[pagan-magik] UP! 270// dear friends, lovers, allies, fellow travellers, co-conspirators & -accused :) // 05 01 08

fraser at parallel-youniversity.com fraser at parallel-youniversity.com
Sat Jan 5 19:48:33 GMT 2008


"Thanks for your always incredible sensitivity and messages through the 
years...love you!"
Carol Rosin, the Valley of Longevity, Vilcabamba, Ecuador.
*KENYA: Don't Stand By & Watch - **use*
*the simple online tool below to send a note *
*to your foreign minister TODAY, instructing them*
*to withhold recognition of any government there*
*until agreement is brokered and election results*
*have been independently reviewed.  DO IT NOW!*
**(and when you're done, forward this email to friends and family!!):

karma cartoon
u tekkytypes & others might just LUV this :)
see if u can follow one ball from top to bottom.
* \)**)**)**)**)**(**/*
*____,,,,**_{**ô**¿**ô**}_,,,,_* fraser
*/happy new year, dear friends, lovers, allies,
/*/*fellow *//*travellers, **co-conspirators & -accused :)*/
wot's new about new year?  does anything actually CHANGE?  well, it's 
only people who've got to change (in case u hadn't noticed:), and the 
sentiment around new year can certainly send a whiff of adaptation 
winging around the psychological ether.

these are dangerous times for prophets because everything is now in such 
flux that nothing specific can be predicted except unpredictability; and 
extremes u thought could never happen (cynics take note).  the general 
drift, however, has never been clearer.

galloping deeper into the post-dino era.  and this year feels like it's 
gonna be, in many (tho by no means all) ways, a crunch year.  the 2 
cultures, the Dark/Hate Dino Past & the Green/Love Alt Future, are 
finally going to be... at each other's throats?  let's say, rather, in 
'grappling' mode, like boats used to do when battle reached a certain 
point.  actual landings on the Ship of State will increase.  [see below 
for early examples; how the Chief Constable of North Wales has just 
seriously proposed the legalisation of all drugs; or, also below, how 
one of the top Democrat contenders is loudly speaking of taking on the 
corporate elite, words you never thought you could hear from anyone with 
a serious chance of becoming president; and, also, the Lib Dem candidate 
for this year's London Mayor election is a straight, honest, gay, 
pot-decriminalising ex cop who actually resigned over the de menezes 

the american presidential election, of course, will be running all 
year.  let's be clear before the fog of war starts to come down that any 
of the 3 democrats will be fine.  my preference, though, is for plucky 
smiley little john edwards who's the only one publicly PROMISING to 
"take on the corporate elite", and he's refused to accept corporate 
donations (which is why you haven't heard much about him so far).

"The corporate media over the last couple of months has been pushing a notion that John Edwards sounds 'angry.' Are we witnessing another attempt to take down a candidate that threatens the corporate power structure? Do we have a repeat of four years ago when the media made a big deal about Howard Dean shouting over the crowd noise?"  Scott Galindez/Truthout.org

if hillary is stewed in corrupt experience then obama will be all too humanly in danger of being beaten by it.  little john at least has had a taste of the supreme power, lost, and been forced back to take more by his conscience.  i can dig that.  

but, as i say, i'll support any of the leading 3 once they've won the nomination, and i'm pretty sure they'll get us off the crazy path and incrementally back onto the yellow brick road.  i don't want to hear about independent candidates who could sink even this much potential gain, no matter how small u think that is.  such ignorants let Bush in by insisting that Gore wasn't any different, and, a million and a half deaths later, may actually be so bitter/cynical that they'll never learn.  (i blame the System!)  where i could agree with that tendency is that after 4 years of any of the 3, THEN we might very well be ready to reach out a bit further into the unknown.  indeed we'll almost certainly need to!  but first they got to set the stage, like blair removed thatcher's There Is No Alternative.  we may not have settled on the alternative yet, but even the Tory party has left HER model behind, right?

