[pagan-magik] UP! 265// Speed of Light Barrier Smashed!// 05 10 07

fraser at parallel-youniversity.com fraser at parallel-youniversity.com
Thu Oct 4 02:17:49 BST 2007


*           \)**)**)**)**)**(**/** *
Burma?  You want some news on Burma?
Hypocrisy has taken the place of Shame in so-called Western "civilisation."

Gordon Brown, when declaring the British people's revulsion over the 
Burma violence, said nothing about the violence his government has been 
inflicting on Iraqis and Afghans; for yeeeeears.

Not to be outdone, George W. Bush also struck the blameless pose: "The 
world is watching the people of Burma take to the streets to demand 
their freedom, and the American people stand in solidarity with these 
brave individuals."

But neither Bush nor Brown stands in solidarity with the peoples of Iraq 
and Afghanistan in their demands for freedom from foreign occupation.  
Indeed, Bush and Brown, as commanders in chief, are on a killing spree 
that makes the Burmese government look extremely restrained by comparison.

Israel too mouthed the words.  Yet, in March 1, 2000, an article titled 
"Myanmar and Israel develop military" in the authoritative British 
publication Jane's Intelligence Review detailed how Israeli companies 
and the Israeli government have been supplying and developing weapons 
for the Burmese regime, and sharing intelligence.
> > and decades-honed methods of dealing with civil unrest no doubt.

In August 1997 it was revealed that the Israeli defence manufacturing 
company Elbit had won a contract to upgrade Myanmar's (then) three 
squadrons of Chinese-built F-7 fighters and FT-7 trainers.

And to see proof of even more Israeli weapons sold to Burma's 's ruling 
junta, like machine guns and artillery pieces, check out this article in 
JANE's Intelligence Review.
[Paul Craig Roberts re-mixed]

I am longing for November and the launch of megatripolis at forever on youtube.
Please please send us the URL when the day comes, man.
That day will confirm you as the global shaman I've long suspected you are!
Love and respect,
Paul Hithersay, Norwich, UK.

*Get UP!  /Stand Up For Your Rights! /**/(and everybody else's too of 
course! :)/*
*/u can't understand the world without innerstanding yourself/*
**  All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. 
Second, it is violently opposed. *UP! **264    *Third, it is accepted as 
being self-evident.** 05  10  07
*/u cant innerstand yourself without understanding the world/*
*  Get UP!  /And Don't Give Up The Fight! /**/(only we don't mean 
violence, ok? :)/*
FEATURING /exclusive re-writes & re-mixes of da freshest deepest hacks 
ancient & modern ,and/
/SAMPLES// from media & mentalities all over, & all bubbling //up! 
//from da public DNA Herself!/

****/[click down screens to get there.  u r on screen 2 :]/
screen 03   Speed of Light Barrier Smashed!
screen 05   The Empire Is Over
screen 06   The Ongoing Economic Crash: 6 minute Lesson on Youtube
screen 07   San Francisco Awards Michael Bowen - for "charitable efforts 
and spirit."
screen 09  Philosophers Are Ad-Men - from the NEW Tim Leary book
screen 11   remember alzheimers - fraser editorial
screen 13   the UP!s and DOWNERs of this summer's waveform festival

Speed of Light Barrier Smashed!
"An astronaut moving faster than it would theoretically arrive at a 
destination before leaving"

They're getting closer!  2 German physicists claim to have broken the 
ultimate speed limit -- the speed of light - an achievement that would 
overthrow the 'established religion' regarding space and time.
> > Change moving fast enuff for u?

