[pagan-magik] UP! 264// WHY DID THE QUAKERS STOP QUAKING?// 24 09 07

fraser at parallel-youniversity.com fraser at parallel-youniversity.com
Mon Sep 24 19:19:30 BST 2007


Thanks for sending me this.
I love it!!
Just sent it to forty-two friends.
Kathy Fisher/webtv.

Get UP!  Stand Up For Your Rights! (and everybody else's too of course! :)
u can't understand the world without innerstanding yourself
*UP! **264    *24  09  07
u cant innerstand yourself without understanding the world
  Get UP!  And Don't Give Up The Fight! (only we don't mean violence, 
ok? :)
FEATURING /exclusive re-writes & re-mixes of da freshest deepest hacks 
ancient & modern ,and/
/SAMPLES// from media & mentalities all over, & all bubbling //up! 
//from da public DNA Herself!/

    Kid's a Zen Master
Ziggy tells his teacher he found a cat, but it was dead.
"How do you know the cat was dead?"
"Because I pissed in its ear and it didn't move," replies the Master.
"You did WHAT?"
"You know, I leaned over and went 'Pssst' and it didn't move."

****/[just click down screens to get there.  u r on screen 2 :]/
screen 03  Indigenous Peoples 'Awarded' Social Equality AT LAST!
screen 08  NEW BOOK from Professor Timothy Leary!  DECIDE FOR YOURSELF!
screen 10  Burning Man Festival REPORT by Cinnamon Twist/eblips mag
screen 12  *Interview with God*
screen 16  *Starbucks Closing its Stores in Israel, Keeping them Open in 
Arab Countries.  WHY?
*screen 17  UP!// FEEDBACK**

Indigenous Peoples 'Awarded'
Social Equality + Legal Protection AT LAST!

"Now the lives of indigenous peoples will be on an equal footing with 
the rest of world citizens.' 
Kiplangat Cheruiyot of the Ogiek tribe, Kenya.

"Governments can no longer treat us as second-class citizens, and tribal 
peoples are now protected from being  thrown off their lands." 
Jumanda Gakelebone, Bushman of First People of the Kalahari, Botswana
Indigenous peoples around the world are celebrating the UN General 
Assembly's passing of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous 
Peoples which was finally approved on September 13th by an overwhelming 
majority in an historic vote in New York.

It's the climax of 22 years of intensive debate and negotiation.  
Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States voted against the 
declaration, whilst 143 nations voted in favour and 11 abstained.

Survival's director Stephen Corry said today, 'The declaration on 
indigenous peoples, with its recognition of collective rights, will 
raise international standards in the same way as the universal 
declaration on human rights did nearly 60 years ago.  It sets a 
benchmark by which the treatment of tribal and indigenous peoples can be 
judged, and we hope it will usher in an era in which abuse of their 
rights is no longer tolerated.'

The declaration recognises the rights of indigenous peoples to ownership 
of their land and to live as they wish.  It also affirms that they 
should not be moved from their lands without their free and informed 

To download the Declaration click here:

    Kid's a Zen Master
Kirk is sent to bed by his father.  5 minutes later: "Da-ad...."
"I'm thirsty. Can you bring a drink of water?"
"No. You had your chance. Lights out."
5 minutes later: "Da-aaaad....."
"I'm THIRSTY. Can I have a drink of water??"
"I told you NO! If you ask again, I'll have to punish you!!"
5 minutes later: "Daaaa-aaaad....."
"When you come in to smack me, can you bring a drink of water?"

Is it related to why the majority of technologically developed cultures 
all but eliminated shaking bodies from public performance, worship, and 
healing encounters? 

I believe that ecstatic shaking is the last great taboo for the 
technologically developed (but spiritually underdeveloped) world.  
Studying what happened to the shake and quake in Europe and North 
America shows that the greatest fear about the body does not necessarily 
concern sexual expression, but liberation of the body into full-flight 
ecstatic expression.

Seeing shaking, quaking, and sometimes convulsing bodies calls forth the 
social labels of "madness," "neurological disorder," "psychological 
dissociation," and "possession by evil spirits."  Most of us, along with 
the quieted Shakers and Quakers, have stopped shaking because what we 
fear most is being out of control or being seen by others as sick, bad, 
or mad.

