[Reclaimmayday] May Day Minutes

protag protag at phonecoop.coop
Sun Apr 11 22:51:38 UTC 2010


I think Sam means a week on Wednesday (21st) - which is not to say we 
can't meet earlier but obv. we won't have the canvas and stuff until 

However  - work could be done on the big banner as it's got a few 
tears in it and needs a bit of spongeing (kinda muddy).

So let's use this list to organise:


Because I (and presume others) can't do reply-to-all when there are 
loads of names.



>Nice one Emma
>Yep its Wednesday Jen.
>Me & Protag had a root around the attic at the club and found: 6 
>marching drums of various sizes, a few red and black flags, and a 
>huge 1-in-12 banner (that needs a bit of TLC).
>I did a quick flyer and handed it round at the bookfair.
>I'm away the end of this week and next weekend but hoping to pick 
>stuff up from Dusty's warehouse and drop it off at the club 
>(i'll leave it in the cellar) so all systems go next week
>PS - thanks everyone for a really positive meeting on thurs - I was 
>starting to feel a bit disillusioned but full of enthusiasm again 

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