According to Einstein's special theory of relativity, it would require 
an infinite amount of energy to propel an object at more than 186,000 
miles per second.
> > my 'mind' does it every day i dunno about u :)

But Dr's Gunter Nimtz and Alfons Stahlhofen, of the University of 
Koblenz, say they may have breached a key tenet of that theory.  They 
say they have conducted an experiment in which microwave photons - 
energetic packets of light - traveled "instantaneously" between a pair 
of prisms that had been moved up to 3ft apart.  The scientists were 
investigating a phenomenon called quantum tunneling, which allows 
sub-atomic particles to break apparently unbreakable laws.
> > they go a different route, see?  they don't follow the outer shape of 
our 3-dimensionally defined world.  the more dimensions to the world the 
more 'direct' paths from A to B.  or go the other way: remove 
'dimensions' and everything is really next to each other, in fact in the 
same spot.  u might want to call such a spot the origin of the Big 
Bang(s).  gottit?  it only seems complicated because those 'scientists' 
interpret everything 'downwards' in order to fit parts of them into 
their little measuring devices. 

Being able to travel faster than the speed of light leads to a wide 
variety of bizarre consequences.  For instance, an astronaut moving 
faster than it would theoretically arrive at a destination before leaving. 
> > Time-dancing follows too of course.   and it would mean that it's 
ALWAYS been going on.

Dr Nimtz told New Scientist magazine: "For the time being, this is the 
only violation of special relativity that I know of."
> > he's not including shit you and i do every day, he means no other 
scientist has stuck his prisms in the right place to be able to measure 
a bit of what's going on all around and even through him!

Breaking the Light Barrier by a Factor of 300
In another experiment reported in this week's journal /Nature/, 
scientists at the NEC Research Institute in Princeton, New Jersey claim 
to have also broken the speed of light.  Though hotly contested, some 
say this achievement could dramatically increase the speeds at which we 
can send and receive information.

Contrary to Albert Einstein's 
theory of special relativity, NECs Lijun Wang says he created an 
experiment in which a light beam raced through a gas-filled chamber so 
quickly it exceeded the speed of light by a factor of 300!  What's more, 
the light pulse appears to have left the confines of the chamber before 
it even entered - heresy according to 'established' theories of 
causality which predict that causes must always precede their effects.
> >megatripolitans, of course, innerstand that their Origin lies at the 
end of the Future and is pulling them back towards Her.

Raymond Chiao, a physicist at the University of California at Berkeley 
and one of a group of researchers who have been working to break the 
speed-of-light limit, explained that, although a common object such as a 
baseball could never be flung faster than the speed of light, pulses of 
energy with certain complex properties have been known to bend the rules.

"The effects in this experiment are much larger and more spectacular" 
than previous observations, said Chiao.

Most scientists agree that even if such a beam can be proved speedier 
than light, it would probably not be able to carry any information.
> > but who would bother listening to 

Oh, and Oxford Scientists just Proved that
Parallel Universes ALSO Really Exist!
soon they'll discover the Parallel YOUniversity! and the world will be 

and other great news???......................->

The Empire Is Over
"No one woke up one morning in 507 A.D. and said,
'Gee, I'm in the Dark Ages.'"
by Charley Reese
The American government has come to resemble the characters in The 
Wizard of Oz.  We have the Cowardly Congress, a president without a 
brain, and a foreign-policy establishment without a heart.

Our politicians are still trying to play the empire game long after the 
age of empires has ended.  Blinded by arrogance, they can't see that 
with every passing day, the world needs Amerika less and less and hates 
Amerika more and more.  We are passing through that phase when the 
grandeur of the empire exists only in the minds of politicians who have 
insulated themselves from reality.

A friend of mine, a classical scholar, sometimes tells his students, "No 
one woke up one morning in 476 A.D. and said, 'Gee, I'm in the Dark 
Ages.'"  The transition from the heyday of Roman power to a stage of 
barbarism was a gradual process.  We are in a process of change.  No one 
is going to announce on TV that the U.S. is no longer a superpower.
> > read that again.  cos u read it every week in the UP!

Nevertheless, the signs are there if you look for them.  A nation that 
was able to help crush the Axis powers in three and a half years hasn't 
won a war since then.  We have had 4 years of struggling with an 
insurgency in a small, poor and broken country.  Our economy is shaky 
under mountains of debt.  Half of our people make less than 42,000 
inflated dollars a year.  [£20,000?]

