[pagan-magik] UP! 277//SYNERGY - LESS Than the Sum of its Parts?// 28 04 08

fraser at parallel-youniversity.com fraser at parallel-youniversity.com
Mon Apr 28 00:22:40 BST 2008


Wow, your energy is brilliant. Thanks for all!
You really are shining meister Fraser!
Jamie Kelsey, Edingburgh, Scotland.

the caravanserai club is in morocco for the next month so no UP!s meanwhile.

The Global Credit Crisis
So-called economists talk about 'economic cycles' as if they were a law 
of nature.  In fact, economic cycles are simply the story of how 
financial elites maintain their wealth and power in a capitalist 
system.  It's a two-part game that I refer to as /Bubble & Burst/.  It's 
a game that's been played for centuries, and the last big session most 
of us know about was the /Great Depression/ of the '30s.

The first part of the game starts when credit is loosened up by the big 
banks, and loans are easy to get at low interest rates.  Businesses 
borrow and expand, hiring more people, and the economy rises - a hot air 
balloon heated up by the flames of debt.  Consumers start borrowing and 
spending, businesses prosper and hire more people, and the upward bubble 
feeds on itself.  Meanwhile the big banks are accumulating huge 
portfolios of loans that they'll be collecting on for decades to come.  
The upward spiral is of course accompanied by inflation and 
over-production, and eventually the growth cannot be maintained.  The 
economy runs out of steam, and the big banks shift into the second part 
of the game.

In part two, credit is tightened, interest rates are raised, and the 
/bubble/ /bursts/.  Depending on the scale of the game, this period is 
called a /slowdown/, a /recession/, a /depression/, or a /collapse/.  
For the big banks and investors, this is a period of /ownership 
consolidation/ and /monopolization/.  Debt-ridden businesses and 
properties are picked up for a fraction of their real value.  Many loans 
must of course be written off, which the banks love to whine and cry 
about, but those losses are peanuts compared to the loans that do get 
paid off.  And the value of that loan portfolio is much larger than it 
would have been without the /bubble/ - part one of the game.  Small 
banks fail, and those are picked up by the bigger banks, further 
concentrating financial control into a few elite hands.

While the people and governments are left to deal with the collapse 
scenario, the big banks and investors are busy counting their money, 
picking up bargains, and planning the next round of the game. 

We are now in what may be the last round of that game because economic 
growth has finally surpassed the ability of the Earth to support it.  
But, rather than fix the system that causes all these problems, 
financial elites want to hold on to their power and the capitalist 
system that supports it.   Global starvation, genocide, and misery are 
the inevitable result, and that's why Western nations are gradually, or 
not so gradually, being turned into fascist dictatorships (dressed in 
sheep's clothing), with militarised police trained to suppress populations.
*>> need i point out that this is not NECESSARILY the beliefs of the..

"The birthright of human beings is the desire for self-consciousness,
which should appear at the age of majority.
At about the age of thirty there should come a sense of the world in 
which we live,
the dawning of cosmic consciousness.
After this, according to one's gifts, conditions, circumstances and so on,
one should become a conscious agent in the functions of the cosmos,
which is a total scheme of which we would have a relative 
comprehension."  A R Orage.

All truth passes through 3 stages.*          Get UP!  /Stand Up For Your 
Rights! /**/(and everybody else's too of course! :)/*
1, it's ridiculed.                            */u can't understand the 
world without innerstanding yourself/*
** 2, it's violently opposed.                            the  *UP!** 
277**                                    **    **
   *- a viewspaper  28 04 08* **  *
**3, it's accepted as being self-evident.              ---- /LA- LA- LA- 
***/u cant innerstand yourself without understanding the world/*
*Get UP!  /And Don't Give Up The Fight! /**/(only we don't mean 
violence, ok? :)/*
FEATURING /exclusive re-writes & re-mixes of da freshest deepest hacks 
ancient & modern ,and/
/SAMPLES// from media & mentalities all over, & all bubbling //up! 
//from da public DNA Herself!/
**** **
****/[click down screens to get there.  u r on screen 3 :]/
screen 04  obituary: father of Chaos Theory makes final fractal jump.
screen 06  another obituary?  this time for london's Synergy Project.
rumours have been spreading all over london and the south east  -  big 
troubles at Synergy - the UP! investigates.
screen 07  What Is The Truth About Steve Peake's Takeover? - by brian 
screen 11  SYNERGY - LESS Than the Sum of its Parts? - by fraser clark.
screen 19  STEVE'S SYNERGY COUP by Rob the Rub.
                         DO NOT FAIL TO READ THIS!
screen 25  Rock Is Dead - "It's the music for cat food commercials"

Sea Shepherd Conservation Society NOMINATED
for MTV Australia 2008 Good Karma Award
for defending whales in Antarctica
VOTE HERE: http://www.mtvawards.com.au/quick_vote.aspx

Does the Flap of a Butterfly's Wings in Brazil
Set Off a Tornado in Texas?"
Edward Lorenz, Father of Chaos Theory,
Blends into the Larger Fractal at 90
The father of Chaos Theory, who showed how small actions lead to major 
changes in what became known as the "Butterfly Effect," died on 
Wednesday 16th, of cancer, at the age of 90.

