[Resistance-precarity] For the hunger striker Zulkuf Murat Bora and the No Border actions (22-28/08/05 in Bulgaria and Greece)

Antiauthoritarian Movement ak_dissent at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 28 01:17:44 BST 2005

The message below is quite long but the events mentioned are important to give you an overall image of the situation here in Greece, and the need to show solidarity to the political refugees Bahoz and Temiz whose life is in IMMEDIATE danger:


Firstly we have to apologise for not sending any report about the International Networking Meeting Against the G8 that took place in Thessaloniki. Eventhough you can find a brief report and photos thanks Indymedia Scotland here:



Generally the meeting had small attendance for a number of different reasons... but mainly because of the repression here, like the mass pogrom after the antifacsist march on the 19/5 - the night before the beginning of the international meeting. For more info see here:














photos here: 



Of course the whole events on the day of the antifascist march in Athens didn't just fell from the sky, but they were connected with the previous events of shootings by the civil police against anarchists in the Polytechnic School of Athens (National Technical University campus), with one anarchist seriously injured by bullet. More info about these events here:



The proclamation of the AK (Assembly of Athens) about the events in the Polytechnic can be found here:



For an overall view of the above events check out the english version of the Athens Indymedia website:



As you can see in the report of the Scottish Indymedia http://scotland.indymedia.org/newswire/display/1660/index.php during the beginning of the International Meeting there was another very important situation taking place:


The political refugee Zulkuf Murat Bora (Bahoz) who’s living in Greece for ten years in a condition of permanent threat of deportation back to the prisons and tortures of the Turkish regime and who is active in the anarchist-antiauthoritarian movement in Greece, decided to begin a hunger strike in order to demand political asylum and to seize to be a hostage by the greek state. 


He explained his situation by saying:


““I, Zulkuf Murat Bora, more widely known as Bahoz, was forced to leave Turkey in 1995 due to my political beliefs and the Turkish state’s repression I was facing as a result from my struggle for the rights and liberty of the Kurdish people. Since 16/05/1999 there is an accusation against me from the Diyarbakir State Security Law Court of me being a part in an “armed and illegal Kurdish left organization” (which is how the Turkish state characterizes the Liberation Party of Kurdistan, in which I participated). The case against me is still pending. I asked for the political asylum in Greece. The first response I got was negative, so I applied again. The Greek state though didn’t accept even to examine my application, so I went on a hunger strike until my application was examined. That is on 02/05/2002 after 22 days of hunger strike. It’s a strange thing that the seven-member committee voted in favor of me with five votes for, one against and one neutral. From that time until today I
 have not received any answer, despite the fact that according to the legislature the minister owes to respond to the positive proposal of the committee within three to six months. The decision is still in his office in the Ministry of Public Order. In spite of the committee’s positive result the Minister doesn’t accept to sign the decision. His reasons are well known: after the pro-Kurdish Greek state handed in Otzalan to Turkey, both countries co-signed anti-terrorist agreements to assure that the Kurdish and Turkish fighters will be punished with many years of being kept as hostages, no responses to their applications for the political asylum and finally deportation.””


“”Hunger strike is a selection of political opposition to the front that state has opened for years now against refugees and immigrants, violating their rights every day (torturing, imprisoning, isolating them in concentration camps reminding us these of the Hitler period).

Could we assume that it’s worth dieing or getting disabled for a piece of paper? The question here, is not just about the political asylum but it concerns the total political repression of the Greek state against me, threatening me to quit my social and political activity. In other words they say:  “Either you stop with that, or we get to punish you for life”.

I have chosen my way and I will keep on it. Just as the authoritarians and oppressors have chosen their own. Therefore, the clash with them is an one-way path for every dignified human being. Neither have I regretted for what I have done in the past (in both Turkey and

Greece) nor will I regret for anything I shall do now or in the future. This explains why I confront such oppression.

Whoever wishes to show his solidarity with me, should respect my political vision, that is anarchy, and my anarchic activity. I care for political and social solidarity, not humanitarian. Cause there can be nothing humanitarian in barbarism when you don’t clash with what bears barbarism that is political authority. “”



The whole text from the leaflet can be found here:



He begun the hunger strike at the 17th of May. According to the last medical report THE CONDITION WAS CRITICAL and HE WAS IN DANGER OF PERMANENT DAMAGE FOR HIS HEALTH!!! The last medical announcement/press release was this (sorry but we cannot translate some medical terms so the words in |****| are left in greek):



The hunger striker Zulkuf Murat Bora experienced an incident of losing his senses on the 33rd day (18/06) of hunger strike and he was transported in the hospital of "Saint Pavlos". He had |orthostatiki| hypotension with |apopnia oksonis| so he was imported in the pathological clinic. From the laboratorial exams it was found that he suffers from leucopoenia, hypoglycaemia, advanced |ravdomiolisi| and |ketonouria|.


The hunger striker denies therapeutic intervention and persists in his decision of drinking only water. It presents new hypoglycaemic episode on the 34th day (19/06) and already the weight of his body is 51kg (from 65kg at 17/05 and at 55kg 15/06).