Where we were once the arsenal of democracy, today there is hardly a 
major weapons system that doesn't rely on imports of one kind or 
another.  Much of the industry that is left is foreign-owned.  Japan, 
which once lay prostrate, dominates the American car market.  It's 
extremely difficult to find anything today that is not made in China or 
some other cheap-labor country.

In the meantime, the cowardly Congress doesn't have the guts to tackle 
any of the major problems confronting the American people.  Our 
president continues to embarrass us practically every time he opens his 
mouth in public.  The foreign-policy establishment is riddled with aging 
draft dodgers agitating for more wars -- against small countries, of 

True, we still have lots of nuclear weapons, but do you think any 
American president would want to get into a nuclear shooting match with 
China or Russia?  Look at how we reacted to two airplanes crashing into 
two office buildings.  What do you think we would do if San Diego, Los 
Angeles and San Francisco became radioactive ruins with millions of 
casualties?  We are not prepared mentally, spiritually or materially to 
deal with a nuclear war.

We are like all empires in their final stages.  We have grown soft.  We 
like our comforts.  We don't wish to be inconvenienced.  We like poor 
Mexicans to do our stoop work and poor Americans to do our fighting, 
provided they do it far away so we won't be disturbed by explosions and 
screams.  We enjoy our decadence, and there are always people in the 
media who can rationalise anything, no matter how sick and revolting it is.

As for trying to understand the world, we are just too busy being amused 
and following the adventures of Britney Spears and other celebrities. We 
like to let the TV and the politicians do our thinking for us.  It saves 
energy.  They tell us whom to hate.

The only way to avoid a bad end is to find some realists and put them in 
public office.  We need a brave Congress, not a pack of cowards.  We 
desperately need a president with a brain.  We need to retire the 
warmongers in the foreign-policy establishment.  Otherwise, we will join 
the other third-rate countries, once empires, on history's discard pile.
[Charley Reese has been a journalist for 49 years.]
up! *__*

**The Ongoing Economic Crash:
6 minute Lesson on Youtube
"The Dow Jones index, which  has hovered around 2000 points for most of 
its history
from the 19th century until the late '80s,
is now at 11 - 12000, it's got to come back to its long term historical 
which means a very big crash indeed."
Martin Summers is the Former East European projects officer for the New 
Economics Foundation.
Unless you've been praying for the collapse of the Capitalist System 
it's not good news.
h <http://documentally.blogspot.com/> 
** <http://documentally.blogspot.com/>up!

Chance of Recession "Less than 50/50"
Says Greenspan!
The probability of a recession in the United States has increased but is 
still less than 50/50, former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan 
said in comments broadcast on Friday.

He expects consumer spending to slow as the housing market slowdown 
"significantly" reduces the 'wealth effect,' but is still not convinced 
that will lead the world's largest economy to contract.
> > well, that's all right then.

Staged Cyber Attack Reveals
Vulnerability in Power Grid
CNN, Sept. 26, 2007
Researchers who launched an experimental cyber attack on an electrical 
power plant caused a generator to self-destruct, alarming the federal 
government and electrical industry about what might happen if such an 
attack were carried out on a larger scale.

Economist Scott Borg projects that if a third of the country lost power 
for 3 months, the economic price tag would be $700 billion.

and other great news???......................->

San Francisco Awards Michael Bowen
Michael Bowen, the legendary Beat painter and co-creator of the Human 
Be-In during the Hippy Era, has been awarded a Certificate of Honour by 
the mayor of San Francisco for his "involvement with the Summer of Love" 
and for his "charitable efforts and spirit".

> > What more proof is needed that the world IS evolving?!  And good old 
San Francisco is leading the way - again!
Now roll on our UN pensions for Services to the Planet :)  Am smiling, 
but am not joking :)

   Kid's a Zen Master
Hermione, when asked her name, would reply, "I'm Mr. Dawkins'
Her mother told her this was wrong, she must say, "I'm Jane
The Vicar spoke to her in Sunday School, and said, "Aren't you Mr.
Dawkins' daughter?"
She replied, "I thought I was, but mother says I'm not."

