[pagan-magik] up! 0036// The Great Turning// 26, 06, 06

fraser fraser at parallel-youniversity.com
Mon Jun 26 01:23:51 BST 2006


“These things stretch my brain... thanks!  While reading your editorial, 
there was
music playing in my head louder than it usually does: Leonard Cohen's 
Chris Phoenix, Director of Research, Center for Responsible Nanotechnology

  “Thanks a million for your insight, wisdom, humour and courage.”
wrrdvd, toronto, canada.

Get UP!  Stand Up For Your Rights (and everybody’s too of course! :)
u cant understand the world without innerstanding yourself
the up! 0036 // 26, 06, 06
The Great Turning
u cant innerstand yourself without understanding the world
     Get UP!  Don’t Give Up The Fight (only we don’t mean violence, ok? :)

Jesus Named Top Black Icon
The New Nation newspaper has named Jesus as Top Black Icon.

.. contents...
p.02  The Great Turning: From Empire To Earth Community

Holy Cow
A higher vibrational level is unfolding,
A new strand of DNA is evolving.
The earth’s heartbeat is going faster and faster,
Keeping track of time is getting dafter and dafter.
Got to enter the moment with expanded awareness,
Find your own truth and follow where your bliss is.
Now is the age we’ve always known was in store,
We are the ones that we’ve been waiting for.
Ascension, enlightenment, an inter-dimensional shift,
Synergy, the tipping point, critical mass, this is it.
We are the hologram,
We are all one.
We can see
Is you and me,
Here and now.
Holy cow.
Kate aka Polly, Brighton.

@ A MEDIA-MEME RATE OF 160 IPP *   * Ideas Per Paragraph
TO SUBSCRIBE SOMEONE, WRITE I wanna get UP! TO fraser at parallel-youniversity.com


The Great Turning:
 From Empire To
Earth Community
by David Korten
Delphi was inhabited, at least since 1400 B.C. and probably for thousands 
of years longer, by people who worshipped the Mother Earth deity.  Early 
Goddess worship gave way to the Greek worship of Apollo.  Then, in 191 
B.C., the sanctuary fell to the Roman Empire.

By What Name
Will Future Generations Know Our Time?
Will they speak in anger and frustration of the time of the Great 
Unravelling, when profligate consumption exceeded Earth’s capacity to 
sustain, leading to an accelerating wave of collapsing environmental 
systems, violent competition for what remained of the planet’s resources, 
and a dramatic dieback of the human population?

Or will they look back in joyful celebration on the time of the Great 
Turning, when their forebears embraced the higher-order potential of their 
human nature, turned crisis into opportunity, and learned to live in 
creative partnership with one another and Earth?

A Defining Choice
We face a defining choice between two contrasting models for organising 
human affairs.  Give them the generic names Empire and Earth 
Community.  Without an understanding of the history and implications of 
this choice, we may squander valuable time and resources on efforts to 
preserve or mend cultures and institutions that cannot be fixed and must be 

Empire organises by domination at all levels, from relations among nations 
to relations among family members.  Empire brings fortune to the few, 
condemns the majority to misery and servitude, suppresses the creative 
potential of all, and appropriates much of the wealth of human societies to 
maintain the institutions of domination.

Earth Community, by contrast, organises by partnership, unleashes the human 
potential for creative co-operation, and shares resources and surpluses for 
the good of all.
Supporting evidence for the possibilities of Earth Community comes from the 
findings of quantum physics, evolutionary biology, developmental 
psychology, anthropology, archaeology, and religious mysticism.  It was the 
human way before Empire, and we must make a choice to re-learn how to live 
by its principles.

Developments distinctive to our time are telling us that Empire has reached 
the limits of the exploitation that people and Earth will sustain.  A 
mounting perfect economic storm (born of a convergence of peak oil, climate 
change, and an imbalanced U.S. economy dependent on debts it can never 
repay) is poised to bring a dramatic restructuring of every aspect of 
modern life.
We have the power to choose, however, whether the consequences play out as 
a terminal crisis or an epic opportunity.  The Great Turning is not a 
prophecy.  It is a possibility.
 >> just as all the prophetic warnings of Plagues, Wars and Great Beasts 
were just that  warnings of what would happen if mankind did and does not 
turn away from Ego. [cont below]

Cultural Turning
The Great Turning begins with a cultural and spiritual awakening
  - a turning in cultural values from money and material excess
to life and spiritual fulfillment, from a belief in our limitations
to a belief in our possibilities, and from fearing our differences
to rejoicing in our diversity.
It requires reframing the cultural stories by which
we define our human nature, purpose, and possibilities.