Lorenz, a meteorologist, figured out in the 1960s that small differences 
in any dynamic system (the Stock Exchange, a woman's heart, a planet's 
atmosphere) could set off enormous changes.  In 1972 he presented a 
study entitled "Predictability: Does the Flap of a Butterfly's Wings in 
Brazil Set Off a Tornado in Texas?"

Born in 1917 in West Hartford, Connecticut, Lorenz earned degrees in 
mathematics from Dartmouth College in 1938, from Harvard University in 
1940, and degrees in meteorology from MIT in 1943 and 1948.  While 
serving as a weather forecaster for the US Army Air Corps in World War 
Two, he decided to study meteorology.

"As a boy I was always interested in doing things with numbers, and was 
also fascinated by changes in the weather," Lorenz wrote in an 

Relativity, Quantum Mechanics and Chaos Theory
"By showing that certain deterministic systems have formal 
predictability limits, Lorenz put the last nail in the coffin of the 
Cartesian universe, and fomented what some have called the 3rd 
Scientific Revolution of the 20th century, following on the heels of 
relativity and quantum physics... and he was a perfect gentleman who, 
through his intelligence, integrity and humility, set a very high 
standard for his and succeeding generations." Kerry Emanuel, professor 
of atmospheric science at MIT, in a statement.

"Lorenz made his boldest scientific achievement in discovering 
'deterministic chaos,' a principle which has profoundly influenced a 
wide range of basic sciences and brought about one of the most dramatic 
changes in mankind's view of Nature since Sir Isaac Newton."  The prize 
committee, in 1991, when they awarded Lorenz the Kyoto Prize for basic 
sciences in the field of earth and planetary sciences.

His family say Edward enjoyed hiking and cross-country skiing, and 
stayed active until two weeks before his death, at home in Cambridge, 
Massachusetts.  He is survived by three children and four grandchildren.
[REUTERS remix]
***T**E**X**T **J**O**C**K**E**Y //**TJ PHRASER (**Fraser Clark**) & THE 
***@ A MEDIA-MEME RATE OF **160 IPP * * **Ideas Per Paragraph*
**fraser at parallel-youniversity.com*

AND WHAT IS BEING RECOMMENDED.  enough good people have been hurt already.

another obituary? 
this time for london's Synergy Project, the massive rave culture 
collective that developed some of the alternative cooperative spirit 
which the legendary 24 hour Warp Experience had kicked off in 1999...


for the past few weeks rumours have been spreading all over london and 
the south east  -  big troubles at Synergy.  a gigantic communication 
breakdown and fatal bust-up?  another capitalist takeover of an 
idealistic, cooperative enterprise?  disputes about trademarking the 
name?  lawyers being drawn in?  what's really going on? 

well, as the original midwife, i've been privy to the on-line 
discussions, debates, accusations, legal threats, despair, fury and 
complex lying, subterfuges, and rank hypocrisy. 

The S.Y.N.E.R.G.Y Project
 - What Is The Truth About Steve Peake's Takeover?
"Behaviour like his is the root cause of all the ills of our world."
by Brian Viziondanz
Please take the time to read this, and take on board that this concerns 

As you may have heard, Steve Peake from the (anti) Synergy Centre, has 
been using threats and intimidation to take over the Synergy Project and 
use it for his own ends - he has also issued threats to sue the Project 
posse if they dare to speak publicly about his behaviour.

well, I speak as an individual, but with extremely personal experience 
of this whole sorry affair, and I say this:  "In my opinion, Steve 
Peake, you are a thief and a con man, and please sue me cos I will be 
delighted to see you in court where all your dirty deeds can be made 
public for your peers to see what a low life you really are"
"steve betrayed the trust of those with whom he "founded" the project
when he swooped in and took over the liquid spiral collective." brian.

this is all of our business, it is about one individual who moved into 
our scene 5 years ago and corralled our movement to finance his personal 
dream where he rules as the emperor.  such behaviour is the root cause 
of all the ills of our world - human behaviour that is predatory, 
callous, destructive and abusive etc.

it may be just one pathetic man bereft of spirit causing much damage and 
betrayal of trust through his INTENTIONAL antisocial behaviour, but 
multiply this behaviour many times and we have the very world situation 
that we demonstrate against!  at the level of governments, it has become 
a monster that's very difficult to deal with, and the level of damage 
involves the death and destruction that we can see all around the world
"the project left in the hands of steve peake is now nothing more than
a dry empty husk and will crumble to dust the moment it is picked up." 
so on one level it's just a speck of dust and let's move on,
> > as some are already saying!

but on another level, if we can't deal with this behaviour in our own 
community and bring it to account, then all of our talk about the 
injustices and wrongdoing in the world is hot air and hypocritical.
"run by steve, the synergy centre is a venus fly trap,
drawing the energy of the community into something that is counterfeit." 

Who the FK is Steve Peake Anyway?!
by sheik_yabouti
In the initial days of the Project being founded, Steve set up the 
company so, that instead of it being owned by the people who were 
responsible for it,  (Dom, Ross and Steve) it was "technically" owned by 
Steve and two of his mates.
> > when i heard this i immediately assumed one was a lawyer.  it looks 
now that at least one of them is an accountant.