Philosophers Are Ad-Men
[from The Fugitive Philosopher, a Tim Leary taster for a new generation, 
from Ronin Press]
I asked Marshal McLuhan for advice on how we could dispel the fear 
surrounding psychedelic drugs.  Instead of the horrors described in the 
media, psychedelics should be associated with beauty, glamour, sexuality 
- and personal freedom.

In 'Flashbacks', my "official" autobiography, I explained how McLuhan's 
insight had a profound impact on how I presented myself after that.  
Battles in courtrooms are not going to win much ground, he explained.  
"Tim, you call yourself a philosopher, a reformer.  FIne.  But the key 
to your work is advertising.  To dispel fear you must use your public 
image.  You are the basic product endorser.  Whenever you are 
photographed, smile.  Wave reassuringly.  Radiate courage.  Never 
complain or appear angry.  It's okay to come across as flamboyant and 
eccentric.  You're a professor, after all.  But a confident attitude is 
the best advertising.  Become known for your smile."

I resolved to become a living advertisement for the joy, happiness and 
wisdom that LSD could bring.  I would always smile and never frown or 
look the victim.  Even when handcuffed and surrounded by police, I would 
smile.  And I did. I became an ad-man.

T h e  d e m o   t h e  g o v e r n m e n t  i s  t r y i n g  t o  b a n !
Speakers include:  TONY BENN   MARK STEEL, comedian and writer  BEN 
ex-soldier who served in Iraq  BOB WAREING MP   GEMMA TUMELTY, 
president, National Union of Students
LINDSEY GERMAN, national conveyor, Stop the War   BILLY HAYES general 
secretary, Communication Worker
After a series of relatively co-operative meetings, the police now say 
they have been instructed not to allow the march and that all 
demonstrations are banned within a mile of Parliament whilst in session.
This is a new development which threatens our democratic rights.

We are determined to march to make our views known to parliament on 8 October, when Gordon Brown will make his long awaited statement on Iraq.  We urge everyone who opposes the war policies of our government to join the call for all British troops to come home immediately and to help defend our civil liberties now under attack. 

*Republican Presidential Contender
Calls for End to 'War on Drugs'*
Congressman Ron Paul called for an end to the Drug War and a repeal of 
"most" Federal drug laws last night during the PBS Republican 
Presidential Debates.
"We have already spent over $400 billion since the early 70s and it's 
wasted money.  Prohibition didn't work; prohibition on drugs doesn't work."
"We don't have to have more courts and more prisons, we have to repeal 
the whole 'War on Drugs' - it isn't working," Paul concluded.

Kid's a Zen Master
Lizzy accompanies her father. to the barber shop.
As she stands next to the chair while her dad gets his hair cut,
eating a cake, the barber says to her, "Sweetheart, you're gonna
get hair on your muffin."
"Yes, I know, and I'm gonna get boobs too."

*\)**)**)**)**)**(**/** *
remember alzheimers
remember i reported my discovery that neither i nor any of my 
alternative friends seemed to know anyone with
Alzheimer's?  and i wondered if it was something to do with whether 
you'd stretched, expanded & minimised, and otherwise flipped, stretched 
and surprised your brain as nature planned for us to do?  maybe, i 
mused, if you hadn't done that, if you'd stuck to a given stock of 
beliefs and behaviours, then, like any muscle, your brain would decline?

well, along comes science a year later and still probably a decade 
behind...  (when reading this, bear in mind that if i make love to a 
beautiful X and you measure my body afterwards you'll only discover that 
my body has lost calcium and various other properties.  this pipette's 
perception of lovemaking is like Science's perception of Reality.... )

British Journal of Pharmacology:-
"Alzheimer's disease is an age-related neurodegenerative condition 
associated with cognitive decline. 
> > decline because not expanding?

The pathological hallmarks of the disease are the deposition of 
b-amyloid protein and hyperphosphorylation of tau, which evoke neuronal 
cell death and impair inter-neuronal communication. 
> > see?  stuff is collecting in the corners of the tubes, which is quite 
possibly due to NO THINKING GOING ON. 