A Turn From Life
According to cultural historian Riane Eisler, early humans evolved within a 
cultural and institutional frame of Earth Community.  They organised to 
meet their needs by cooperating with life rather than by dominating 
it.  Then some 5,000 years ago, beginning in Mesopotamia, our ancestors 
made a tragic turn from Earth Community to a Dominator Culture - 
Empire.  They turned away from a reverence for the generative power of life 
- represented by female gods or nature spirits - to a reverence for 
hierarchy and the power of the sword - represented by distant, usually 
male, gods.  The wisdom of the elder and the priestess gave way to the 
arbitrary rule of the powerful, often ruthless, king.

Paying The Price
The peoples of the dominant human societies lost their sense of attachment 
to the living earth, and societies became divided between the rulers and 
the ruled, exploiters and exploited.  The brutal competition for power 
created a relentless play-or-die, rule-or-be-ruled dynamic of violence and 
oppression, and served to elevate the most ruthless to the highest 
positions of power.
Since that fateful turn, the major portion of the resources available to 
human societies has been diverted from meeting the needs of life to 
supporting the military forces, prisons, palaces, temples, and patronage 
for retainers and propagandists on which the system of domination in turn 
depends.  Great civilisations built by ambitious rulers fell to successive 
waves of corruption and conquest.
 >> the caravanseraiclub’s outing to southern turkey this october-ish will 
research these great spiritually-based cultures which were destroyed from 
Alexander the Great onwards.  Gurdjieff called Alexander the most bloodily 
destructive asshole of all humanity so far  mainly for his trashing of the 
great spiritually evolved cultures & traditions to the east of Greece.

The primary institutional form of Empire has morphed from the city-state to 
the nation-state to the global corporation, but the underlying pattern of 
domination remains.
 >> this is critical to see.  once you see this, the Story of WoMankind 
opens up and becomes clear.  see Monkey’s Marvellous Trip.

It is axiomatic: for a few to be on top, many must be on the bottom.  The 
powerful can control and institutionalise the processes by which it will be 
decided who enjoys the privilege and who pays the price, a choice that 
commonly results in arbitrarily excluding from power whole groups of 
persons based on race and gender. [cont below]

Total Lack Of Any Moral Centre
The point about all Tories is their total lack of any moral centre.
I have found I have a sort of 6th sense for this kind of thing;
it comes off them like a smell.  At a dinner a couple of months ago
I found myself in the company of an attractive couple in their late 30s.
As we chatted, it dawned on me that something was wrong about them.
The story about the man’s fondness for wearing rubber catsuits
pointed to sexual deviancy, but I have no problem with that.
It was something else, as if they were, in fact, in their 60s
and their youth had been preserved by drinking the blood of virgins.
 >> meaning u and me.
It turned out they were Tories -  worse, the man had been to Eton.
I’ve never met an Etonian who wasn’t a mendacious,
untrustworthy, conniving creep of the first order.
Nicholas Lezard/The Independent.

Troubling Truths
For a few to be on top, many must be on the bottom. Herein lies a crucial 
insight.  If we look for the source of the social pathologies increasingly 
evident in our culture, we find they have a common origin in the dominator 
relations of Empire that have survived largely intact in spite of the 
democratic reforms of the past two centuries.
 >> the Great Turning began roughly when the human species evolved beyond 
physically burning those who stood for anything beyond mere Empire.

The sexism, racism, economic injustice, violence,
 >> anti-shamanic hysteria

and environmental destruction that have plagued human societies for 5,000 
years, and have now brought us to the brink of a potential terminal crisis, 
all flow from this common source.  Freeing ourselves from these pathologies 
depends on a common solution - replacing the underlying dominator cultures 
and institutions of Empire with the partnership cultures and institutions 
of Earth Community.  Unfortunately, we cannot look to imperial powerholders 
to lead the way.

