[pagan-magik] UP! EMERGENCY // splash 21ST-CENTURY glug WEATHER // 27 07 07

fraser at parallel-youniversity.com fraser at parallel-youniversity.com
Thu Jul 26 05:14:08 BST 2007


*UP! **EMERGENCY  27  07  07*

**screen 1  _u shoulda listened to the hippies_ #1  21st-Century _Weather_.
screen 6  _u shoulda listened to the hippies_ #2  _Hippy_, The Last 
Stand Happening!

_u shoulda listened to the hippies_ #1
21st-Century Weather:
"Extreme Rainfall Events" Drown UK
As Heatwaves Devastate Southern Europe
*by *Michael McCarthy, Environment Editor
It is clear today that flood-ravaged Britain is suffering from a wholly 
new type of civil emergency: a disaster caused by 21st-century weather.

It's different from anything that's gone before.  The floods it has 
caused, which have caused more than £2bn worth of damage and left more 
than a third of a million people without drinking water, nearly 50,000 
people without power, and thousands more people homeless - and are still 
not over - have no precedent in modern British history.

According to the Environment Agency, even the previous worst case in the 
last 100 years, the extensive floods of spring 1947, which were 
aggravated by the vast snow melt that followed an exceptionally hard 
winter, has been surpassed.  "We have not seen flooding of this 
magnitude before.  The benchmark was 1947, and this has already exceeded 
it."  And the 1947 floods were said to have been the worst for 200 years.

Most remarkable of all is the fact that the astonishing picture the 
nation is now witnessing - whole towns cut off, gigantic areas 
underwater, mass evacuations, infrastructure paralysed and grotesquely 
swollen rivers, from the Severn and the Thames downwards not even at 
their peaks yet - has all been caused by a single day's rainfall.  A 
month's worth and more in an hour.  It is obvious that the Government 
and the civil powers, from Gordon Brown down to the emergency services, 
are struggling to cope, not only with the sheer physical scale of the 
disaster itself, but with the very concept of it.  It is entirely 
unfamiliar.  It is new.  Yet it is exactly what has been forecast for 
the past decade and more.

No one can yet attribute the flood events of the past week, or indeed, 
those of June, when Yorkshire suffered what Gloucestershire and 
Worcestershire are suffering now - again from one single day's rainfall 
- directly to global warming.  All climates have a natural variability 
which includes exceptional occurrences.

But the catastrophic "extreme rainfall events" of the summer of 2007, on 
24 June and 20 July, are entirely consistent with repeated predictions 
of what climate change will bring.
*T**E**X**T **J**O**C**K**E**Y //**TJ PHRASER (**Fraser Clark) & THE 
*@ A MEDIA-MEME RATE OF 160 IPP * * Ideas Per Paragraph*
fraser at parallel-youniversity.com*
Future Flooding
It's nearly 10 years since the scientists of the UK Climate Impacts 
Programme first gave their detailed forecast of what global warming had 
in store for Britain in the 21st century - and high up on the list was 
rainfall, increasing both in frequency and intensity.

Yes, this was thought most likely to happen in winter, with summers 
predicted to be hotter and dryer.  But yesterday Peter Stott of the Met 
Office's Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research, an author of 
a new scientific paper linking increases in rainfall to climate change, 
commented: "It is possible under climate change that extreme rainfall 
could increase even under general drying."

The paper detects for the first time a "human fingerprint" in rainfall 
increases in recent decades in the mid-latitudes of the Northern 
Hemisphere - that is, it finds they were partly caused by global 
warming, itself caused by emissions of greenhouse gases.

The public as a whole appears not to have taken the extreme rainfall 
predictions on board, thinking of climate change in terms of hotter weather.
> > with nice palm trees in england i remember.

But the science community has been fully aware of it, and has steadily 
reinforced the warnings.

One of the most important came from a group of experts commissioned to 
look at the risks by the Chief Scientific Adviser, under the 
Government's Foresight Programme, in 2004.  Their report, Future 
Flooding, said that unless precautions were taken, more severe floods 
brought about by climate change could massively increase the number of 
people and the amount of property at risk.  Yet once again, this hardly 
penetrated the public consciousness.
> > and what was that accountant's report last year about how much MORE 
it will cost if we don't spend massively NOW to effect change in our 

Amidst all the news of communities being overwhelmed by water yesterday, 
one very significant announcement, from Gordon Brown and the Secretary 
of State for the Environment, Hilary Benn, was that the Government is 
setting up an independent inquiry to look at the flood events of June 
and July.

Its report will be immensely important, and may prove a milestone in 
terms of the British public's appreciation of the reality of climate 
change.  It will doubtless focus on the key problem in terms of flood 
response, but it may also come to the conclusion that we are already 
witnessing the future.  The floods of 2007 may eventually be regarded as 
a wake-up call to the warming climate's rapidly approaching effects.

Nobody saw them coming.  But that appears to be the way of a changing 

In April 1989 Margaret Thatcher gave her Cabinet a seminar on global 
warming and one of the speakers was the scientist and green guru James 
Lovelock.  A reporter asked him afterwards what would be the first signs 
of global warming.  He replied: "Surprises."  Asked to explain, he said: 
"The hurricane of October 1987 was a surprise, wasn't it?  There'll be 

The floods of 2007 were a surprise as well, and if Dr Lovelock is right, 
there'll be more of them too.  Welcome to the weather of the 21st century.
> > shall i add: u shoulda listened to the hippies?!!!  cos the Hippies 
were right, from first to last, now apologise and drop out fast!

_u shoulda listened to the hippies_ #2
The Last Stand Happening!
an _ambient address_ by Fraser Clark.

