing 
global perspective  though not what we Westerners think.  so what if Iran 
wants the bomb?  will that give my fone more memory or affect the Polisario 
rebels in the deep south?  will it  threaten Morocco?  of course everyone, 
to a man, hates Bush.  but they mostly ignore him - until he starts a new war.

now i’ve mentioned george bush.  before I came to Morocco I seriously 
considered hennahing my blond hair because, right now, and probably for the 
rest of my life, it’s the only arab country I would dare to visit - but not 
as a tall, blond American soldier lookalike.  thus have those stupid Bush 
mobsters limited my life, it’s fukkin disastrous, the greedy ignorant 
bastids!  it only takes one aggrieved muslim to pinpoint me, then
One enchanted evening,
A furious muslim stranger,
A furious muslim might shoot a stranger,
Across a crowded room, eh marketplace.

but i’m more relaxed about all that now, they’re not as angry at us as the 
Iraqis after all.  and, like the Africans themselves, their religious lives 
are much more forgiving than ours, on the individual level at least.  i 
guess that’s where al Queda comes in, to resist the Crusaders.

as i often say to the Berbers, on this trip and previous ones, “if the 
americans ever manage to run their machines off sand you guys are in 
deepest shit!”

World Sees US As Bigger Threat To Peace
Than Iran, Poll Finds
· Findings also show fall in support for war on terror
· Decline in America's image 'all to do with Iraq'
by Ewen MacAskill/The Guardian [remix]
People worldwide see Washington as a bigger threat to world peace than 
Tehran, according to a global poll.

The Washington-based Pew Research Centre, in a poll of 17,000 people in 15 
countries between March and May, found more people concerned about the US 
presence in Iraq than about Iran's alleged nuclear weapons ambitions.

The Pew Centre said: "Despite growing concern over Iran's nuclear 
ambitions, the US presence in Iraq is cited at least as often as Iran - and 
in many countries much more often - as a danger to world peace."

This annual survey shows a continued decline in support for the US since 
1999.  For most of the 20th century, the US image was relatively positive 
and regularly identified with democracy, human rights and openness in spite 
of criticism from the left, which reached a height during the Vietnam war, 
and a residual suspicion in the Muslim world.

But favourable ratings have slumped in European countries in 1999, from 62% 
to 39% (FRANCE), 78% to 37% (GERMANY), and 50% to 23% (SPAIN).  Even 
Washington's closest ally is down from 83% to 56% (UK).

And in Muslim countries with which the US has traditionally enjoyed a good 
relationship it’s seriously and possibly terminally down.  In Turkey - a 
member of Nato  it’s down from 52% to 12%.  And in Indonesia, it’s dropped 
from 75% to 30%.

"It's all because of Iraq," Carroll Doherty, associate director of the Pew 
Centre, said.  US domestic polling, he continued, indicated that Americans 
were well aware of how the country was perceived abroad, and the US image 
has become a political issue.

The War on Terror
The survey also records a drop in support for the US-led "war on terror", 
even in countries such as Spain where support for it has dropped from 26% 
last year to 19% this year.

Iran a Danger?
Only in the US and Germany is Iran seen as a greater danger than the US in 
Iraq.  Public opinion in 12 of the other countries - Britain, France, 
Spain, Russia, Indonesia, Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, Pakistan, Nigeria, India 
and China - cite the US presence in Iraq as being the greater 
danger.  Opinion in Japan was evenly divided.

As well as Iraq and Iran, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is also high on 
the list of issues that present a danger to world peace.  Public opinion in 
about a third of the countries polled put it at the top of their list of 

60% of UK interviewees said the Iraq war had made the world more dangerous.

On the other hand (and Jeezuz help us!) some 46% of Americans view Mr 
Ahmadinejad's government as "a great danger" to stability in the Middle 
East and world peace, almost double from its 26% in 2003.

caravanseraiclub safari/morocco 2006
since i have to generalise, i guess the overall change in most of the less 
travelled members is summed up by Lucy’s comment in the group tent this 
evening.  “Brahim? How many kinds of spiders are there in Morocco,” she 
enquired in her over-elaborate University French, but in an innocent 
conversational tone that made Brahim chuckle and, catching his eye, i 
grinned too.

“Mais pourquois tu demande ca?” asked our smiling guide in his practical 
French, as patronisingly as any Berber can with any female.  “Because a big 
yellow one just walked across my arm.”  Wow!  As I mumbled to the club 
member leaning against me:  “Ten days ago that would have been a whole 
evening’s Drama!”