Quite the opposite.  History shows that, as empires crumble, the ruling 
elites become ever more corrupt and ruthless in their drive to secure their 
own power. [cont below]

“Privatising" the Police State
Federal and local police agencies nation-wide “have been gathering
Americans' phone records from private data brokers
without subpoenas or warrants,” reports the Associated Press (AP).
The wire service does not exaggerate in its observation
that this privatised subversion of the Fourth Amendment
“raises civil liberties questions.”
 >> they’re already well raised, bro! this further deepens
the planet’s need to shrug them off forever.

The question is this: If the federal Homeland Security apparatus,
or its local affiliates (what were once independent, local police agencies)
can circumvent constitutional restrictions by contracting with private agencies
to do the dirty work, do we retain any civil liberties at all?
 >> not while we keep looking abroad for the Real Threat!

The Feds paid at least $30 million last year, according to the AP story,
to various information vendors, but this figure is much too low because
“brokers said they rarely charge law enforcement agencies.”

Yes, I'm sure vendors are more than willing to comp a few jobs for the police,
since many of them are engaged in unethical or illegal activities themselves.
Witness the fact that executives from data broker firms plan to take the Fifth
when they're summoned to testify before Congress about their activities.

“Thieves For Their Robbery Have Authority
When Judges Steal Themselves”
I reckon Congress should contract with a private interrogation firm
    one not bound by the Fifth Amendment
   to question the data brokers!
I'd be willing to perform any hands-on questioning for a reasonable fee.
If the interrogation involves the people responsible for selling my phone 
to the pestilential phone solicitors who plague my household,
I'd be willing to offer my services in exchange for ...
let's say a Thai dinner and full legal immunity.

In defence of the criminal means used by private data brokers
to collect personal information, James Bearden, attorney for several of them,
deploys what I call the “Measure for Measure Defence.”
That name’s from Shakespeare: “Thieves for their robbery
have authority when judges steal themselves.”

Bearden, reported the AP, “likened the data broker companies' activities
to the National Security Agency, which reportedly compiles the phone records
of ordinary Americans
 Thus, since the government is doing exactly
what these people are accused of doing, they’re being demonised!
These are people who are partners with law enforcement on a regular basis.”

Right on!  Equal rights for private-sector police state thugs!
Why should the Feds alone enjoy the privilege of spying on ordinary citizens,
  rummaging through their personal business without a warrant,
or even detaining, torturing, or killing them
when the Great Decider deems it necessary?

Since, in “liberated” Iraq, “private contractors” are already free
to do all of those things, why should America's Homeland Security apparatus
and its private appendages be denied similar privileges?

And get this: after the long-percolating NSA illegal surveillance scandal
finally bubbled to the surface last December,
many Bush administration's defenders have insisted that Americans
shouldn't be alarmed ‘because their privacy is being routinely violated
by private data brokers anyway’!  Now private info brokers insist that
what they're doing must be legal, since the government's doing the same thing!

Here we see a perfect circle
of mutually beneficial, self-justifying corruption.

Imagine the victim of a gang rape being told they have no legal recourse
because police officers were among the assailants:
since the rape was going to happen anyway, the police were entitled to join in,
and participation by the police conferred legitimacy
on the actions of the private sector rapists.

Criminals Are Generally Familiar With The Laws They Break
The Fourth Amendment specifies that the right to protection
against unreasonable search and seizure is “violated”
unless the government first obtains a warrant issued “upon probable cause,
supported by oath or affirmation and particularly describing
the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized.”
General Michael Hayden, prior to being appointed CIA director,
presided over the illegal surveillance program as deputy director of the NSA.
“Believe me,” he insisted when confronted about the program,
“if there is any amendment to the Constitution that employees
of the National Security Agency are familiar with, it's the Fourth....”

This is true, but in exactly the same sense that bank robbers
are intimately acquainted with laws against robbing banks.
Criminals are generally familiar with the laws they break.
Skinny, New York.