Yet the paradox of human experience is that we seek the transcendent 
experience that requires us to surrender control.  Examining what 
happened to the Quakers and Shakers may help us understand how to 
overcome this fear and taboo, opening the door for shaking medicine to 
return in a good way.

There was tremendous religious and political upheaval in England during 
the middle of the 17TH century.  It was a time of horrible imprisonment, 
irrational cruelty, and great social tension.  In that time of 
suffering, people, particularly those among the poor, began proclaiming 
miracles, prophecies, and shaking ecstasy.  One of the main spiritual 
figures to arise was George Fox, credited with the formation of the 
Quaker religion.
> > an early rave promoter?

Originally called "The Children of the Light," Fox's followers were 
later called Quakers because of the violent trembling that came upon 
them when they worshipped.  As people experienced the "inner light of 
the spirit," they realised and professed that all human beings, rich and 
poor, educated and uneducated, were equal.  Furthermore, they asserted 
that the true Christian had an "indwelling life of Christ" that was more 
important than the scriptures.  It was the inner spirit that could 
reveal the truth of the Bible, not a socially anointed religious authority.
> > ain't that wot i say with every line?!

It didn't take long for the ecstatic Quakers, or Friends, as they called 
themselves, to be called witches and heretics.  It didn't matter that 
the Quakers quoted the Bible to defend their quaking, pointing out that 
Moses "quaked," David "roared," and Jeremiah "trembled."  They were 
still found guilty of harbouring evil ways.  Some were dunked, bridled, 
whipped, bored through the tongue with a hot iron, branded on the 
forehead with the letter B (for /blasphemer/), and sent to jail. 
> > by the time the Ravers came along the human race had evolved waaaaay 
beyond this.

As persecution continued over the years, the Quakers gave up their 
ecstatic and prophetic role in society and changed to being calm 
advocates of education and organized meetings.  The persecution stopped 
along with their quaking.  The taboo against quaking and shaking had 
been maintained.
> > as it was for another 400 years as the human race evolved and the 
alternative culture grew until today when it struggles to the death with 
the ruling culture.

Quaker and syndicated columnist David Yount wrote an essay in 2002 
asking the question, "Why Did Quakers Stop Quaking?"  He ended his essay 
by quoting an elder Quaker in his eighties who gave this response: "I 
know why I don't quake.  I don't ask God the hard questions about what 
he requires me to do with my life.  I'm afraid that if I ask him, God 
will tell me something difficult that I'm unwilling to do.  But if I was 
willing to listen to him, and do what he demands, then I'd start quaking."

The taboo against full ecstatic expression of the human body is nothing 
mysterious or difficult to understand.  When people enter into wild 
experience, they feel and look out of control.  In this space, the 
socially established laws, rules, mores, and officiating hierarchies 
have no authority.
> > which is why i've always used the word Trance as meaning "removal 
from trance".

It should be no surprise that most shaking and quaking has historically 
been associated with the oppressed.  The oppressed find that shaking is 
a medicine for the suffering of the human spirit.  It sets them free, 
and opens the doors to the kingdoms of bliss.  When people feel and 
express their deepest freedom, the surrounding social institutions will 
do everything they can to suppress the liberating spirit, covering it 
with an institutional shell and setting up explanations, routines, and 
monitors to bring everyone back into control.
> > and why do they do this?  because they SENSE the power to CHANGE that 
is unleashed within.

Walking Eagle
The Native Americans held a special ceremony to honour President George 
W. Bush with the native appellation, "Walking Eagle".

President Bush spoke for almost an hour on his future plans for 
increasing every Native American's present standard of living.  He 
referred to his career as Governor of Texas, how he had signed "YES" 
1,237 times - for every Indian issue that came to his desk for 
approval.  Although the President was vague on the details of his plan, 
he seemed most enthusiastic about his future ideas for helping his "red 

At the conclusion of his speech, the Tribes presented the President with 
a plaque inscribed with his new Indian name - Walking Eagle.  The proud 
President then departed in his motorcade, waving to the crowds.