Fast forward 3 years: Steve resigns from the Synergy Project after being 
confronted by almost the entire organisation regarding his increasingly 
arrogant, self absorbed and negative behaviour, both in his involvement 
in the Project and in running the Synergy Centre. 
"the synergy centre is a building within which steve gets to play with 
his empire
using other people's energy to pay himself to do it.  it" brian.
And NOW, two years after this, he has used the aforementioned legal 
technicality to claim that he "owns" the Synergy brand.  Basically a 
hostile and energetically filthy takeover.  Not only this but he has 
threatened to SUE the Synergy Project for going ahead with their latest 
party on the basis that the association with "drug culture" will damage 
HIS brand, the Synergy Centre!

To make all this legal nastiness go away, the deal Steve proposed was 
that the Synergy Project hand over the entire organisation:-
    the rights to the name
    the Domain name
    the promotional infrastructure that has been developed since he left
    the mailing list
    and 10 GRAND IN CASH!!!

What a blagger!!!
"when he took over the liquid spiral collective, i said that a 
revolution cannot be owned,
but it can be distracted and that is exactly what has happened." brian.
Because he has pro-bono legal assistance he calculated that, if they 
tried to fight him in court, he'd bankrupt them, and if they chose 
instead to negotiate it had to be on his terms. 

The Synergy Project is about the collective, shared vision of many 
talented and creative people.  Any project taken over in this way and 
run by a person of this character, according to his solitary vision, can 
only fail horribly to recreate the magic that was once there.  I 
definitely won't be attending, and I guess that not many will.
"i would caution everyone not to have any involvement with steve;
sooner or later you will wish that you'd never met him." brian.
I will also be boycotting the Synergy Centre until such a time as its 
existence is not sullied by the presence of such hostile, manipulative 
energies in its leadership, and I encourage everyone, punters and 
promoters alike, to spread the word and not support this kind of 
bullying behaviour.  Note the veiled threat in Steve Peake's last line:

"We need to be careful guys - this issue is still subject to legal 
review.  Worst case scenario is that people say stuff before thinking 
and it complicates and worsens already tricky situations."
REPHRASED: "Tell people what's happened and I'll get you in court!"

View Post

This dirty business created by the the Synergy Centre needs to be 
addressed.  It concerns our whole community.  The revolution cannot and 
will not be owned by anyone :)
"now freed from the cage that has held it back, the magic that has 
filled the synergy project,
will create events more amazing than ever."  brian.

"Conscience is a function of a normal human being;
it is the representative of God in the essence;
it is buried so deeply that it remains relatively indestructible."  A R 

LESS Than the Sum of its Parts?
well and truly spoken, brian!

i hereby declare, before this community, that i stand shoulder to 
shoulder with brian in his statement.

and i, too, STATE PUBLICLY that steve peake has acted with malice 
aforethought and sociopathic cunning in this whole sorry business.  
while i don't claim he's worse than most corporate heads, i DO say that 
he is no better. NO better.

i have been privy to almost the whole e-discussion on this 'coup,' and i 
smell a Big Rat which (mark my words) could soon find itself in the 
media glare.  they, after all, LOVE stories where idealists have gone 
wrong and are squabbling with each other.


brian has said enough to make the specific point about Steve Peake.  i 
shall only add the more general principles involved.

the very first time i came across mr steve peake was during one of the 
original Warp Experiences, the original womb of everything that's 
followed since.  i was chatting with shayne collins who was running an 
EcoTrip stall there for the Green Party (he and steve later had a 
neck-wringing blazing argument and split from each other).  suddenly 
this ratty pumped up little guy was sort of yelling in my face about all 
the things that were wrong with my club.  to say that this stressed-up 
stranger was upsetting would be overstating the case, but he did make an 
impression - i made a mental note to stay clear of such (ungrounded?) 
energy/fury, and have done so ever since.

anyone who was at the alternative clubbing debate in the Synergy Project 
last year might remember me asking steve if he'd attended the london 
school of economics because the partners who ripped off a previous club 
of mine, Megatripolis, and tarnished my reputation FOREVER with terrible 
lies, had done Business Studies there.  i described to steve and the 
audience that i have since learned that 'business' students are actually 
TAUGHT how to undermine, split, and take over a company board - to say 
nothing of setting up contracts that leave all the reins in their 
hands.  IT'S JUST BUSINESS! - gouging and hoarding every cent.  steve 
admitted he'd done ethnic studies and business administration, or 
something, while frowning irritatedly in that special way he has when 
his hemispheres are fighting each other. like what you're saying is 
totally irrelevant when it's precisely the point!  anyone else noticed 
that about him?