In recent years the proclivity of cannabinoids to exert a 
neuroprotective influence has received substantial interest as a means 
to mitigate the symptoms of neurodegenerative conditions.  In brains 
obtained from Alzheimer's patients alterations in components of the 
cannabinoid system have been reported, suggesting that the cannabinoid 
system either contributes to, or is altered by, the pathophysiology of 
the disease.  Certain cannabinoids can protect neurons from the 
deleterious effects of b-amyloid and are capable of reducing tau 
phosphorylation.  The propensity of cannabinoids to reduce 
b-amyloid-evoked oxidative stress and neurodegeneration, whilst 
stimulating neurotrophin expression neurogenesis, are interesting 
properties that may be beneficial in the treatment of Alzheimer's 
disease.  Targeting cannabinoid receptors on microglia may reduce the 
neuroinflammation that is a feature of Alzheimer's disease, without 
causing psychoactive effects. 

Thus, cannabinoids offer a multi-faceted approach for the treatment of 
Alzheimer's disease by providing neuroprotection and reducing 
neuroinflammation, whilst simultaneously supporting the brain's 
intrinsic repair mechanisms
> >meaning it's made to withstand an occasional good bashing.

by augmenting neurotrophin expression and enhancing neurogenesis."

*"AIDS Diagnosis Based on Pseudo Science?"*

Many Biofuels Have More Climate Impact Than Oil

Taiwan to Boost Windpower by More Than 5-Fold
***T**E**X**T **J**O**C**K**E**Y //**TJ PHRASER (**Fraser Clark**) & THE 
***@ A MEDIA-MEME RATE OF **160 IPP * * **Ideas Per Paragraph*
**fraser at parallel-youniversity.com*

*\)**)**)**)**)**(**/** *
the UP!s and DOWNERs of this summer's waveform festival

the UP!s
i had a fine time at the first WaveForm Festival last weekend.  first, 
the site was rather beautiful, gathered round a well-tended castle, and 
just a heras fence away from the wash of the River Exe - 2 miles to the 
actual sea and some great beaches.  weather - bearable, very cold at night.

second, the general vibe was excellent, i'm almost tempted to describe 
it as "like the good old days" of early rave culture (which has since 
come to dominate, huh?).   a lot of it came from the local people 
themselves, the West Country Alternative Family, always more open and 
friendly than closer to London where there would have been more "cooler 
than thou" going on.

third, everyone i spoke to agreed that it was a good vibe and a good 

on the downside there was no sauna.  and there are so many good ones around.

NOTE:  jaunty was just about the ONLY official dog on the premises.  it 
was very sad.  20 people a day asked if they could stroke him cos they 
were really missing their dog.  they were also, at first, jealous and 
paranoid about why their dog wasn't allowed.  i ended up telling people 
to see the positive side:  "one dog got through the net.  let's make it 
3 next year, ok?"  after many such discussions it seems as if what's 
needed is a training/testing site where licences are awarded that could 
be accepted by all festivals.  and you can lose it.  anybody ready to 
help this happen?  cos one thing is for sure:  Festival is about 
Community.  and i can't imagine a community without the family dog.  

the only other overall downside i'm in a position to know is that it was 
laid out in what i suppose has to be called the Rave Festival Model 
which i don't actually like.  that is, a huge empty area in the middle, 
with villages coming off the circumference.  myself, in all my clubs i 
always strove to create arab medina conditions in which people were 
helped to get 'lost'.  it's a very important experience which we've 
mostly lost in this world swamped with the 'known'.  the RF model smacks 
of Rock / Corporate Bizness.  it may be more efficient for emergency 
vehicles but don't we go to festivals to get away from that?

speaking of which, i calculated that this festi must have cost £150,000 
to mount, waaaay beyond my days in clubland, and clearly necessitating 
backers - which must affect the situation.  but these huge festivals are 
clearly here to stay.  we won the battle to keep festivals going and now 
the Big Money is moving in.  well, i am not here to complain about that, 
it would be like complaining about the rain i spose.  except that 
everything must now change, and quickly - even the rain!