bottom line, more of the action this year will happen well away from politics; it's always the case but never will it have been more clear to the common people that the initiative for action rises from below, from them, not down from above.  and the pols, with their old world crashing around them wherever they look, will be trying to jump on people bandwagons like they've never had to do b4.  because, let's face it, everything is in flux because the elite is losing its grip on events :)  

you can only see that negatively if you fail to see that their grip (their Culture's grip) is what created the present CRISES in the first place!  to maintain sanity and to flow with the changes looming into view, we must (CORRECTLY) interpret all the coming disasters as the inevitable and long predicted collapses of the Old System, and therefore positive.  miss that, and life could look very bleak indeed.

happy new year :)

All truth passes through 3 stages.*          Get UP!  /Stand Up For Your 
Rights! /**/(and everybody else's too of course! :)/*
1, it's ridiculed.                            */u can't understand the 
world without innerstanding yourself/*
** 2, it's violently opposed.                               *UP! **270 
   *05  01  08*   *
**3, it's accepted as being self-evident.              ---- /LA- LA- LA- 
***/u cant innerstand yourself without understanding the world/*
*Get UP!  /And Don't Give Up The Fight! /**/(only we don't mean 
violence, ok? :)/*
FEATURING /exclusive re-writes & re-mixes of da freshest deepest hacks 
ancient & modern ,and/
/SAMPLES// from media & mentalities all over, & all bubbling //up! 
//from da public DNA Herself!/

****/[click down screens to get there.  u r on screen 5 :]
screen.06   Ecstasy Safer than Aspirin' - Chief Constable of North Wales
screen.07  9 Signs of Mis-Info or Dis-Info
screen.10   *Top 25 Censored News Stories of 2007*
screen.16   Know Thyself - written above doors of ancient temples
screen.19   Why the Big Green Gathering is Deep in Debt - by D.J 
Cornelius, UK
screen.21   AFRICA - A Continent Emptied - THE TRUTH ABOUT WHAT SLAVERY 
* *
* *

'Ecstasy Safer than Aspirin'
- Chief Constable of North Wales
"All drugs will legalised within 10 years"
*Chief Constable Richard Brunstrom publicly claimed this week that the 
rave drug ecstasy is safer than aspirin.
Challenged **during an interview on Radio 4's Today programme **over the 
dangers of taking drugs such as ecstasy, he said: "Actually the reverse 
is the case. Ecstasy is a remarkably safe substance. It's far safer than 

**Government research, he said, showed ecstasy was safer than many other 
substances, including tobacco and alcohol.**  He insisted that the drug 
was a "remarkably safe substance".
He added: "There's a lot of scaremongering and rumour-mongering around 
ecstasy in particular. It isn't borne out by the evidence." 

**He also repeated his calls for the legalisation of outlawed drugs 
including heroin and cocaine.
And he went on to dismiss what he called "scaremongering" over the 
dangers, while predicting that all drugs will legalised within 10 years.

9 Signs of
Mis-Info or Dis-Info
Misinformation is information that's been distorted in the communication 
process.  If the first person in a chain whispers the message "Green 
golf shirt" to their neighbor, but the last child is told "Gandalf is 
hurt," then misinformation has occurred.

Sometimes misinfo happens because of literal mishearing, sometimes 
because the message becomes overlaid with outside information like 
personal beliefs, but the principle is the same.  Usually, misinfo 
doesn't have a negative intent behind it.

Disinformation is either intentional distortion or telling lies.  The 
intent behind disinfo is negative.  Negative doesn't mean demonically 
evil; it means the intent is to limit access to accurate information.

As throughout the containing society, both misinfo and disinfo are also 
present in the spiritual community.  The truth is out there, too -- as 
well as within -- but whether you're searching for it online or in your 
inner being, you will likely meet with lies at some point.  Lies can be 
uncovered by common sense and intuition, like by noticing fakeness in a 
presenter's voice or body language.  Sometimes, however, detecting bad 
information takes a process of reasoning...

How to Spot The Signs
of Misinfo and/or Disinfo
[These signs were chosen, in part, according to these assumptions:  (1) 
logic is a helpful tool for evaluating spiritual information;  (2) 
information from a high spiritual level is free from condemnation or 
favouritism;  (3) genuine messengers of spiritual information are clear 
and concise, although the ideas they present may be complex or 
metaphoric;  (4) genuine messengers advocate going within, testing the 
information, deconstructing it, and re-synthesising it.  Spiritual 
information isn't copyrighted, and its genuine messengers aren't 
[Take what works for you and leave the rest.]