one other fact is worth mentioning.  a young lady i used to be quite 
close to told me she'd once shared a flat with steve, shayne (mentioned 
above) and the guy she was living with whose name i can't remember.  
they were all public school types and knew each other from there.  her 
take on them had been that they were all out to involve themselves in 
various aspects of the alternative scene where their unquestioned 
assumption was they could cut out nice little money earning careers for 
themselves.  "educated to rule empires".  if you don't recognise this 
type, YOU are going to get ripped off one of these days :(

and so, like brian, i hereby state publicly that a grave injustice is 
being committed over the Synergy 'movement,' and that i too shall 
totally boycott the Synergy Centre and any offshoots like the plague.  
(indeed i've made a point of never once going there)  i also hereby 
encourage everyone to SPEAK UP about this outrage.  as i shall describe 
below, there is a real chance that the community (all those hundreds and 
even thousands who have ever attended the Synergy Projects or previous 
consciousness- raising clubs) CAN FINALLY TURN THE CAPITALIST WOLF BACK 

Aside To Brian -
now, i know some of you will be surprised that i am supporting brian in 
ANYTHING :)  it's very well known that i have not always seen eye to eye 
with him.  but i praise him highly for saying what needs to be said, 
PUBLICLY, and if, by standing side by side with him and making this 
clarion call, we can enthuse and awaken our widest community to SPEAK 
UP, i judge it is more than worth it.

but brian?  i think the time has now arrived for YOU to publicly 
apologise for your behaviour during the previous and very similar 'coup' 
at the end of the Warp Experiences.  you write in your Statement:

"this is all of our business, it is about one individual who moved into 
our scene 5 years ago and corralled our movement to finance his personal 
dream where he rules as the emperor."

that one individual then was adam who owned what's now called the SE1.  
he was a coked up ego-driven lunatic refugee from the music biz who had 
tried in many ways to take over the amazing event i had envisioned.  
when i pulled the event out of there i did it honourably, undefeated 
(unlike Synergy today). but YOUR attempts after that to keep it going at 
any price, and your attempt to reconcile ME with, quite simply, a ten 
times more experienced and corrupted bastard than steve peake will ever 
aspire to, ended up putting me on some kind of LEVEL with this guy who, 
in your words, "moved into our scene briefly, attempted to take it over, 
and has since totally disappeared without trace."  admit now that you 
managed to equate me with steve.

as you say in your statement: "Any project taken over in this way and 
run by a man of this character according to his solitary vision, can 
only fail horribly to recreate the magic that was once there."

running away from Reconciliation.  NOW, with this Synergy plot, are you 
ready to publicly apologise yet?

"Please take the time to read this below and take on board that this 
concerns YOU and your scene - please discuss."  Brian.

i hope i've made clear how this process works, how 'business/class 
trained entrepreneurs" move in and take over anything successful and 
popular in the alternative culture.  does every new, young project need 
to go on learning this lesson the hard way?  or can something change?  I 

all of us who have any connection with the organising of Synergy will 
agree that a PROCESS of learning and adapting (EXPERIENCE) is clearly 
necessary if idealistic projects (organised by people striving to be 
more trusting and cooperative) are ever to grow and CHANGE the present 
Dinosaur world before they're taken over by the Dinosaurs who surround 
and finally penetrate them.  but the moment may have come (as it 
eventually MUST if society is to be changed) for A PROCESS OF 
CONSCIOUSNESS RAISING among the people themselves!!  the folks who 
attend the events.  the 'community' out there!

it's been a learning process for them too!  hear me out, in 3 steps:

1. 1995 - when bugsy and JJ stole Megatripolis from me the biggest shock 
(to me personally) was that the entire community (the 'scene' as it was 
then, not yet a community of any kind really) JUST WENT ON PARTYING!  
the night they pulled the legal stuff and locked me out of my own club i 
sat in MacDonald's opposite Heaven and only 3 people came out to talk to 
me all that evening.  all the crew wanted to keep the sooperhip jobs i'd 
basically created for them, and didn't dare to 'take sides'.  but most 
of the people inside never even knew it had happened!  probably don't to 
this day.

never mind the cold arctic i felt in my heart and personal life for 
years afterwards, the point i'm making here is that all the people i was
trying to HELP basically believed that 'the party must go on,' 'don't 
stop the music' and all that.  the general rave scene outside our own 
conscious clubbing circles is still at this level NOW.  but we are in 
the conscious clubbing thread of rave culture, and it has a history of 

2. 1999 - 4 years later, when the identical rip-off started to rumble 
inside the Warp Experience, i spotted it coming! (from EXPERIENCE).  and 
this time, when i attempted to move it out of the SE1, most of my own 
personal crew and colleagues saw the truth (or at least trusted my 
experience and intentions).  unfortunately the warp event was very 
large, 24 hours long and fortnightly, and the majority of people with 
things going on there did NOT see the truth, or did NOT care and were 
only too happy to go on participating in the cloned version of my 
event.  in brian's words: "one individual who moved into our scene and 
corralled our movement to finance his personal dream where he rules as 
the emperor."  YOU WERE THERE, BRIAN!