the BIG UP!s
that, of course, was the subject of my talk on the early saturday 
evening, 'The Hippies Were Right, And Now It's Almost Too Late'.  it was 
well received, indeed nobody really needed much persuasion, it's all 
lookin' so fookin' obvious now!  indeed, during this festival, i noticed 
something that i think is critically important.  not only are more and 
more people in all walks of life waking up the fact that the Hippies 
were right and that we have to seize back our power from those who've 
been lying to us ever since, but the movement's ALREADY IN FULL SWING.  
the Festival Scene has exploded in the last few years from an occasional 
festi on some weekends to SEVERAL EVERY weekend!  and growing 

and what is this 'new' 'scene'?  who are they?  what's their shared 
ethos?  down there i grokked with blinding certainty that it's THE 
HIPPIES AGAIN!  the scene i was watching was THE HIPPY SPIRIT HERE 
course, the technology)  even the clothes styles were nearly identical! 

what made me 'see' this was preceded by a lesser but totally crucial 
perception.  i was standing in Chai Wallah's marquee on the friday night 
when i suddenly noticed the surging interblending of the class system 
that was happening around me.  an 'aristocratic' daughter whose 
body-armouring almost prevented her from feeeeling the beat shaking it 
up with a deep working class squatter-activist 'hero' in dreadlocks, a 
lower middle class prophet swapping tales with an Oxbridge intellectual 
Punk-style world traveler.  everyone sensed this exploding Movement 
going on (why else were they there?!) and wanted to be a part of it.  
here, in this 'new' culture, it's far less about what social class u r 
coming from and far more about how "hip" you are.  who's more traveled, 
taken the right drugs or can locate them, is into being conscious of 
hirself, knows most about the state of the planet.  these judgments are 
waaaay more important now than anything else.

i talked about this in my speech the next evening, and during the 
saturday.  and it was clear that NOBODY really disagreed with any of 
this.  the only question is whether it's a permanent Change or if the 
upper classes, say, are doing a cuppla kinda 'gap years' after which 
they'll be pulled back into their previous conditioning.  now some of 
them may think that's what they're doing but THE ANSWER IS IT'S A 
DOOMED.  cos these are precisely the kinda fundamental breakdowns in the 
Old Dinosaur Civilisation that MUST happen if the planet and this 
species is to re-achieve harmony and advance into the Future.  if you're 
more cynical, as some of my friends are, the old social class system is 
disappearing anyway cos, if this Change is not permanent, the elites 
will be left marooned on some castle on a hill arguing who's king of 
their island!

the guys who put on the WaveForm Festival lost money.  all my experience 
in clubland tells me that, out of 4000 people there, nearly half were on 
someone or other's guest list.  that's the way these things work and it 
certainly would have given the impression to most attendees that it was 
'successful'.  it WAS successful and, viewed as an investment, i'd say 
that WaveForm is now established as a high quality mini-Glastonbury of 
the West Country which will be around for decades to come, if not forever.

and the BIG DOWNERs
i agreed to give my talk for no fee.  my only demands were that i get my 
dog jaunty in (no small demand these days i can tell you!), and that i 
be reimbursed my travel expenses - £60 to drive down from london.  
otherwise i was happy to give my efforts for free.

but i have so far received nothing.  and most of the promised 
arrangements failed to happen for whatever reason:  the title of my talk 
was wrong on the flyer:  'The Hippies Were Right And Now It's Too Late'  
completely  changed the meaning and would have put ME off going :)  
there was almost no activity in the Talks Tent for the first 2 days and 
i was unable to have more than 3 minutes kwik chat with the organiser 
who then disappeared and never showed up again.  others speakers have 
since written to me confirming this impression.  and when it came to the 
last day the organiser was nowhere in sight and there was a queue of 
people lined up to ask for their payments. 