Sign 1 - Propagandising  LOOK FOR: Emotionalisation, Oversimplification, 
& Slogans.
Sign 2 - Poor Logic  LOOK FOR: Inconsistency & Logical Fallacy.
Sign 3 - Falsehoods  LOOK FOR: Lies, Omissions, & Distortions
Sign 4 - Consistently Extreme Point-of-View  LOOK FOR: Forcefulness.
Sign 5 - Vagueness  LOOK FOR: Verbosity Without Substance.
Sign 6 - Authoritarianism  LOOK FOR: Commanding Verbiage.
Sign 7 - Specialness  LOOK FOR: Holier-Than-Thou Mentality.
Sign 8 - Jargon  LOOK FOR: Complicated Terminology.
Sign 9 - Discouragement of Critical Analysis  LOOK FOR: Insistence Upon 
Feeling The Truth.
[(CC) Creative Commons, 2006. By M.I. Bennett]

*Top 25 Censored News Stories of 2007*

  * *

* *

*1  Future of Internet Debate Ignored by Media* 
*2  Halliburton Charged with Selling Nuclear Technologies to Iran 
*3  Oceans of the World in Extreme Danger 
***4  Hunger and Homelessness Increasing in the US 
***5  High-Tech Genocide in Congo 
*6  Federal Whistleblower Protection in Jeopardy 
*7  US Operatives Torture Detainees to Death in Afghanistan and Iraq 
*8  Pentagon Exempt from Freedom of Information Act 
*9  The World Bank Funds Israel-Palestine Wall 
*10  Expanded Air War in Iraq Kills More Civilians 
*11  Dangers of Genetically Modified Food Confirmed 
*12  Pentagon Plans to Build New Landmines 
***13  New Evidence Establishes Dangers of Roundup 
***14  Homeland Security Contracts KBR to Build Detention Centers in the 
US <http://www.projectcensored.org/censored_2007/index.htm#21>*
*15  Chemical Industry is EPA's Primary Research Partner 
*16  Ecuador and Mexico Defy US on International Criminal Court 
*17  Iraq Invasion Promotes OPEC Agenda 
*18  Physicist Challenges Official 9-11 Story 
*19  Destruction of Rainforests Worst Ever 
*20  Bottled Water: A Global Environmental Problem 
*21  Gold Mining Threatens Ancient Andean Glaciers 
***22  $Billions in Homeland Security Spending Undisclosed 
*23  US Oil Targets Kyoto in Europe 
*24  Cheney's Halliburton Stock Rose Over 3000 Percent Last Year 
*25  US Military in Paraguay Threatens Region 
***T**E**X**T **J**O**C**K**E**Y //**TJ PHRASER (**Fraser Clark**) & THE 
***@ A MEDIA-MEME RATE OF **160 IPP * * **Ideas Per Paragraph*
**fraser at parallel-youniversity.com*

36 Things We Found Out Last Year
*1. Adding milk to tea negates the health-giving effects of a hot brew.  
*More details <http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/6262473.stm>
*2. Cloudy apple juice* is healthier than clear, containing almost 
double the antioxidants which protect against heart disease and cancer.  
More details <http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/6262473.stm>
*3. Dishcloths are purged* of 99% of their bacteria during 2 minutes in 
a microwave.  More details <http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/6293735.stm>
***4. **The people who *built Stonehenge lived at an ancient village in 
Durrington Walls.  More details 
***5. **A haddock's mating* call starts as a slow knocking sound, before 
turning into a quicker hum similar to a small motorcycle revving its 
engine.  More details 
*6. Newcastle is the* noisiest place in England.  More details 
* **7. **Antony and Cleopatra* were ugly.  More details 
> > But are we being told the full story?
*8.  **Astronauts wear nappies* during launch and re-entry because they 
can't stop what they're doing should they need to urinate. More details 
*9. Chimpanzees make their *own spears for hunting.  More details 
* ****10**.  **There are 30,000 *wild parakeets in London.  More details 
[continued below]

Russia To Set Up Missile Shield for Iran
Vladimir Radyuhin/The Hindu
Russia will set up a massive anti-missile shield in Iran that will 
virtually guarantee the country against military attacks.