3. 2008 - and now the 'community' out there is MUCH more aware.  the 
internet has connected everyone, like at least a cyber community.  WE 
are in a position to TELL them the truth!  this time [oh thankyou 
goddess!] maybe the community has enough EXPERIENCE to call the shots.  
this time (or next time at the very latest) the community itself will 
have the ultimate control.  the Synergy Centre will wither on the vine.  
steve will, hopefully, after a breakdown, see himself and begin to grow 
again and maybe even rejoin the culture at some point.

but, MOST IMPORTANTLY, other would-he rip off merchant bankers and 
lawyer's sons will think twice before bigtalking their way into our
Alternative Community.....

isn't this the only power we have?  the only power we the people 
have??!!  but it can be a great one!
fraser clark. london.  april, 2008.

hey fraser, its an interesting relationship that you and i have had over 
the years, one that has held the potential for great possibility, yet 
has been held back through fear on your part, naivety on mine and 
misunderstanding on both of our parts.

when I returned to the uk in 1999 after being away for over 23 years, it 
was my intention to spend the summer here and to re experience my hippy 

it was kind of a rip van winkle experience.  everything had changed, my 
friends from that time had all moved on, and even if i ran into them, i 
couldn't remember or recognise them  yet there was a familiarity in the 
scene in the festivals.

anyway, i hung out in brighton and then, from there, i went to 
glastonbury and later ended up at the moonshadow festival in Cornwall 
for the eclipse - it was a cold wet bleak experience. There I met pok, 
the space goats and a whole bunch of amazing people.

James from the yellow submarine (sadly now deceased) gave me a very 
interesting flier for something called "the warp experience" - I asked 
him what it was, but he couldn't explain to me in a way that I could 
understand at the time - i knew nothing about the party scene here, 
there was nothing like it where I had been living.

So anyway I went to london from there and stayed with my sister in 
finchley and i found the flier for the warp experience and decided that 
it might be interesting, but i was scared to go in the night - i was new 
to london this time around and "in the tunnels under london bridge" was 
a scary image to me so i waited till the next day and went down, and the 
moment I walked in there, my life changed, it was the vibe, the wildness 
of it all, the music, the people, the creativity.

I loved it, i wanted to get completely involved, i wanted to know who 
was sourcing it, I didn't understand about the collaborations and i 
didn't understand who was who and how it was all structured, so i got to 
know everyone in my quest.  I saw it as a community circle like the 
rainbow which i had been very involved with in the states

adam, fraser, tanya from green angels and others all seemed to be part 
of that circle, i didn't understand that fraser was was like the main 
man, i never saw it as a hierarchy, so i operated out of the concept 
that i had from the rainbow movement.

when i set up the warp experience website, it was purely intended as a 
community voice/conduit - remember very few people here used the 
internet in those days.

fraser, you misunderstood my motives, i guess based on your megatripolis 
experience, and you processed my sincere desire to be involved and 
contribute everything of myself that i could to make the warp experience 
successful through a fear filter and decided that i was trying to take 
over and that maybe even that i worked for the fbi - (you don't know how 
many problems that caused me even to this day) - i didn't understand how 
you could be so ridiculous, cos i had no idea about what had been going 
on here, i was just a bliss baby, in the party playground having great 
fun and wild experiences.

so anyway through action/reaction misunderstandings you and i fell out - 
very sad really and when all the shit went down with you and adam, i 
couldn't see the full picture - it appeared at the time that it was you 
who was causing the problem, meanwhile everyone in the warp experience 
community wanted it to continue cos it was an amazing event and more 
than that it had become a family and none of us wanted it to end - me 
included, so i did what i could do to keep it running - if its
any consolation, adam stiffed me in the end too.
> > they always do, they always do.  it's what these types do.

we all played a part in the misunderstanding and now i understand your 
fears, but i didn't at the time.

so yes i am sorry that it happened the way it did between us, but you 
have to own your part in the way that it played out - i tried to 
straighten it out on your bulletin boards, but you and your friends 
attacked me there viciously and i reacted - hopefully we are all  
learning and growing.
> > i accept your public admission/explanation/apology, brian.
(to say i was working from 'fear', however, is quite wrong.  there ARE 
people out there trying to rip-off, or in some cases just diss from 
envy, or deliberately to spread sabotage, or whatever) and, as all 
should be able to see now, they have not disappeared.  these people have 
to be spotted and dealt with or not dealt with, and this present 
situation is more than enough proof of that.  SOMETHING has to change if 
this is to be prevented in the future.)

and it's my hope that our 'scene' is now close to becoming a true 
'community' BY ACTING AS ONE when the beasts of the jungle try to pick 
off some of our kind.

brian, let the world know that i hereby put behind me all blame as 
regards you, and i hereby gladly and proudly accept you as an ally.  let 
us gird our loins and, together, shoulder to shoulder, begin to set the 
world to rights :)

[from my rave opera Megatripolis at Forever!]

"I played at a fundraiser at the Synergy Centre last night.
The thing that struck me, when talking to the crew there is how little 
they know about what steve¹s been up to.
They really have only been told the convenient facts, you know like 
mushrooms, kept in the dark and fed BS?

They certainly do not have an approved history to refer to, such as Dom 
set out for the Project people... There is no support for the stripping 
of our assets, they don¹t even want our name!   It would be heartening 
if rumours that Steve Peake has no support at all for going in for the 
kill are true.

But we should perhaps publish the approved history, with an update so 
the Synergy Centre crew can be informed.  I¹m sure they will not want to 
be part of hurting us  any more.  I don¹t know how we do this because 
there is no functioning Synergy Centre.  But I think it would be good if 
we could work out a way to do it.