A news reporter later inquired of the group of chiefs how they had come 
to select the new name given to the President.  They explained that 
Walking Eagle is the name given to a bird so full of shit it can no 
longer fly.

Kid's a Zen Master
It's time for the children's sermon.
The minister invites all the young zen masters to approach.
Leaning over towards Solstice in her particularly pretty dress he asks:
"Is your beautiful dress your Easter Dress?"
Solstice lisps sweetly into the minister's clip-on microphone:
"Yes, and my Mum says it's a bitch to iron."

'The Hippies Were Right.  And Now It's Almost Too Late" --  Talk by Fraser.
[The hippies were right about the environment but] No, it is too late, 
way too late, it's all falling apart and even the suits, even the 
politicians, have noticed.  How come your unredeemable optimism blinds 
you to this fact?  I know you'd like it to be otherwise, but it isn't, 
and no amount of partying, raving, talking, dancing, spinning round, 
hugging, gathering together for mutual support or reading books by so 
called visionaries is going to make it right, there there, mummy won't 
let the bogeyman get you... aaaah, the bogeyman is at the door, he's 
inside the house ....... he's us!
pete password, herefordshire, uk.
> > correct.  now drop your cynic's crutches and join the human race 
again cos NOBODY knows what's going to happen.


there's a new book out from Ronin Press called The Fugitive Philosopher 
which is as good an introduction to the man, prophet & activist as 
exists.   no member of rave culture can possibly understand his own 
alternative history & context without at least digesting this book. 
Busted for an infinitesimal personal supply of pot in 1965, Professor 
Timothy Leary was sentenced to 25 years in prison.  Unlike thousands of 
other victims of the Repression of the New Wave he escaped, and thus 
began an almost farcical odyssey (but terribly terribly real) : the 
former West Point military student and Harvard professor of psychology 
was now an acid-tripping, idealist, freedom- and planet-loving 
fugitive.  In his delightfully irreverent and penetrating accounts, 
Leary describes his life on the lam in Algeria; how he was sheltered 
(and ripped off) by an arms dealer in Switzerland; his exploits with the 
Weathermen, Brian Barritt, and Eldridge Cleaver, who tried to take him 
hostage; and his eventual betrayal, capture and illegal rendition to the 
United States of Amerika.  The paperback book includes black and white 
illustrations throughout.

*JAN 2008**    Rainbow Gathering in Hawaii*

Kid's a Zen Master
The teacher's reading the story of Chicken Little to her class.
She reaches the part where Chicken Little tries to warn the farmer.
She reads, "... and so Chicken Little went up to the farmer and said,
"The sky is falling, the sky is falling!"
'Teacher' pauses, then asks the class,
"And what do you think that farmer said?"
Esmeralda raises her hand: "I think he said:
'Holy Shit! A talking chicken!'"

John Constable, Christopher Twigg, Robert Yates, Mark Newell, Niall 
McDevitt will pay homage to Baudelaire on the 150th anniversary of 
publication of Les Fleurs du Mal and the 140th anniversary of his death
7.30pm @ Irish Cultural Centre, Blacks Rd, W6 (Hammersmith tube) £4/£3.

Burning Man Festival
by Cinnamon Twist/eblips mag
OV: The Playa Shard :: GreenMan PDFs ::: 
This was my gift for The GreenMan.  A series of (originally) 7 
'visionary broadsheets' aiming to channel the high magick of the playa, 
one for each day.  Officially "an open source journal of black rock 
poetics, ideation & mythography. & occasional Goddess pin-ups."

I printed 100 copies of each 11×17 sheet, passed them out to camp-mates, 
neighbors, passersby, and sundry entities lurking at CenterCafe in the 
wee hours.

Any & all rights revert to creators.