Informed Russian sources say Moscow will supply Tehran with the advanced 
long-range S-300 surface-to-air missile complexes.  "Several dozen 
S-300PMU-1 complexes will be delivered to Iran under a contract signed 
several years ago," the Interfax news agency quoted a defence industry 
source as saying.  Deliveries could start as early as 2008.

Another Russian defence source told the Kommersant daily that Moscow was 
planning to sell Iran five batteries of S-300 launchers at a price of 
$800 million.  A typical S-300PMU-1 battery contains 48 missiles on 12 
mobile launchers.
UP!*  ********11. **Harvesting rhubarb in* candlelight helps preserve 
its flavour.  More details 
*12. *Only half of China's population can speak the national language, 
Mandarin.  More details 
*13. **The brief flowering* of the cherry blossom tree is taken so 
seriously in Japan that forecasts are used to plan festivals, and travel 
agents use them to plan tours.  More details 
> > and any magic properties?

Lakota Declare Sovereign Nation Status
"Our people want to live, not just survive or crawl and be mascots."
Representatives of the Lakota Indians, who gave the world legendary 
warriors Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse, have withdrawn from treaties with 
the United State shave and declared sovereign nation status in 
Washington D.C. following withdrawal from all previously signed treaties 
with the United States Government. 

The withdrawal, hand delivered to Daniel Turner, Deputy Director of 
Public Liaison at the State Department, immediately and irrevocably ends 
all agreements between the Lakota Sioux Nation and the United States 
Government outlined in the 1851 and 1868 Treaties at Fort Laramie, Wyoming.

"We are no longer citizens of the United States of America and all those 
who live in the five-state area that encompasses our country are free to 
join us," long-time Indian rights activist Russell Means told a handful 
of reporters.

Lakota country includes parts of the states of Nebraska, South Dakota, 
North Dakota, Montana and Wyoming. 

The new country would issue its own passports and driving licences, and 
living there would be tax-free -- provided residents renounce their US 
citizenship, Means said.

The treaties signed with the United States are merely "worthless words 
on worthless paper," the Lakota freedom activists say on their website.  
The treaties have been "repeatedly violated in order to steal our 
culture, our land and our ability to maintain our way of life," the 
reborn freedom movement says.

The US "annexation" of native American land has resulted in once proud 
tribes such as the Lakota becoming mere "facsimiles of white people," 
said Means.  Oppression at the hands of the US government has taken its 
toll on the Lakota, whose men have one of the shortest life expectations 
in the world -- less than 44 years.

Lakota teen suicides are 150% above the norm for the United States; 
infant mortality is 5 times higher than the US average; and unemployment 
is rife, according to the Lakota freedom movement's website.

"Our people want to live, not just survive or crawl and be mascots."
UP!*  **************17.**The secret to* happiness is accepting misery.  
More details <http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/6711071.stm>* *
*18. Gerry Adams doesn't *own a credit card, so gets a friend to 
download songs from the internet. More details 
*19. **Spiraling obesity rates* are forcing councils to upgrade their 
crematoria to take wider coffins.  More details 

Know Thyself!
"'Know Thyself.'  These words, generally ascribed to Socrates, actually 
lie at the basis of many systems and consciousness schools far more 
ancient than the Socratic.  But, although modern thought is aware of the 
existence of this principle, it has only a very vague idea of its 
meaning and significance.  The ordinary man of our time, even a man with 
philosophic or scientific interests, does not realise that the principle 
'Know Thyself' speaks of the necessity of knowing one's 'machine', the 
'human machine'.  Machines are made more or less the same way in all 
men; therefore, before anything else man must study the structure, the 
functions, and the laws of his organism.

"In the human machine everything is so interconnected, with one thing so 
dependent on another, that it is quite impossible to study any one 
function without studying all the others.  In order to know one thing, 
one must know everything.  To know everything in man is possible, but it 
requires much time and labour, and above all, the application of the 
right method and, what is equally necessary, right guidance.

"The principle 'Know Thyself' embraces a very rich content.  It demands, 
in the first place, that a man who wants to know himself should 
understand what this means, with what it is connected, and what it 
necessarily depends upon.