Global Awakening
Empire’s true believers are convinced
 >> or claim to be  for obvious reasons.  or have been claiming it so long 
that they now believe it.

that there are inherent flaws in human nature which lead to a natural 
propensity to greed, violence, and lust for power.  Hence social order and 
material progress depend on imposing elite rule and market discipline, thus 
channelling these dark tendencies to positive ends.

But psychologists who study the evolution of the individual consciousness 
observe a more complex reality.  Just as proper physical nourishment and 
exercise help us mature in our physical capacities and potential, so proper 
social and emotional nourishment and exercise help us mature in the mental 
and emotional capacities and potential of our consciousness.
 >> the 3-brained beings of which Gurdjieff spoke.

Those who enjoy the requisite emotional and intellectual support traverse a 
life-way from the narcissistic, undifferentiated magical consciousness of 
the newborn to the fully mature, inclusive, and multidimensional spiritual 
consciousness of the wise elder.  The lower, more narcissistic orders of 
consciousness which are perfectly normal for young children, become 
sociopathic in adults -  but so easily encouraged and manipulated by 
advertisers and demagogues.

The higher orders of consciousness are a necessary foundation of mature 
democracy.  But Empire’s cultures and institutions systematically suppress 
our progress to the higher orders of consciousness.

Now, given that Empire has prevailed for 5,000 years, a Great Turning from 
Empire to Earth Community might seem a hopeless fantasy if not for the 
evidence from Values surveys that a global awakening to the higher levels 
of human consciousness is already underway.  This awakening is driven in 
part by a communications revolution that is breaking down the geographical 
barriers to intercultural exchange and which defies elite censorship.
 >> believe me it’s happening precisely as you read this.

The consequences of the awakening are manifest in the civil rights, 
women’s, environmental, peace, and other social movements.  These movements 
in turn gain energy from the growing leadership of women, communities of 
colour, indigenous peoples, and from a shift in the demographic balance in 
favour of older age groups more likely to have achieved the higher-order 
consciousness of the wise elder. [cont below]
Economic Turning
The Values shift of the cultural turning leads us to redefine wealth
  - to measure it by family, community and environment health.
It leads us from policies that raise those at the top
to policies that raise those at the bottom,
from hoarding to sharing, from concentrated to distributed ownership,
and from the rights of ownership to the responsibilities of stewardship.

  the UP! is a global edutainment round-up, broadcast weekly to =[14,126]=
Alternative// Activist// Zippy// Trance// New Age// Peace folks
recommended to the Parallel YOUniversity// Megatripolis Dance Dept as
  "showing signs of life".  Since recipients forward it widely to their own 
lists & sites,
we conservatively estimate 50,000+ direct recipients.
A further 40,000 read it on the YOUniversity's site.
And, because of its 'mix' of 'specialist' & 'general' content,
    it's increasingly being posted on a variety of sites worldwide,
making an estimated total weekly readership of =[275,000]=

It is fortuitous that the human species has achieved the means to 
collectively choose to free itself from Empire’s seemingly inexorable 
compete-or-die logic at the precise moment we face the imperative to do 
so.  The speed at which institutional and technological advances have 
created possibilities wholly new to the human experience is stunning.

60 YEARS AGO we created the United Nations, which, for all its 
imperfections, makes it possible for the first time for representatives of 
all the world’s nations and people to meet in a neutral space to resolve 
differences through dialogue rather than force of arms.

50 YEARS AGO our species ventured into space, from where we could look back 
and see ourselves as one people, sharing a common destiny, on a living 
space ship.

IN 10 YEARS our communications technologies have given us the ability, 
should we choose to use it, to link every human on the planet into a 
seamless web of nearly costless communication and cooperation.

Already our new technological capability has made possible the 
interconnection of the millions of people who are learning to work as a 
dynamic, self-directing social organism that transcends boundaries of race, 
class, religion, and nationality, and functions as a shared conscience of 
the species.  Let’s call this social organism Global Civil Society.  On 
February 15, 2003, it brought more than 10 million people to the streets of 
the world’s cities and villages to demand peace in the face of the build-up 
to the U.S. invasion of Iraq.  Through social processes never before 
possible on such a scale, they accomplished this monumental collective 
action without a central organisation, budget, or charismatic 
leader.  Forget that it failed to stop the Empire’s Dinosaurs, this was but 
a foretaste of the possibilities for radically new forms of partnership 
organisation now within reach.