so there’s the major change in the club ‘members’.  indeed I recall our 
very first evening in Marrakech overhearing a line from Lucy as the girls 
leaned over a tea urn tap of some kind:  “It’s not just a question of 
microbes on it” she was authoritatively explaining, “There are swarms of 
them in the air around.”  jeezuz, I thought, how do you imagine people have 
lived these past hundreds of thousand of years without lip-salve?!  Alan 
reckons most of the girls displayed this attitude of being in possession of 
superior Knowledge.  he remembered one of the girls, who’d sat chatting 
animatedly with a young Moroccan for over an hour, remarking at the end 
what a wonderful conversation it had been.  until she added:  “I explained 
so much to him!”!!
  the UP! is a global edutainment round-up, broadcast weekly to =[14,116]=
Alternative// Activist// Zippy// Trance// New Age// Peace folks
recommended to the Parallel YOUniversity// Megatripolis Dance Dept as
  "showing signs of life".  Since recipients forward it widely to their own 
lists & sites,
we conservatively estimate 50,000+ direct recipients.
A further 40,000 read it on the YOUniversity's site.
And, because of its 'mix' of 'specialist' & 'general' content,
    it's increasingly being posted on a variety of sites worldwide,
making an estimated total weekly readership of =[275,000]=

Yehyeh (the one i thought last time was the village idiot but who is really 
just a reticent, untalkative desert dweller) last visited Zagora 5 months 
ago.  he has once visited Marrakech, 8 years ago, and didn’t like it and 
may never return.  a minority of Berbers like him (a quarter, say) will 
choose to retain their old lifestyle.  but most of the others LOVE the new 
Tecno.  adapted to their own uses.

a good example of that (and most impressive to an old club promoter like 
myself) was when Abdullah, a handsome upright young dude, pulled out some 
cyber set-up thingy with 3 different speakers stacked in decks on which he 
played some far out arabic stuff, or maybe of the tribe in the next 
valley.  what was amazing was that he moved the 3 speakers around 
continuously, like a DJ turning a record, and presumably hearing ch- 
changes I couldn’t pick up.  but who in the west has ever thought of 
that?!  moving speakers?!  it gave me another dizzying glimpse into 
technology being interpreted and adapted around the planet and its totally 
unexpected outcomes.

he was playing the elder, wonderful laffing Balleid some of the new stuff 
(or so I imagined) the maybe more radical and even political stuff, cos 
there was one section of loooong talking in a deep arab voice that made 
your spine want to straighten.

- new settings of Blake and Shakespeare
with Michael Horovitz, Dave Russell, NIALL Mcdevitt and Liza Hayden, Billy 
Wobbledagger And His Noble Kinsmen, Yo Zushi, The Blakespeare Sisters, 
Xaxa, Sam Dale, MC Jazzman John Clarke.
Sounds like a unique and unmissable poetic and melodic extravaganza.
@ The Perseverence, 11 Shroton St, Marylebone.  £5/£3.  Doors 7.30pm, show 

caravanseraiclub safari/morocco 2006
africa’s century
Africa’s solution is to grow back again into their natural ethnic 
populations, irrespective of theoretical administration boundaries  lines 
drawn in the sand by colonial powers that could never be maintained.  the 
Tecno will give them this, soon the internet on their phones and a 
crossflooding of information will give them this.

there’s a song Balleid has written and performs.  Mama Africa Zena which 
mentions Timbuktu.  Brahim and Balleid sang it proudly together at every 
impromptu concert.  yet last time I was here Brahim was a proud Berber and 
Balleid a negro full stop, their lifelong friendship nevertheless staring 
across a seemingly irresolvable cultural chasm that prevented them from 
ever being the same.  but all this global activity seems to be working, for 
now they can come together as brothers in Africa.  this is a gigantic 
change!  Berbers used to keep the negroes as slaves.  yet it’s 
going  fast.  thanks to all those NGOs and all the rest of it, they now 
look at each other beyond the local customs.

the Soccer World Cup which is happening since I got back, is further 
increasing this development.  ‘Africans’ in the ivory Coast will be 
supporting ‘Africans’ from Ghana.  last time I don’t think this would have 
been happening, maybe they’d have been supporting their old colonial master.

meanwhile people kept calling in from europe, threatening to arrive and 
join us when we got back to Marrakech.  there was james, of course, my 
oldest buddy who comes on most of the caravanserai tours and who my sanity 
really needed to connect with in the flesh.  there was kim and her 
boyfriend who I didn’t know.  a Dutch guy whose name I forget who never 
showed up.  and there was chris whitehead who I didn’t know.

but I had one Big Experience still to go through.  a Hot Sand Bath!  they 
kept telling me I had a cold in my kidneys.  now I don’t know about you but 
I associate a cold with a drippy nose and I know my kidneys don’t even have 
a nose.  so then they’d explain that I had this cold, damp, dark place on 
my right side  obviously earned in cold damp dark Britain, which made more 
sense.  so, at 4 in the afternoon when the sun is cooler but the sand is 
heated to its furthest depth, they dug a long trench in the sand dunes like 
they’re gonna bury a coffin.  i lay down innit, and they refilled, leaving 
only my head clear.  Sand Burial.  there I lay, under a foot of warm sand 
as the pressure and the heat soaked through my whole body.  wow.  I felt 
england drying up, disappearing as this wonderful warm feeling of 
contentment-in-my-body spread munificently through me.  i can tell you, an 
unease I’ve been feeling down there these past few years has gone, 
hopefully forever, though I’ve been advised to get hold of a kidney warmer 
b4 net winter - ever heard of those?!

a l l g o o d t h i n g s c o m e t o a n e n d
which don't justify nuttin'
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