all i want is my expenses.  of course the organisers lost money but, on 
the scale they are operating, they should regard this as a worthy 
investment which will be more than repaid in the years to come.  i am 
now starting to hear some very unhappy rumours, and my advice (as 
someone who faced losses MANY times in my career) is that they should 
reimburse people who actually _CONTRIBUTED hard cash_ (expenses) and 
offer IOUs for unpaid wages, to be made good if and when a profit is 
reached next summer.  their efforts so far are worth this extra yard, 
and its absence could undermine their whole reputation (and hence 
financial validity) for the future.  i know i'll be there - if my 
contribution is honoured.

== LATEST NEWS:  i have now received a cheque for the full amount.  BUT 
it's from a lower management level, it's post-dated, and it's drawn on 
her  personal account.  she says: "i work for a charity so have a low 
income which is why i have to budget this in my next month's pay."  she 
says if the WaveForm Festival pays her  for her  work she'll bring the 

***the** **UP!** is a global edutainment round-up, broadcast weekly to 
***Alternative// Activist// Zippy// Trance// New Age// Peace folks*
***recommended to the **Parallel YOUniversity**// Megatripolis Dance 
Dept **as*
* **/"showing signs of life"./**  **Since recipients forward it widely 
to their own lists & sites*
*we conservatively estimate **_50,000+ _**direct recipients.*
*A further 40,000 read it on the YOUniversity's site.*
*And, because of its 'mix' of 'specialist' & 'general' content,*
*   it's increasingly being posted on a variety of sites worldwide,*
*making an estimated total weekly readership of **_=[275,000]=_*

   Kid's a Zen Master
Conan was doing his math homework.  He said to himself, "Two plus
five, that son of a bitch is seven. Three plus six, that son of a bitch is
His mother heard and gasped, "What are you doing?"
"I'm doing my math homework, Mum."
"And this is how your teacher taught you to do it?" the mother asked.
"Yes," he answered.
Infuriated, the mother asked the teacher the next day, "What are you
teaching my son in math?"
The teacher replied, "Right now, we are learning addition."
The mother asked, "And are you teaching them to say two plus two,
that son of a bitch is four?"
After the teacher stopped laughing, she answered,
"What I taught them was, two plus two, THE SUM OF WHICH, is four."


Hi Fraser,
As a Quaker recipient of your parallel-youniversity e-mails, I felt I 
must comment on this one.  I don't agree with you that the Quakers 
stopped quaking.  I have quaked in Quaker meetings and I have often seen 
others do likewise.  No, it's not a dramatic, rolling on the floor, 
foaming at the mouth type experience, (I don't think it ever was) like I 
believe goes on in some charismatic and pentecostal groups, but I can 
assure you a gentle trembling which we call "quaking" does occur on 
occasions.  I reckon the stuff you publish here about Quakers is 
otherwise more or less correct.
I know little about Shakers, but I understand they died out because they 
didn't believe in practising sexual reproduction - a bizarre puritanical 
taboo. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shakers  I mean if we all stopped 
fucking the human race would die out and what was left of life would be 
so boring :-)
Here's to sex - long may it continue to give us pleasure.
Noel, London.

Great publicity for National Quaker Week! 

The term was originally given as an insult by a judge in about 1660.
i wonder where the word raver first came in?  i mean in today's era?  
unamazed if we source it to some judge eh?

I think Quaking in the spirit is still present 'when you are called' to 
minister in Meeting and the fire burns within you.
See also

Best wishes,
William Waddilove
> > glad to help out, william :)
important question:  when are the quakers going to re-embrace quaking?  
the very first line currently on your site says this: "Quakers worship 
in stillness," (u can rave in stillness believe me!)
i could help out when u r ready for your re-launch :)
thanks for writing.

Hi Fraser,
I've been reading your newsletter (is that what we should call it?)
> > zine?  the UP!?

for a couple of years now.  Through it, I've been following what 
'similar-minded people' are saying about a plethora of issues, from 
saving our planet to legalising our beloved wacky 'baccy.