They are just good people trying to run a community centre."  an older, 
deeply involved Centre member.

This (r)evolution may best come from inside
by a.nonny.mouse
On the charities commission website, just 3 trustees are given - Steve 
Peake, Jonathan Kay, and a name I don't know.
> > most people know little about Heathendom Kaye either. i predict he's 
a lawyer, somebody says he's an accountant.

Most voluntary orgs have trustees that include service users, people who 
provide the services, and others who are connected with delivering the 
stated aims. So that should include people running projects at the 
Centre, and people who participate.
Most importantly the trustees should demonstrate transparency, 
accountability, democracy and managerial systems that deliver the aims 
There should be elections to the board (the trustees) and the governing 
document should state how this will happen e.g. they all stand for 
election at an AGM!

If anyone at the centre can get a copy of the governing document (which 
should legally be available) and see what it contains in the way of 
democratic elections and many other things, they may be able to press 
for these things to happen.

This (r)evolution may best come from inside and by using the documents 
that must be adhered to for the centre to retain its registered charity 
status - but we can help where we can. e.g. if there should be public 
meetings so many times a year, we can attend.

"The opposite of synergy is antagonism,
the phenomenon where two agents in combination
have an overall effect less than that predicted from their individual 
by rob the rub
Dedicated to the child inside each one of us,
All the children and
All the children to come

so that was the last Synergy project on friday?!?

i feel properly conned... steve is a teef man, that weren't his to take, 
however he's fixed the papers to say it is... makes a mockery of the 
whole name and concept.

so many people came together around this concept of a "synergy"... so 
many people were LOOKING for a synergy... after the collapse of the 
2001-3 peace movement it took a lot of energy from the natural peace 
movement constituency who are always looking for a way to unify, 
something to unify around, something to work together for.  and so a 
massive event and brand was built around this concept, largely by good 
will and free labour from rainbow tribes, old skool squat scenes, and 
festie people who've always done that job for free... because they've 
been trying to create a "synergy" long long before anyone thought of the 
word, and the rainbows were using the "synergy" word and concept as an 
events management concept loooong before this particular batch of 
events... before "The Warp Experience" that created the energy from 
which "Synergy" was to be drawn.
i'd say the W.E. collected and synergised the energy of the alternative 
scene at the time.

what's Steve gonna tell us he owns next?  "synchronicity"?  he ain't 
even a hippy man, he hates hippies, he told me so.  in his opinion it 
was always a deliberate attempt to target upper middle class wannabe 
hippies with money... and take their money... and hopefully get 
government funding along the way.

he ain't hippy, he definitely ain't rainbow, he doesn't get even the 
basics... he don't even like us!

so we were all working for Synergy by this time, post Blair's 2005 
re-election when it looked like we were all gonna be i.d. chipped and 
the radical squats and free festis closed down... why?  because when we 
were working for Synergy we were surrounded by us, by rainbows, by 
phoenix and kenny, by the original collectives, by the smallworlders and 
oldskool ravers, by the elders, the Raga's and the VisionDanz's... we 
looked around us, that's what we saw, us, we thought we were working for 
us, we thought we were the synergy.  Certainly we WERE a synergy many times!

it now turns out
then it now turns out, after the event, after many events, after steve 
had specifically alienated, driven out, or plain banned - via  
incitement, rudeness and threats - all the original founding members and 
all the elders... THEN we find out that all our free work for "the 
synergy collective," which we'd been led to believe consisted of some 
top rainbow promoters like Small World and id spiral... already massive 
collectives who'd allowed themselves to be co opted into helping this 
yes, ALL that work done, it now turns out, with a shuffle of a pen, a 
rustle of papers, and some spiteful legal stabbings, by the methods of 
aggravation of conflict between teams and team members and blunt, 
deliberately intolerable rudeness to the founders and builders...
all covered in the best modern bizness studies.

 ... it now turns out that it was all done for a chap called Steve 
Peake, who ain't rainbow, who don't get it, who ain't no don promoter, 
who don't run no festival areas, and who never had no team i was aware 
of (apart from his uni mate jon who's, far as i can make out, a pro-war 
capitalist anti-environmentalist hippy hater).  he never attracted much 
support, was largely disliked by the people who were doing all the work, 
and he's been disliked by most of the general movement since he tried 
the same thing on the Eco-tour in the 90's - (disliked but respected i 
should add).  i never saw him backstage, i never saw him working the 
venue, he was never part of the crew - you understand?  the real leaders 
were always crew... Dom and Pony were always crew, they never gave the 
kind of "we're the ruling class and you're supposed to work for us" 
impression. i don't agree with this.  people have different skills and 
can serve in different areas.  u can argue they should all be paid the 
same but i don't believe it's sensible to insist they all do the same work.

now this steve whoeverdafuk turns up and says, no actually, all that 
work was done for me, officially legally, READ THE PAPER! and there 
ain't fkall any of you can do about it, AND if anyone says anything 
about it they can fkoff outa my circuit cos i run things now!?!?!?  
Gangsta man!!!  serious dread ya get me?  man more gangsta than Ariel 