"Knowledge of oneself is a very big, but a very vague and distant aim.  
Man in his present state is very far from self-knowledge.  Therefore, 
strictly speaking, his aim cannot even be defined as self-knowledge.  
Self-study must be his big aim.  It is quite enough if a man understands 
that he must study himself.  It must be man's aim to begin to study 
himself, to know himself, in the right way.

"Self-study is the Work or the Way which leads to self-knowledge.

"But, in order to study oneself, one must first learn how to study, 
where to begin, what methods are available.  A man must learn how to 
study himself, and he must study the methods of self-study.

"The chief method of self-study is self-observation.  Without properly 
applied self-observation a man will never understand the connection and 
the correlation of the various functions of his machine, will never 
understand how and why on each separate occasion everything in him 'just 

"But to learn the methods of self-observation and of right self-study 
requires a certain understanding of the functions and characteristics of 
the human machine.  Thus in observing the functions of the human machine 
it is necessary to understand the correct divisions of the functions 
observed and to be able to define them exactly and at once; and the 
definition must not be a verbal but an inner definition; by taste, by 
sensation, in the same way as we define all inner experiences.

"There are two methods of self-observation:  analysis, or attempts at 
analysis, that is, attempts to find the answers to the questions: upon 
what does a certain thing depend, and why does it happen; and the second 
method is registering, simply recording in one's mind what is observed 
at the moment.

"Self observation, especially in the beginning, must on no account 
become analysis or attempts at analysis.  Analysis will only become 
possible much later when a man knows all the functions of his machine 
and all the laws which govern it."
George Gurdjieff.
UP!*  **********14. **Kryptonite exists!  *More details 
*15. **There is mobile *phone reception from the summit of Mount 
Everest. More details <http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/6517555.stm>
*16. Denmark is the* happiest country in Europe; Italy is unhappiest.  
More details <http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/6562463.stm>
***the** **UP!** is a global edutainment round-up, broadcast weekly to 
***Alternative// Activist// Zippy// Trance// New Age// Peace folks*
***recommended to the **Parallel YOUniversity**// Megatripolis Dance 
Dept **as*
* **/"showing signs of life"./**  **Since recipients forward it widely 
to their own lists & sites*
*we conservatively estimate **_50,000+ _**direct recipients.*
*A further 40,000 read it on the YOUniversity's site.*
*And, because of its 'mix' of 'specialist' & 'general' content,*
*   it's increasingly being posted on a variety of sites worldwide,*
*making an estimated total weekly readership of **_=[275,000]=_*

Arabella Churchill Has Moved To The Next Field
The unconventional granddaughter of Winston Churchill and a founder of 
the Glastonbury Festival.has moved on, aged 58.

Drawn to the bohemian life, she was regarded as something of a wild 
child in one of the grandest families in Britain.  She was said to have 
been Churchill's favourite granddaughter.

One of the most beautiful young women in the Churchill clan, her 
imposing - some would say haughty - demeanour belied a friendly manner, 
which would break through the authoritative Churchillian presence. 

In 1967 she was Deb of the Year.  Two years later, in between stints as 
a secretary at London Weekend Television and working as a trainee public 
relations girl for the leprosy charity Lepra, she served on the 
committee of the Biafra Ball, a glittering fundraiser held at Kensington 
town hall at which April Ashley was one of the models.  Arabella seized 
the chance to work for a cause in which she truly believed, and became 
an exotic ingredient in the social and political mix of the pro-Biafra 

In the late 1960s she was shepherded across the wilder shores of high 
society by her glamorous mother, who introduced her to the leading 
figures of Swinging London.  "I felt I wanted to be a hippy, I felt I 
was Left-wing, I didn't feel like the rest of my family."

In 1970, aged 21, on her return from a two-week tour of leper colonies 
in Tanzania and Zambia, she visited Glastonbury.  With Michael Eavis she 
helped to found the Glastonbury festival and remained involved with the 
event.  In 1979 she established the festival's children's area as well 
as the theatre area, where she ran the circus and cabaret tents.

Although in the mid-1970s she lived a down-and-out life as a squatter in 
London, she applied Churchillian energy to helping disadvantaged people, 
and founded her own charity, Children's World, providing entertainment 
for special needs children.