Break The Silence, End The Isolation, Change The Story
We humans live by stories.  The key to making a choice for Earth Community 
is recognising that the foundation of Empire’s power does not lie in its 
instruments of physical violence.  It lies in Empire’s ability to control 
the stories by which we define ourselves and our possibilities in order to 
perpetuate the myths on which the legitimacy of the dominator relations of 
Empire depend.  To change the human future, we must change our defining 
stories. [cont below]

Cheney Might Have To Testify in Leak Case
Vice President Dick Cheney said Thursday he might have to testify
in the CIA leak trial of his former chief of staff.
Cheney made the comment in a CNN interview,
following last month's suggestion by prosecutors that he would be
a logical witness in the case of I. Lewis Libby,
who is accused of perjury, obstruction and lying to the FBI.

Story Power
For 5,000 years, the ruling class has cultivated, rewarded, and amplified 
the voices of those storytellers whose stories affirm the righteousness of 
Empire and deny the higher-order potentials of our nature that would allow 
us to live with one another in peace and cooperation.  There have always 
been those among us who sense the possibilities of Earth Community, but 
their stories have been marginalised or silenced by Empire’s instruments of 
intimidation.  The stories endlessly repeated by Empire’s scribes become 
the stories most believed.  Stories of more hopeful possibilities go 
unheard or unheeded, and those who discern the truth are unable to identify 
and support one another in the common cause of truth telling.  Fortunately, 
the new communications technologies are breaking this pattern.  As 
truth-tellers reach a wider audience, the myths of Empire become harder to 
 >> SO RECOMMEND SOMEONE for the UP! 2DAY!!!!!!!!!!

The struggle to define the prevailing cultural stories largely defines 
contemporary cultural politics, particularly in the United States where a 
far-right alliance of elitist corporate plutocrats and religious theocrats 
has gained control of the political discourse.  They have not done this by 
force of their numbers, which are relatively small, but by controlling the 
stories by which the prevailing culture defines the pathway to prosperity, 
security, and meaning.  In each instance, the far right’s favoured versions 
of these stories affirm the dominator relations of Empire.

Political Turning
The economic turning creates the necessary conditions
for a turn from a one-dollar, one-vote democracy
to a one-person, one-vote democracy, from passive to active citizenship,
from competition for individual advantage to cooperation for mutual advantage,
from retributive justice to restorative justice, and from social order by 
to social order by mutual responsibility and accountability.

The Imperial Story
The Imperial Prosperity Story says that an eternally growing economy 
benefits everyone.  To grow the economy, we need wealthy people who can 
invest in enterprises that create jobs.
 >> heard that a couple of times? :)

Thus, we must support the wealthy by cutting their taxes and eliminating 
regulations that create barriers to accumulating wealth.  We must also 
reduce or eliminate welfare programs in order to teach the poor the value 
of working hard at whatever wages the market “can afford”.

The Imperial Security Story tells of a dangerous world, filled with 
criminals, terrorists, and enemies.  Only through major expenditures on the 
military/police can we insure our safety, and we can only maintain order by 
physical force.

The Imperial Meaning Story reinforces the other two, featuring a Male God 
who rewards righteousness with wealth and power, and mandates that they 
rule over the poor who justly suffer divine punishment for their sins.
 >> we haven’t mentioned Xtianity, but that, as all UPpies well know, lurks 
behind and has ‘justified’ the whole thing for the past 1500 years.

These stories all serve to alienate us from the community of life, and deny 
the positive potentials of our nature, while affirming the legitimacy
 >> and Inevitably

of economic inequality, the use of physical force to maintain imperial 
order, and the special righteousness of those in power.
 >> the so-called “wealth producers”.

The Earth Community Story
It is not enough to debate the details of tax and education policies, 
budgets, war, and trade agreements in search of a positive political 
agenda.  Nor is it enough to craft slogans with broad mass appeal aimed at 
winning the next election or policy debate.  We must infuse the mainstream 
culture with stories of Earth Community.  As the stories of Empire nurture 
a culture of domination, the stories of Earth Community nurture a culture 
of partnership.