    * *LUNECLIPSE* (photo by Sequoia Emmanuelle (inverted by Twist),
      lunar odes by DandaLua & Twist, pagan/celtic moon saying, lyrics
      from "Um Nativo" by Caetano Veloso & translated by Danda, Hakim
      Bey quote, Brezsny & Jung quotes on projection & the shadow, & an
      "Editorial Apologia", plus foto of a yet-to-be-identified
      playadian priestess by Matthew Freeth)
          o *PDF
            - 1.1mb
          o JPG

    * *PRONOIA* ("Pronoia News Network" by Brezsny, "The World Has
      Already Ended" by DandaLua, reminiscences of the first Burning
      Mans on the Black Rock playa by Kevin Evans & Louis Brill, Jack
      Kirby/Rough Draft mash-up, "Megamagic" invocation by Lux D'Coda &
      "Knowheresville" by ToyLit, Brezsny quote)
          o *PDF
            - 1.9mb
          o JPG

    * *I MISS YOU* (foto by Herwig, quote from Jesse Ray Windhorse,
      "Dept of Earth Surrender Rites: Man/Woman/Planet" by Antero Alli,
      Joseph Beuys quote, Bjork lyrics from "Miss You", "Unicorn Banana
      Blossom" by Lux, "EAT THIS PLANET: Metaphormosis" by ToyLit,
      illustration by Twist from OV: The GaiaShard)
          o *PDF*
            - 1.9mb
          o JPG

    * *MYTHOGENETIC MOMENT* (Excerpt from Ballard's "The Screen Game"
      from/ Vermilion Sands/, edited version of John Lash's "The
      Discovery of the Next World" which I re-titled "Mythogenetic
      Moment", "Self Energy" painting by Trieops Triffid)
          o *PDF*
            - 1.2mb
          o JPG

    * *GAIA MYTHOS* (quote from Lash, collage by Matthew Freeth, "Gaia
      Mythos?" essay by Twist (download from BM04), "Prayer to
      Octapesha" by ToyLit, invocation from Psychic Warriors ov Gaia -
      liner notes from Ov Biospheres & Sacred Grooves, FSOL visual sample)
          o *PDF*
            - 1.3mb
          o JPG
    * *BURN NITE* ("Mongol Horde" and "Poetry" by ToyLit, "The Orgasmic
      Point" by Tony Blake, Twist collage from Tribal Donut #1, Hakim
      Bey quote from "Chaos", & Lux D'Coda epigram, excerpts from Twist
      BM downloads, 1999 & 2000)
          o *PDF*
            - 2mb
          o JPG
    * *TEMPLE BURN *(Viktor Frankl quote, Tony Blake excerpt - "Why
      Suffering?", excerpt from Theodore Sturgeon's /More than Human/,
      GaiaSophia collage/samples from Bjork's "Oceania", Twist graphics
      from OV: The Gaia Shard)
          o *PDF
            - 3.7mb
          o JPG
    * *EXODUS or TRIBAL OASIS* (quote from W.I. Thompson, Twist pitch on
      the Tribal Oasis project, collage of moontribe handholding circle
      with Geofrey Collin's TribalOasis hexagonal design, Dlight's email
      response in full, "Eco" currencies illos)
          o *PDF
            - 3.2mb
          o JPG

love the latest UP! about the natural high,
that was the lesson I learnt on my first trip at the age of 12.
you don't need drugs to reach the ultimate freedom.
love n"light'n keep it UP!
Kua Selass, US.

*Interview with God*
*(For Heinz Pagels)*

In the movie "Contact"
based on Carl Sagan's book
radio scientist Jodie Foster is teleported to the star Vega
where she speaks face-to-face with an alien intelligence.

But the movie left out 
Sagan's most tantalising conjecture:
"What do aliens want?"

Having become bored with their iPhones and teleportation machines
Having long ago mastered the Seven Sciences unknown to man
Carl Sagan's aliens are engaged in a vast mathematical effort
to decode messages hidden by the Creator of the Universe
in the sequence of the millionth digits of irrational numbers
such as pi, "e" and the square root of two.
Sagan's aliens have, in effect, returned to cosmic kindergarten
where they are busy learning to read
a truly Holy Scripture 
built into the very structure of elemental math.

For my birthday my friend Dave Fazo
gave me a book of Richard Feynman's letters
wherein I discovered a second clue.
Feynman was asked why we should continue to do physics
when the powers thereby gained are so easily abused.
I expected a defense along the lines of
the intrinsic nobility of pursuing truth for its own sake
so was surprised by Feynman's reply:
"Why do we do physics? So we can love Nature more."