Arabella Churchill, a convert to Buddhism who'd been suffering from 
pancreatic cancer, married, in 1972, James Barton, a Scottish school 
teacher, with whom she had a son.  The brief marriage was dissolved and 
she married secondly, in 1988, Ian McLeod, a professional juggler 
working under the stage name "Haggis"; they had a daughter.  He and her 
children survive her.

A few hours before she died, her son, Nicholas Jake Barton, was 
sentenced to 3 years in prison in Australia for his part in an ecstasy 
drug deal.
UP!*  ****************20. Domestic cats can tra*ce their descent to the 
Middle East.  More details <http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/6251434.stm>
*21. Peanuts can be* made into diamonds.  More details 
*22. You can be* arrested for using someone's wi-fi network without 
permission.  More details <http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/6960304.stm>

Why the Big Green Gathering is Deep in Debt
by D.J Cornelius, UK
It's 'cos of Anti-Terrorism Guidelines, geddit?!

YUP - Wiltshire police's new head honcho came straight fwom 'tewwowist 
twainging' camp and slapped £100,000 worth of conditions on the event 
which the BGG are now trying to find - all this for YOUR SAFETY!!

Well, I reckon there's another agenda - it's the beginning of a 
clampdown on the Green movement because

- there's no genuine reason to expect that 'tewwowists' would attack 
such a gathering - it's not like they're big playas in THE WAR AGAINST 
TERROR, indeed quite the opposite!

- those in a position to enforce such rules must well know the 
vulnerability to financial woes of a not-for-profit educational event 
that's been growing every year!

- if the green movement gained momentum it could upset the political 
status quo!  Our 'leaders' cannot openly oppose the greens, not when 
they themselves are promoting the global warming scenario and adopting 
policies that pay lip service while being fundamentally flawed; but 
greens in power would very quickly expose and challenge the emperor's 
nakedness.  No, the status quo politicians have always historically 
moved to undermine the green movement by indirect means.

Furthermore, the green movement never needed the Climate Change Model to 
promote sustainable change - the reasons for big changes existed long 
before climate change ever became even a subject for study!  Pollution, 
chemicals in foods, deforestation, mining etc, etc etc all have a long 
long history.

So wake up PEOPLE!

See what's going down, and support the Big Green Gathering with whateva 
you can - it's a vital node in the advancement of green friendly ways of 

Not just a party!
UP!*  ******************23.  **The Queen took* her corgi on honeymoon.  
More details <http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7100282.stm>
*24. Renowned atheist Professor *Richard Dawkins likes singing Christmas 
carols.  More details <http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/7136682.stm>
*25. Sleeping on the* job is tolerated in Japanese work culture, as long 
as you remain upright and obey certain other rules. It's called 
inemuri.  More details <http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/7114661.stm>

*____,,,,**_{**ô**¿**ô**}_,,,,_* fraser
we can't, however, just turn our backs on the Past.
it won't just slink away.  we'll have to work through
to a rough but acceptable justice with many issues from the past,
from israel to, yes, africa...

AFRICA - A Continent Emptied
The slave trade substantially depopulated and destabilised Africa.
Most estimates of the numbers enslaved are far too low, and few recognise
how long the damage to the continent's population has lasted.
by Louise Marie Diop-Maes
We know much about 16th century sub-Saharan Africa from surviving 
remains, archaeological excavations and written sources, both external 
(Arab and European) and internal (local chronicles in Arabic).  There 
were integrated kingdoms and empires, with substantial cities (60,000 to 
140,000 inhabitants) and significant towns (1,000 to 10,000); and less 
organised territories with large scattered populations.  People 
practised agriculture, stock-rearing, hunting, fishing and crafts 
(metalworking, textiles, ceramics).  They navigated along rivers and 
across lakes, trading over short and long distances, using their own 

The intellectual and spiritual life of the region was at the level of 
North Africa at the same period.  In the 14th century the Arab traveller 
Ibn Battuta praised the security and justice of the Mali empire.  Until 
the arrival of firearms, the Arab slave trade was insignificant in 
relation to economic activity and population.  At the beginning of the 
16th century Leo Africanus noted in his Description of Africa that the 
king of Borno conducted only one slaving expedition a year.