They affirm the positive potentials of our human nature, and show that 
realising true prosperity, security, and meaning depends on creating 
vibrant, caring, interlinked communities that support all persons in 
realising their full humanity.  Sharing the joyful news of our human 
possibilities through word and action is perhaps the most important aspect 
of the Great Work of our time.

Changing the prevailing stories in the United States may be easier to 
accomplish than we might think.  The apparent political divisions 
notwithstanding, U.S. polling data reveal a startling degree of consensus 
on key issues.  83% of Americans believe that as a society the United 
States is focused on the wrong priorities.  Supermajorities want to see 
greater priority given to children, family, community, and a healthy 
environment.  Americans also want a world that puts people ahead of 
profits, spiritual values ahead of financial values, and international 
cooperation ahead of international domination.

These Earth Community values are in fact widely shared by both 
conservatives and liberals. [cont below]

Web Accessibility Soon Mandatory In Europe?
The 25 European Commission member states and 9 accession countries
have all signed up for an "Internet for all" action plan,
designed to ensure that the most Web-disadvantaged groups can get online.
The EC has pledged to increase broadband coverage across the continent
to 90% by 2010.   CNET news.com June 15, 2006
 >> humanity needs everybody else to catch up
a LOT more than it needs a few to get even faster.
don’t bother mentioning the thought to most americans tho :(

America is on the wrong course not because Americans have the wrong values, 
but because of remnant imperial institutions that give unaccountable power 
to a small alliance of right-wing extremists who call themselves 
conservative and claim to support family and community values, but whose 
preferred economic and social policies constitute a ruthless war against 
children, families, communities, and the environment.

The distinctive human capacity for reflection and intentional choice 
carries a corresponding moral responsibility to care for one another and 
the planet.  Indeed, our deepest desire is to live in loving relationships 
with one another.  The hunger for loving families and communities is a 
powerful, but latent, unifying force and the potential foundation of a 
winning political coalition dedicated to creating societies that support 
every person in actualising his or her highest potential.
 >> the pursuit of happiness.

In these turbulent and often frightening times, it is important to remind 
ourselves that we are privileged to live at the most exciting moment in the 
whole of the human experience.  We have the opportunity to turn away from 
Empire and to embrace Earth Community as a conscious collective choice.

We are the ones we have been waiting for.

David Korten is co-founder and board chair of the Positive Futures 
Network.  This article draws from his newly released book, The Great 
Turning: From Empire to Earth Community. www.yesmagazine.org/greatturning

Bishop Tutu On Palestine
“I've been very deeply distressed in my visit to the Holy Land;
it so reminded me of what happened to us black people in South Africa.
I have seen the humiliation of the Palestinians at checkpoints
and roadblocks, suffering like us when young white police officers
prevented us from moving about. . . I have experienced Palestinians
pointing to what were their homes, now occupied by Jewish Israelis. . .
My heart aches. I ask why are our memories so short.
Have our Jewish sisters and brothers forgotten their humiliation?
Have they forgotten the collective punishment, the home demolitions,
in their own history so soon?  Have they turned their backs
on their profound and noble religious traditions?
Have they forgotten that God cares deeply about the downtrodden?

Israel will never get true security and safety
through oppressing another people.
A true peace can ultimately be built only on justice.

We in South Africa had a relatively peaceful transition.
If our madness could end as it did, it must be possible
to do the same everywhere else in the world.
If peace could come to South Africa, surely it can come to the Holy Land?

Chomsky On Iran
A Fair & Negotiated Solution To
The Iranian Nuclear Crisis Is Within Reach
The US must take 3 basic steps to defuse this confrontation.
  The consequences of not doing so could be grim

Till the end of the Shah 1979, Washington strongly supported these programmes.
  Today the standard claim is that Iran has no need for nuclear power,
and therefore must be pursuing a secret weapons programme.
"For a major oil producer like Iran, nuclear energy is a waste of resources,"
Henry Kissinger wrote in the Washington Post last year.