Gangsta man knows that, cos he's fighting hippies and he's prepared to 
be nastier than them, they wont fight it - they haven't got a unified 
legal front for a start, they actually technically can't fight as a 
recognised 'unit', and he knows he can "legally" take the whole entity.

first move - remove Dom from the Synergy Centre;
next move - force Dom into a legal face off over the name, which Dom the 
gentleman was too big to fight, knowing it would be wrong for HIM to 
fight for a collective adjective - HE knows he's not THE  COLLECTIVE, he 
next move - (having x'd Dom first ...clever!) the remaining collective 
was broken, and Steve always knew it would then be impossible for the 
group to mount any sort of challenge against him.  despite the fact that 
the verdict of the wider synergy movement is almost unanimously united 
against this action on obvious matters of principle.

 - and i mean matters of basic LOGICAL principle, never mind if we were 
to even start thinking about it in terms of MORAL principles or legal 
principles (god forbid):-

"Synergy" - Wikipedia definition - working together, the phenomenon in 
which two or more discrete influences or agents acting together create 
an effect greater than that predicted by knowing only the separate 
effects of the individual agents. St. Paul used the word in his Epistles 
(Rom. 8:28; 1 Cor. 3:9) to illustrate a dynamic conception of human, 
divine and cosmic cooperation: "I did the planting, Apollos the 
watering, but God made things grow...We are fellow workers (synergoi) 
with God; you are God's farm, God's building."

Wikipedia definition continues:- "The opposite of synergy is antagonism, 
the phenomenon where two agents in combination have an overall effect 
that is less than that predicted from their individual effects."  a 
perfect description of what steve has done?

he's stolen it man    that's all i can think    i really cant see that 
any other way    tell me its another way?

i'm two years down cos of this, off-stage, handling a broken 
organisation as a direct result of the way he (steve) deliberately 
turned the peace-not-war organisation against me (and itself) in order 
to avoid discussing a share on a new years eve 2006/7 event where we put 
2000 people in the building at 20 quid a ticket and MY crew ran the 
whole building... new years day i was hungry, cashless and out of 
electricity, i had to walk to synergy from north london (minus one free 
bus) to talk to steve about it and he just told me to fuck off... that 
my organisation was nothing, that peace-not-war was nothing, that he had 
everything, that i'd been paid 100 quid and he paid himself nothing, he 
then went to Australia and India on holiday for months while i went home 
and worked by candlelight till someone could lend me some money 
("typical hippy scrounger") and you know the coup, i was in the building 
for 48 hours before the event, for the umpteenth time, unfed, cos steve 
had pissed off chris lucid ages ago... obviously... carrying tons of 
staging upstairs downstairs coordinating people soundsystems and lights 
when steve wasn't even in the building.  he only came back when i called 
him on someone else's phone (he wouldn't answer mine) and told him that 
by this stage i was only interested in running an event and making it 
good and was really not interested in discussing money any more... he 
was back in the venue within half an hour (and "boss" immediately of 
course, lucky we'd done most of the work in advance cos he always slows 
things down)

... it was six months before i could even contemplate trying to rebuild 
the peace-not-war organisation... this particular (NYE b4 last) action 
of Steve's also, by direct consequences of consequences, fucked up 
Revolutionation, United Vibrations and the first Sunrise Festival and 
the 07:07:07 party for peace that would have been coincidental with Al 
Gore's earthday and anti world, we had Jamie Woon in the millennium dome 
and there happened to be, by coincidence, half a million people from 
across the world on the streets of London for the tour de france, on a 
day of clear blue skies and fresh sunshine, after two weeks of thunder 
and rain... the party for peace was silent... why?  king blues was there 
at the 24th feb demo and there was no soundsystem for them... why?  cos 
peace-not-war was not there, why?  ...when the national demonstrations, 
peace movement, environmentalist movement, labour movement all hit their 
smallest attendance numbers since the 90's why?

 and two years later we are only JUST getting back to where we were in 
2005 - Steve caused HARM, man - but that's cool, i've caused harm, can't 
make an omelette without breaking eggs innit but...

it was the same thing... after building the toilets, the soundproof 
wall, the air conditioning, looking after a 100 nights for free, talking 
to the police for the centre... it turns out all work done is done FOR 
steve... that's really not the way we were sold it when we started 
working... you understand... dave magic was doing that work for 
PEACE-NOT-WAR, not synergy... and that's the way its been, that's the 
way Steve has been retrospectively stealing labour   highly deceitful 
business practices   he will go a long way that steve
yes, down.  because the world is changing [HAS TO CHANGE!] much more 
rapidly than the steves within it can realise.

peacelove and love to steve and i do still hope the new organisations 
all do well, obviously, and will be there if i can if you need me.