There's one subject that I consistently find myself at issue with: your 
treatment of Israel.  Yes -- I know that it's tremendously trendy
> > believe me it's got nothing to do with trendiness.  i HATE doing it 
(for obvious reasons, your letter being only a SLIGHT reaction:)  but, 
simply put, i could not LIVE with myself if i did not stand up and 
protest loudly at what the israelis have doing for 2 generations now.

to portray Israel as some kind of fascist state where Arabs are 
arbitrarily rounded up and thrown into jail,
> > grains of truth in that but i don't actually cover such stuff much if 
at all.

but that simply ain't the truth.  It's a lovely place to live, despite 
overcrowding and ever-encroaching pollution (does that sound 
familiar?).  Maybe some of the hundreds of Rainbow brothers and sisters 
who've passed through Israel in the past 15 years can vouch for that.
> > this actually makes me MORE determined to help the poor Pals.  if you 
were having HALF as bad a time as them i would be LESS offended :)

I've been living in Israel for 32 years now, and think I'm slightly more 
familiar with the realities than some of the writers you quote.

For example, in a recent issue you quoted a certain Charley Reese who 
writes that "Israel isn't a nice country."  I wonder if he's ever been here.
> > i took him to mean that, overall, considering that most israelis are, 
as u say, having a fun old time, israel's longterm actions (and i've 
almost concluded PLAN) is NOT at all nice.  and, as a psychologist, i 
would  predict that there must be some real bad psychological stuff 
going on beneath the surface.

He also writes: "Palestinian citizens of Israel live under an arbitrary 
and brutal police state."  Funny -- I've just come back from grocery 
shopping in the centre of the small town (Pardess Hana) where I live.  
My little boy was happily playing with an Arab girl from a nearby 
village, whose parents were also out shopping, like normal people do in 
normal countries.  Don't believe the propaganda!  
> > u are openminded, sure.  but u surely don't equate your life with 
theirs do you?

Here's another one: "One of the myths created by the Israeli lobby is 
that Jews around the world are unanimous in their support of Israel, 
regardless of what it does.  That's not true and never has been true."  
Of course he's right about it never being true -- but he's completely 
off the mark when saying that the 'Israeli lobby' has created the 
opposite myth.  Every Jew -- and certainly every Israeli -- knows that 
we are not all of the same opinion.  There's a saying here that if you 
take 10 Israelis, you'll get 11 opinions.  That's what happens when you 
live in a society with a free, biting press and plenty of opportunity to 
develop and voice your own opinion -- unlike in neighbouring countries......
> > lobbies always do this actually.  since the israel lobby is MUCH 
huger and committed and funded it stands to reason, on logical ground 
alone, that it will create such a myth and you'll have to work much 
harder to hear the other side.  which turns out to be the case.  and 
even when a jew DOES stand up and speak the truth as he sees it he gets 
a terrible terrible beating for it - witness finkelstein.

So please continue the wonderful work you're doing, Fraser, but please 
don't fall into the 'good guys v. bad guys' trap that so many of us 
hairy-fairies do.  It ain't that simple and no-one (including you and 
me) is perfect.
> > and thanks for calling me to task.  i think jews, like all other 
peoples, are a good lot.  i've had more than my fair share of friends 
from among them, but i separate them from the really creepy campaign 
behind them which they often don't see or feel obliged to support 
publicly (for totally understandable historical reasons but they seem to 
be squandering their good karma at an alarming rate.)  and i HAVE fallen 
out with a few of them who refuse to stop churning out the company 
line.  i mean, daniel, how can i sip a civilised coffee with a mate in a 
cafe when he's secretly conspiring to instigate an invasion of iran, for 
example.  and believe me there's a well funded campaign to demonise 
muslims and bring this about.  as a western liberal, for want of a 
better word, i cannot sit idly by.  i refuse to.

Peace and love,
Daniel Ben-Tal. Israel.
*all g o o d t h i n g s c o m **e t o a n e n d*
*which don't justify nuttin'*
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