30 years ago, however, when Kissinger was secretary of state,
he held that "introduction of nuclear power will both provide
for the growing needs of Iran's economy
and free remaining oil reserves for export or conversion to petrochemicals".

Iran's nuclear programmes, as far as is known, fall within its rights
under article 4 of the non-proliferation treaty (NPT),
which grants non-nuclear states the right to produce fuel for nuclear energy.
The Bush administration argues that article 4 should be strengthened,
and I think that makes sense.

When the NPT came into force in 1970 there was a considerable gap
between producing fuel for energy and for nuclear weapons.
But advances in technology have narrowed the gap.
However, any such revision would have to ensure unimpeded access
for non-military use, in accord with the initial NPT bargain
between declared nuclear powers and the non-nuclear states.

A reasonable proposal to this end was advanced by Mohamed ElBaradei,
head of the International Atomic Energy Agency in 2003:
that all production and processing of weapon-usable material
be under international control, with "assurance that legitimate would-be users
could get their supplies".  That should be the first step, he proposed,
toward fully implementing the 1993 UN resolution
for a fissile material cut-off treaty (or Fissban).

ElBaradei's proposal has to date been accepted by only one state: Iran,
in February, in an interview with Ali Larijani, Iran's chief nuclear 
The Bush administration rejects a verifiable Fissban - and stands nearly alone.
In November 2004 the UN committee on disarmament voted in favour
of a verifiable Fissban by 147 to 1 (United States), with two abstentions:
Israel and Britain.  Last year a vote in the full general assembly was 179 
to 2,
Israel and Britain again abstaining.  The United States was joined by Palau.

There Are Ways To Mitigate And Probably End These Crises
The first is to call off the very credible US and Israeli threats
that virtually urge Iran to develop nuclear weapons as a deterrent.

A second step would be to join the rest of the world in accepting
a verifiable Fissban treaty, as well as ElBaradei's proposal, or something 

A third step would be to live up to article six of the NPT,
which obligates the nuclear states to take "good-faith" efforts
to eliminate nuclear weapons, a binding legal obligation,
as the world court determined.  None of the nuclear states has lived up
to that obligation, with the United States far in the lead in violating it.

Even steps in these directions would mitigate the upcoming crisis with Iran.
Above all, it is important to heed the words of Mohamed ElBaradei:
"There is no military solution to this situation. It is inconceivable.
The only durable solution is a negotiated solution."  And it is within reach.
[Chomsky's Failed States: The Abuse of Power and the Assault on Democracy.]

so what will it be like in this new world then?
here’s one example.  football.  in the new world no contact of any physical 
kind will be allowed.
deeply submerged as we are in this current competitive culture, when you 
first hear such an idea it sounds nuts.  wouldn’t that take all the action 
out of the game?!
well, no, actually, it would make for more action, but more of the ballet 
type and what’s wrong with that?  more gifted young lads would join the 
game, why, women might be able to play!
right now a whole generation of our kids are being educated to think that 
cheating (grabbing, shoving, tripping, kicking, pulling shirts  all the 
things we teach our kids NOT to do) is the only way to win, and that it’s 
necessary to get ahead.  (of course this is not only true of football but 
runs through every field of human endeavour.)
FIFA, the body which manages the game, is already moving in this 
direction.  it’s just a case of imagining this accelerating.  think of how 
many wonderful players have to be retired early because of injuries 
sustained in a primitive, dinosaur-like version of a game that will 
obviously evolve and be with us forever.
i have a friend right now whose son is brilliant at the game and has 
visited training camps where scouts watch for new talent.  but did you know 
that anyone who’s smaller, less burly or just more sensitive, will not be 
picked because the scouts know he’ll be bullied and pushed out of the game 
by the ruff guys at some later stage?

imagine a game free of all those ruff tuff blundering macho guys, allowing 
the truly talented ‘physical artists’ to play the beautiful game without 
the constant injuries and stoppages.

get the idea?  other examples to follow.

NEXT UP!:- caravanseraiclub safari/morocco 2006

a l l g o o d t h i n g s c o m e t o a n e n d
which don't justify nuttin' :)
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