Everything changed when the Portuguese reached the area south of the 
Congo river and conquered Angola.  They attacked and destroyed the main 
ports on the east coast , and overran Mozambique.  Firearms enabled the 
Moroccans to destroy the Songhai empire  in just nine years.  Thousands 
were killed, or captured and reduced to slavery.  The victors carried 
off men, animals, goods, precious objects.

Kingdoms and empires fragmented into principalities, which were forced 
to wage war to capture prisoners who could be traded for the rifles 
necessary for defence and attack.  The resulting population movements 
provoked further confrontations, with refugee settlements, and the 
spread of a state of latent war to the heart of the continent.  The 
number of raids increased: the Tunisian writer Muhammad al-Tunsy, 
reported that in the northeast of the Central African Republic they had 
reached 80 a year.  The percentage of those carried off increased 
steadily from the 17th century: "Districts that were once densely 
populated were overrun by the bush" or by forest.

A Parasitic Social Class
The social, economic, political and administrative fabric was damaged, 
then destroyed.  Many people were forced to fend for themselves in 
defensive positions where food and water were hard to get: living 
standards fell.  The fate of those taken into slavery worsened.  A 
parasitic social class of collaborators emerged: brokers, warders, 
caravaneers, interpreters and suppliers of provisions.   Some rulers 
tried in vain to oppose the trade in human beings.  But when Alfonso I, 
king of Kongo (northern Angola, DRC, Congo-Brazzaville) from 1456 to 
1542-43, sent a letter of protest to the king of Portugal, the response 
was negative; and one of Alfonso's successors was put down by force.  
The same happened in Angola.  And the French trading post in Senegal 
supplied the weapons with which the Moors attacked the kingdom of Cayor, 
in what is now northwest Senegal, when its ruler refused to grant 
passage to slave caravans.  Outside intervention led to a huge extension 
and proliferation of slavery throughout black Africa.

At first, rulers gave up only prisoners under sentence of death.  But 
the Portuguese wanted more, and took them by force.  Every year from 
1575 to 1580, Paulo Dias de Novais, the first captain-governor of 
Angola, sent off an average of 12,000 captives.  According to figures 
collected by the US historian Ralph Austen, during this period Angola 
was providing twice as many slaves as the entire trans-Saharan trade.

Throughout the 17th and 18th centuries, most European ship-owners, 
including the Dutch, the English and the French, participated in this 
profitable business.  By the second half of the 18th century the numbers 
involved were enormous; excluding periods when England and France were 
at war, hundreds of ships transported more than 150,000 every year, 
according to William Randles.  The prevalent state of insecurity across 
much of Africa caused famine and encouraged indigenous and imported 
diseases, especially smallpox.  As these became endemic, epidemics spread.

Demographic Deficit
Africans were killed in raids or during the journey from the interior to 
the coast.  They committed suicide or died resisting embarkation.   They 
died because the disruption of existing political entities provoked 
further raids and internal wars.  They died as populations fled from 
greedy slavers.  They died of disease, and of hunger when their crops 
and supplies were destroyed.  They were also killed by firearms, bad 
liquor, declining hygiene and the loss of inherited knowledge.

If the number transported is added to all those killed, the demographic 
deficit exceeds the number of viable births, itself in decline.  (We 
must take account of all those never born.)  The fall in population 
varied between regions.  The decline accelerated from the end of the 
17th century and by the middle of the 18th century it was widespread and 
rapid.  How great was the loss?  In Africa, as in India, there are no 
baptismal records from the period; but we know from descriptions by 
explorers and travellers that in 19th century West Africa the largest 
towns contained no more than between 30,000 and 40,000 inhabitants.  
They were about a quarter of the size of the largest cities of the 16th 

The same sources indicate even greater declines among the rural 
population and in the number of warriors that individual princes or 
chiefs could muster.  But does this four-to-one ratio hold for all of 
black Africa between the 16th and 19th centuries?  From Cape Palmas, on 
the modern frontier between the Ivory Coast and Liberia, to southern 
Angola, the losses were even greater.  There were 2,000 dwellings in 
Gwato, the port of the kingdom of Benin (in modern Nigeria), when the 
Portuguese came; there were no more than 20 or 30 when 19th century 
explorers arrived.  There was a similar reduction in the population of 
Angola (7).  Parts of Chad remained quite densely populated until late 
in the century, with towns of 3,000 recorded in 1878.