/Since the 2^nd World War, the masses have been led astray by a series 
of wrong-headed ideas about Society, the Economy, and the Purpose of 
Life in general, and they have watched every one of them falter, fail 
and fall.  Communism.  Consumerism.  Social Engineering.  Materialism. 
 The Market.  Thatcherism.  New Labour.   And now, as the Dark Shadow of 
all these mistakes rears its head in final karmic paroxysm, it is 
dawning on everyone that the Hippy View, the Hipster Vision, is The Last 
Socio-Ecological Lifestyle Left Standing./

Those Flower Children Were Right
>From First to Last,
So Apologise, Reassess,
And /"Drop Out"/ Fast!
When I decided to become a Hippy in the mid-1960s, I was DROPPING OUT of 
the greed crazed, increasingly competitive, personally repressed, 
anti-Nature culture that was being pushed down everyone's throats by 
billion dollar propaganda campaigns.  /"Straight Society"/ looked insane 
to me, and a threat to EVERYONE, even the rich within it.
I've never had reason to change my mind.  Indeed, pretty much everything 
we Hippies feared has since come to pass.  That "Official Culture" has 
waxed so sick it is actually killing our planet.
Simultaneously, thank goddess, people /themselves/ have become much more 
adept at seeing through media spin and propaganda.  And it's /because/ 
they now understand how the Matrix demonises any threat to itself that 
the time has come for them to rewind history and register the daily, 
lifetime-long, negative campaign that's been injected into their minds 
about the biggest "Peace, Love & Green People's Movement" in human 
history.  (read those three nouns again and see how 'hot' they are today)
For, believe me, the Matrix was shaken to its very foundations.
And it hit back ruthlessly with every black op & propaganda tool in its 
And, short-sighted and profit-driven as ever, the Dinosaurs ensured that 
the Danger which the Hippy Movement was well on its way to averting has 
now reached Global Catastrophic proportions." 
Dropping Out
By /"dropping out",/ the Hippy understood something like what "going off 
the grid" means today.  Alternative energy.  Going organic.  Lowering 
demands.  Forming new networks and working more and more outside the 
Dominant Economy.  Our DROPPING OUT was, IN HISTORICAL FACT, a brave, 
personal decision to reduce our consumption (and our carbon footprint) 
by 75%. 
Millions of good people grokked clearly what the planet needed.  They 
/"turned on"/ to their inner Nature and their inner conscience (love & 
cooperation as opposed to personal greed & competitive advancement),/ 
"tuned in" /to the dangers of a social system based in 
competition-crazed consumerism, the ego, and the amoral exploitation of 
natural resources, /"dropped out,"/ and joined this Eco-Social 
movement.  Hundreds of thousands have continued ever since - 
/unreported/ on the celebrity charts.  These few hundred thousand 
forgotten people will be recognised as /the true heroes and heroines/ of 
the last half century.  It is among /them/ that History will find the 
true thinkers, the true artists, the true psychologists and spiritual 
teachers of the last half century. (See below under Art) 
And they have paid a heavy price for their brave stand.  They have 
suffered the condemnation and scorn of several generations.  And yet the 
truth is that, had everyone else possessed the insight and courage to do 
the same (and you didn't need much insight - the facts were pretty 
obvious even then!), we would today be passing on to the next generation 
a beautiful, healthily preserved, sensitively developed garden planet, 
instead of this shameful, toxic, deeply disturbed mess to which we now 
find ourselves clinging.
And now people are being /forced/ to make those changes, changes in 
their behaviour, lifestyle, personal image, everything.  Welcome aboard 
Yuppies!  Trendies!  Punks.  Metal Heads!  Geeks!  Corporates!  And (if 
you'll forgive a long swallowed complaint) all those Smart Asses with 
their planet-destroying consumer goods who /"just wanted to have a good 
time, man"!/
It's The Longing That Counts
For the fact is that, since the 2^nd World War, the masses have been led 
astray by a series of /wrong-headed /ideas about Society, the Economy, 
and the Purpose of Life in general, and they have watched every one of 
them falter, fail and fall.  Communism.  Consumerism.  Social 
Engineering.  Materialism.  The Market.  'There Is No Alternative' 
Thatcherism.  New Labour.  And now, as the Dark Shadow of all these 
mistakes begins to burst over them in this final paroxysm, it is dawning 
on everyone that the Hippy View, the Hipster Vision, is The Last 
Socio-Ecological Lifestyle Left Standing.
This is how Theodore Rozak, in /'The Making of a Counter Culture'/, 
described and explained the depth and power of Hippy, the greatest 
social movement in human history... until today: 
"/'For it is written I will destroy the wisdom of the wise and will 
bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.  God hath chosen the 
foolish things of the world to confound the wise, and God hath chosen 
the weak things of the world to confound the things that are mighty.'/
/"Saint Paul said that.  It is a familiar passage from what is now an 
oppressively respectable source.  So familiar and so respectable that we 
easily lose sight of how aggressively perverse a declaration it is ... 
how loaded with unabashed contempt for a long established culture rich 
with achievement.  And whose contempt was this?  That of absolute 
nobodies, the very scum of the earth, whose own counter-culture was, at 
this early stage, little more than a scattering of suggestive ideas, a 
few crude symbols, and a desperate longing.  It was the longing which 
counted most, for not all the grandeur of Greco-Roman civilisation could 
fill the desolation of spirit which Christianity bred on."   /

*U U U U U U U U U U U U UP! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
**YOUR PLANET NEEDS //YOU! This HipList grows purely by recommendation.
 **U U U U U U U U U U U U** **UP! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 
! ! ! ! !*


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