CONCLUSION: The situation of the health of the hungerstriker is critical, as it lurks the danger of irreparable damage in his vital organs like kidneys ( |oksia aneparkia| of kidneys ), or the brain (from persisting hypoglycaemia it could be cause permanent neurological deficit).


Thessaloniki 19/06/2005



The greek version is here: http://athens.indymedia.org/display.php?articleId=1852


This medical announcement was published at the 19/06 on the 34th day of the hunger strike. Today 27/06 is the 42nd day and thus his condition is getting worse! His condition now is LIFE THREATENING as he drinks ONLY water and refuses any medical treatment. Today he was 49kg and he gets dizzy all the time. According to the doctor from now on he will lose 1kg per 48 hours.


We have to mention here that this is NOT just one incident
 the situation in Greece for the immigrants and the refugees is very bad. 


Half a year ago Afghan immigrants were tortured inside a police station even if they had “legal papers”. The police station was later attacked by anarchists.


One month ago one Afghan immigrant was killed under “unexplained circumstance” inside a police station in Lamia. 


This month three refugees were trying to “illegally” pass from the turkish-greek borderline and they were blown up and killed in the minefields! And one soldier died by a mine explosion in the same borders a week ago. Such murders in the minefields of Thrace are usual unfortunately
 you can see some photos here:



Finally four political refugees were arrested some days ago by the greek authorities. Three of them were released, but one of them whose name is Yusuf Temiz is still in prison and the Greek state intends to deport him back to Turkey where he face really serious accusations and probably even death.


>From the protest, which took place in Edinburgh last Friday, the following petition was made:


To Whom It May Concern:


We are aware and deeply concerned about the situation of political asylum seeker Zulkuf Murat Bora, known also as Bahoz. His life currently is in danger after 38 days of hunger strike. Since 19th of June he has also stopped taking sugar or salt in his water and now is in hospital in a critical condition.

We are also deeply concerned about the potential deportation of political asylum seeker Yusuf Temiz, who is currently kept in a detention centre in Greece and, if deported to Turkey, he faces the death penalty from the current regime.  

We ask for:

   Political asylum to both Zulkuf Murat Bora and Yusuf Temiz.
   Immediate suspension of all deportations of asylum seekers.
   Greek State to comply with the international treaties, especially the Geneva Convention.


Please forward this message to the Greek government.



                                                                        23rd of June 2005,


<Sign your name or group>





Here are some links on the case of Bahoz:


video of Bahoz speaking on the first days of hunger

strike (only in greek unfortunately)



video of solidarity concert in Kamara:



report from scottish indymedia about the motorcycle

march in thessaloniki:



photos and video from the occupation of the EU information office in Thessaloniki:


photos and video from the 1000 people march in thessaloniki which ended in the ministry of north Greece:


The amnesty international about greece:
















We also want to inform you adout the No Border actions which are going to take place on 22 to 25 of August 2005 in Bulgaria and on 25 to 28 of August 2005 in Greece. The “invitation” text for groups and individuals is the following:




>From the 22nd until the 25th of August in Bulgaria and from the 25th until the 28th in Greece, No Border Actions are going to take place under these main slogans:

-                   Solidarity to immigrants and refugees

-                   Against borders and minefields

-                   Against the refugee detention centers


We call all antiauthoritarian, antiracist, anticapitalist groups, organisations and individuals, to take part to the actions and the discussions that are going to take place in both sides of the greek-bulgarian borderline.


The exact location in which the camp will be in Bulgaria is going to be announced later. The location of the camp in Greece will be in the university of the city of Xanthi (one of the major cities of Thrace). There is going to be space for accommodation and also there will be the place where the discussions and the other cultural events (like concerts etc) will take place. During these four days of the No Border actions in Greece (25 - 28/08) four main actions will take place:

-  An action on the Greek-Bulgarian borders

-  Two demonstrations one in the city of Xanthi and the other one in the city of Komotini

- An action against the refugee detention center that is located in the area between the two cities mentioned above


The topics of the discussions that are already decided are the following:


-                   Borders and globalisation

-                   Greek inner borders and the Muslim minority of Thrace

-                   The Greek immigration policy and the situation in Europe

-                   A presentation from comrades from abroad about the immigrant detention centers which exist in their countries

-                   Discussion against fascism and in particular against the european camping of neo-nazi groups that is going to take place on September 2005 in Greece


The agenda of the discussions is open and we ask from all groups or individuals that are interested to make a presentation about a topic of their choice to send us their proposals in order to put them in the final program of the discussions.


More details about the No Border actions can be found in the website:


Or by sending an e-mail here:

info_bg at noborder2005bg-gr.net (Bulgaria)

info_gr at noborder2005bg-gr.net (Greece)



ÁíôéåîïõóéáóôéêÞ Êßíçóç - ÓõíÝëåõóç Èåóóáëïíßêçò

Antiauthoritarian Movement - Assembly of Salonica

ita_gr at yahoo.co.uk


ÁíôéåîïõóéáóôéêÞ Êßíçóç

Antiauthoritarian Movement


info at resistance2003.gr

ÁíôéåîïõóéáóôéêÞ Êßíçóç (ÅëëÜäá)
Antiauthoritarian Movement (Greece)
info at resistance2003.gr
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