(even if Steve needs me, cos i still remember him turning up with a 
soundsystem for the first european creative forum at Area 10 peckham, 
saved the day actually, and quite an important day it was... long before 
i'd heard of "Synergy")

A TOTAL BOYCOTT of the Synergy Centre is my strong recommendation unless 
Steve comes to his senses - or just realises that, as my old foe and now 
ally brian warned him, he has NOT figured into his calculations the 
COMMUNITY REACTION.  (which, after all is up to YOU, dear reader :)

i urge everyone to do two things in the meantime:
1.  find out more.  discuss and innerstand the issue: how can we ever 
save the word if we can't even save the best things among us from 
'commercial' takeover?
2.  continue to support, IN THE MEANTIME, individual events at the 
Centre which were arranged months in advance and cannot now be changed. 

one in particular comes up there on MAY 3.  mark heley of WAVEFORM 
FESTIVAL (where i talked and which i reviewed in the UP! last year) just 
called because word of the boycott is spreading like wild fire and he's 
worried that the place might be empty.  they have some great bands there 
like EAT STATIC and OZRIC TENTACLES, and he tells me ALL profits go to 
WAVEFORM to pay off last year's unpaid artists.

SO I RECOMMEND THIS EVENT HIGHLY and, while you're there, sniff out the 
vibes happening around the place.  TALK TO THE STAFF, ASK IF THEY 

(so they can pay the people they couldn't pay last year, and continue 
again this year)
A night of incredible electronic music, live performance and festival 
vibes over 2 floors to help support the return of the sustainable dance 
music festival this year and to repay those who are still out of pocket 
from last year.
LIVE :the legendary EAT STATIC
Downstairs: SINEWAVE (alchemy) . VOICE OF COD (organic records) . ORCHID 
STAR (liquid sound) . ED TANGENT (phantasm) . GALACTIC WIND 
Upstairs: An exclusive live chill set from OZRIC TENTACLES!
PHOENIX ROSE . SICK REBEL (blood tribe) . ZAK (blood tribe) . PAUL DIDGE 
(live) . TOM FU (liquid) . RED EARTH (transformation)
With FOOLSBANE PROJECT live performance and spoken word.
Décor by Deliberate Space and Fairie Jane. Video by Elestial.
@ The Synergy Centre, 220, Farmers Road, Camberwell, London SE5 0TW 
10pm-7am [Oval.tube]
Advance tickets £10 + booking fee from www.accessallareas.org 0207 267 8320
£15 on the door, £12 concessions/student id
More info www.waveformproject.co.uk 

Boycott begins after the waveform benefit both for punters and party crews - Brian.

have been hurt already :(
***the** **UP!** is a global edutainment round-up, broadcast weekly to 
***Alternative// Activist// Zippy// Trance// New Age// Peace folks*
***recommended to the **Parallel YOUniversity**// Megatripolis Dance 
Dept **as*
* **/"showing signs of life"./**  **Since recipients forward it widely 
to their own lists & sites*
*we conservatively estimate **_50,000+ _**direct recipients.*
*A further 40,000 read it on the YOUniversity's site.*
*And, because of its 'mix' of 'specialist' & 'general' content,*
*   it's increasingly being posted on a variety of sites worldwide,*
*making an estimated total weekly readership of **_=[275,000]=_*

Rock Is Dead
"It's the music for cat food commercials"
Mixmag's editor Nick Decosemo branded indie rock music 'dead' this week, 
and suggested dance music is returning to the mainstream.

"Music and fashion are always cyclical, we had the Strokes in 2001 which 
essentially killed dance music and now we've had the Kooks which has 
essentially killed indie rock," Nick said.

"That style of indie rock has become the music for cat food 
commercials," he laughed.

The former FHM fashion editor and erstwhile singer for Freeform Five 
predicted a minimum 5 year renaissance period for dance music with a 
wave of new stars set to emerge.

"In that time when dance music was dead it was the best thing that 
happened... Because there was a shift from these fking huge stupid 
superclub extravaganza style events towards people who were really 
passionate about putting on a good party on a smaller scale, stepping in 
and throwing events for 400 or 500 people instead of 20,000.... 

"Plus all these smaller scenes like minimal and electroclash emerged and 
were allowed to flourish and grow without being jumped on and 
squashed... It feels like a really exciting time for dance and 
electronic music again, it's coming back in vogue again, it's what the 
cool kids are into again." 

MAY 29 - JUNE 1  Sunrise Celebration 2008
4 Amazing Days And Nights Of Music Mischief And Frolic In The Fields.
13 areas with round the clock entertainment over 4 full days.

A new dawn in festival culture!  Preparing to kick off the Summer 2008
with the beautiful family friendly vibe and magical medley that makes the 
awards-winning Sunrise such an inspiring event.

More than 200 live bands, 12 stages, DJ's, Circus Shows, Solar Cinemas, 
Gardens, Tipis, Woodhenge, Earth Mysteries, Forums, Stalls, Workshops, 
Healing, Spoken Word, Alternative Technologies, Permaculture, site wide 
organic food, all powered off 100% renewable energy!


pls keep up all your great work,
it's inspiring to know people like you are out there
kish, bangkok, thailand.

*a**ll g o o d t h i n g s c o m **e t o a n e n d*
*which don't justify nuttin'*
*U U U U U U U U U U U U UP! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 
! !*
***YOUR PLANET NEEDS //YOU! This **HipList** grows purely by 
***YES, YES, SEND US EDUTAINING NEWS'N VIEWS no need to ask! :-)*
* **U U U U U U U U U U U U** **UP! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 
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