In modern Sudan, depopulation began during the 1820s, when Pasha 
Muhammad Ali of Egypt conquered the country and took slaves.  In east 
Africa, the high plateaux of Rwanda and Burundi, unlike the area around 
Lake Malawi, remained densely populated, with about 100 people per 
square kilometre.  From the beginning of the 19th century, the impact of 
English settlers in South Africa, coming on top of the Boers, 
dramatically reduced the indigenous population.  It seems reasonable to 
conclude that the population of black Africa in the 19th century was a 
third, or even a quarter, of what it had been 300 years before.

But are population estimates for the mid 19th century accurate?  
Colonial conquest (artillery against rifles), forced labour, the 
suppression of resistance, food shortages, diseases (indigenous and 
imported), and the continuing eastern slave trade all contributed to the 
decline of the population, which remained at about a third of its former 
level until 1930, when administrative and sanitary reforms
began a slow reversal of the demographic trend.

This assessment is possible because the Europeans began to collect 
statistics.  In 1948-49 a general, co-ordinated census was carried out 
right across sub-Saharan Africa.  After adjustments for incomplete 
declarations, the approximate population was between 140 and 145 
million.  Given the increase recorded between 1930 and 1948-49, it is 
possible to conclude that in 1930 the population was between 130 and 135 
million, two thirds of the estimated approximate population of 200 
million between 1870 and 1890.  My research suggests that the population 
in the 16th century could have been at least 600 million (an average of 
about 30 people per square kilometre). 

Between the mid 16th century and the mid 19th century the sub-Saharan 
population fell by some 400 million.  It is impossible to calculate what 
percentage was deported by sea or across the Sahel; numbers were 
falsified and many slaves were taken illegally, both before and after 
the trade was abolished.  Sources and estimates indicate that official 
figures for the European trade should be increased by 50%.  Estimates 
for the Arab trade are problematic.  But the total figure for the 
European and Arab trades should probably be between 25 and 40 million.  
This is highly controversial, but lower estimates fail to take into 
account the enormous level of falsification.

At least 90% of total losses occurred within Africa as the cumulative, 
destructive effects, direct and indirect, of the simultaneous and 
intensifying trades created a permanent state of insecurity across the 
continent.  The colonial conquest and occupation turned sub-Saharan 
Africa in on itself, culturally and economically, and made general and 
local reconstruction difficult.  The population of black Africa has only 
returned to 16th century levels in the past decade, but distorted by the 
massive flow into capital cities.  The consequences of the slave trade 
have been damaging, and its scale is still underestimated.
UP!*  **26. **IP addresses will *run out in 2010.  More details 
*27. **Nick Clegg, the* UK Lib Dems' new leader, once took a road trip 
across the US with his friend Louis Theroux.  More details 
*28. An ai is* a three-toed sloth from South America (and the word that 
clinched Paul Allan the title of national Scrabble champion).  More 
details <http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/north_east/7056567.stm>**
*29. CO2 emissions from *shipping are twice the level of aviation.  More 
details <http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/7052037.stm>*  *


UP!*  ****30. Adults use maths *skills 14 times daily on average and 
literacy skills 23 times a day.  More details 
31. Relocating crocodiles doesn't *work - they come back.  More details 
***32. Chickens can be* diagnosed with depression.  More details 
* ********33. In Iceland, 96% *of women go to university.  More details 

  "It is the beginning of a new world.
Either the old world will make me 'Tchik' (squash me like a louse),
or I will make the old world 'Tchik.'
Then the new world can begin" said Gurdjieff.
"In future times," replied Bennett enthusiastically,
"next year will be called Year One, because it will start a new age."
"Very, perhaps," answered Gurdjieff.***
UP!*  **34. Zsa Zsa Gabor *is related to Paris Hilton.  More details 
*35.  *Bees can detect explosives.  More details 
*36. Each slug eats* twice its body weight a day.  More details 
*a**ll g o o d t h i n g s c o m **e t o a n e n d*
*which don't justify nuttin'*
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