If the world is full of hidden messages
where would they most likely be concealed?
Not in cold sequences of mathematical digits
but closer at hand, in the richness of our sensual experience
encrypted in what our living eyes and ears bring in
hidden in the smells and tastes and the feel of things
encoded in glances, touches and ordinary conversations.
Perhaps God resides, not in some far-off heaven
but is here and now, as the Sufis say,
as near as the vein in your throat.

And so I bound myself
to the Guild of God's Cryptographers
whose work (and play) it is 
to decode God's hidden messages 
encrypted in the daily experience of our senses
using the one key we know:
Blaise Pascal's "reason that the heart knows."

For years I toiled
learning the ropes
suffering doubts and defeats
until yesterday I was rewarded
with one clear-text message
of the sort readable by Guild acolytes
of the lowest rung.

Because of its elemental nature
Guild policy permits me 
to share with you the content of 
My First Message from God.
It decrypts like this:

"Hi there
Don't be afraid.

Remember Me?
I made you
And I made Myself beautiful for you.

Here I am, honey
Take Me.

Enjoy Me well, honey
Then show Me
How much you love Me."

NICK HERBERT  September 2007
***T**E**X**T **J**O**C**K**E**Y //**TJ PHRASER (**Fraser Clark**) & THE 
***@ A MEDIA-MEME RATE OF **160 IPP * * **Ideas Per Paragraph*
**fraser at parallel-youniversity.com*

I urge everyone to read "1984" again, by George Orwell, who writes of 
> > and many other relevant things

in which white is black, good is bad, success is failure, up is down, 
etc. etc.
> > no, no, the UP! is NEVER down!

If it weren't so tragic for all of us, it would be laughable!
Folks----1984 has arrived!
Can we still salvage it?  Only if enough people wake up and say "We 
won't take it anymore"!!
Got any other ideas?
With much love,
Evelyn/Mom, Virginia.
I want to shout  WAKE UP !!!!!!!!!!!
> > actually the Hippies stopped 1984.  or at least postponed it till 
now.  until, on the very cusp of Disaster, the people ARE ready, like 
this lady, to listen to their message.

it's funny, what looks and feels like horror to 'ordinary people' as 
they wake up is actually WONDERFUL news from the planet savers' box.  
they're finally waking up.  that's ALMOST all that's required.

Kid's a Zen Master
Mischievous Michael is finally asked by his exasperated mother:
"How do you expect to get into Heaven?!"
"I know! I'll run in and out and in and slam the door till St. Peter says,
'For Heaven's sake, kid, come in or stay out!'"

*Starbucks Closing its Stores in Israel,
Keeping them Open in Arab Countries.  WHY?*
*Why do you think the Presbyterian, Episcopal, Methodist, and many 
other churches are boycotting Israel? * US Presbyterian Church Warns 
Companies to Boycott Israel or Face Divestment 

*Why do you think the UK's largest unions are boycotting Israel? * UK 
reporters union to boycott Israel | Jerusalem Post 
*Why do you think the Swedes are boycotting Israel? * Swedes call for 
boycott of Israeli goods (AP) :: Boycott Israeli Goods :: Be BIG - 
Boycott Israeli Goods <http://www.boycottisraeligoods.org/modules10013.php>
*Why do you think hundreds of other churches, governments, companies, 
etc. etc. etc, are boycotting Israel.
Why do you think bishops all over Europe call Israel's crimes similar 
to those of the holocaust? * Bishops equate Israel's actions to 
Holocaust - Israel News, Ynetnews 
<http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3373013,00.html>  *

It's because Israel is an Apartheid state.*.  U.N. rights envoy likens 
Israeli actions to apartheid  
*This is not a biased piece.  This is direct from Israel's main news 
source, Haaretz*   The need to boycott Israel - Haaretz - Israel News 

You don't steal land and build illegal settlements on them and not get 
punished.*  Red Cross Report Says Israel Disregards Humanitarian Law - 
New York Times 
. *You don't demolish the homes of 17,000 innocent Palestinians and not 
get punished.*  Israel/Occupied Territories: Demolition and 
dispossession: the destruction of Palestinian homes - Amnesty 
International <http://web.amnesty.org/library/index/engmde150591999>  *
You don't kill more than 650 innocent Palestinian civilians 
including 120 children in one year and not get punished*  Israel Killed 
650 Palestinians in 2006 <http://mpacuk.org/content/view/3681/34/> . 

*All of you who blindly support Israel's disgusting behaviour are 
brainwashed into thinking Israel is the victim when the exact opposite 
is true.  I could fill a dozen pages listing the crimes of Israel but 
the point is made.  I suggest that you and the other Jewish people who 
sympathise with Israel watch the movie "The Manchurian Candidate."  In 
the movie a dozen brainwashed soldiers continually and fanatically state 
that their commanding officer was the bravest, kindest, warmest, most 
wonderful human being they had ever known.  The truth was just the 
opposite but systematic psychological conditioning made them repeat the 
same lies over and over.
***the** **UP!** is a global edutainment round-up, broadcast weekly to 
***Alternative// Activist// Zippy// Trance// New Age// Peace folks*
***recommended to the **Parallel YOUniversity**// Megatripolis Dance 
Dept **as*
* **/"showing signs of life"./**  **Since recipients forward it widely 
to their own lists & sites*
*we conservatively estimate **_50,000+ _**direct recipients.*
*A further 40,000 read it on the YOUniversity's site.*
*And, because of its 'mix' of 'specialist' & 'general' content,*
*   it's increasingly being posted on a variety of sites worldwide,*
*making an estimated total weekly readership of **_=[275,000]=_*


Hi Fraser,
As ever the UP! brings light and laughter to the world.
I think there should be a new term for people of our kind... we're not terrorists, we're Terra-ists!
After all, if the mediate constantly bombard us with images of the "War on Terror", we'll get precisely that, War on Terra... 

Instead, if we "Peace on Terra".. then thats what we'll get

So anyone fancy joining me and being a Terra-ist?  :-) 
I should explain for those of you not in the know.. Terra is a word for Earth.. after all, I suspect that all of us subscribing to UP! are looking for peace...

Love, Peace and happy days ahead
Sheena Mcdonagh, Ireland.
>> release the laffter bomms!

Kid's a Zen Master
There's a thunderstorm raging outside as mum tucks Estaban into bed.
She's about to turn off the light when he asks:
"Mummy, will you sleep with me tonight?"
"I can't dear," the mother smiles.
"I have to sleep in Daddy's room."
She's giving him a last reassuring hug when he breaks the silence:
"The big sissy!"
Dear Fraser,
Re AIDS/HIV, I could talk to you for hours about the many toxins
present in food, vaccinations, toiletries and how there's no law in
this country to protect the consumer.  If anyone would like to
know more, just let me know and I'll send you an info sheet on toiletries.
I used to do talks on things like soya (and how it's so bad for you
and your kids especially if you are pregnant), car anti freeze
(propylene glycol)being present in many personal care products,
engine de-greaser (sodium lauryl sulphate) also being present in many
personal care products, the cancer-causing acrylamide present in all
biscuits, crisps (and any product that combines a carbohydrate and fat
at high temperature) rapeseed oil (more commonly known as "Canola"
(or short for Canadian Oil) being a relative of Agent Orange and no insects
go near it as it's very poisonous so why are we using it??
rat poison present in mainstream "fluoride" toothpaste etc etc.
Thanks for putting your emails together, I always find them interesting
and informative!
Best wishes,
Ashera Hart, London.
www.theflame.net <http://www.theflame.net/>
www.myspace.com/asherahart <http://www.myspace.com/asherahart>

Fraser, this was my morning entertainment after returning from a 
beautiful weekend in Amsterdam, thanks for the link, VB JD
Who says that Americans aren't bright!
This is priceless, god bless America.
JD, London.
** *all g o o d t h i n g s c o m **e t o a n e n d*
*which don't justify nuttin'*

*U U U U U U U U U U U U UP! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
**YOUR PLANET NEEDS //YOU! This **HipList** grows purely by recommendation.
 **U U U U U U U U U U U U** **UP! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 
! ! ! ! !

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