[Resistance-precarity] June 4th Application Deadline: Make Your Own Non-Capitalist Economy: Bootcamp workshop on decolonial methods for developing and researching social, solidarity and non-hierarchical economies.

Erin Araujo cambalach at autoproduzioni.net
Tue Jun 1 16:09:02 UTC 2021

Hello Everyone!
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to share that the deadline for our in-person workshop on decolonial economic methods here at El Cambalache in San Cristobal de las Casas is this Friday June 4th. We hope you will join us in San Cristobal de las Casas in August. We can think, feel, share, practice and debate together while working towards creating and researching the non-capitalist, sometimes non-hierarchical, working in solidarity economies that are best for all of us as diverse as we are throughout the majority world.

We will bring together thinkers, scholars, activists, ambitious dreamers and practitioners to talk, act, strategize and dream through the supporting, reviving, and investigating decolonial economies and their networks.

This workshop is in English and in Spanish with simultaneous translation.

Here is the info:
Make Your Own Non-Capitalist Economy: Bootcamp workshop on decolonial methods for developing and researching social, solidarity and non-hierarchical economies.
** In-person with El Cambalache**
Dates: From August 15th to 21st, 2021
Deadliine for Applications: June 4th, 2021
San Cristóbal de las Casas
Chiapas, Mexico.

To see videos about Claudia's and Maria’s experiences taking our workshop:
https://youtu.be/Y5pL_IvfKEU <https://youtu.be/Y5pL_IvfKEU>
https://youtu.be/XbGJfeNhp2Y <https://youtu.be/XbGJfeNhp2Y>

To begin your application:
1. Please fill out the application form here: https://cambalache.noblogs.org/post/2021/05/19/taller-presencial-agosto-2021-in-person-workshop-august-2021/ <https://cambalache.noblogs.org/post/2021/05/19/taller-presencial-agosto-2021-in-person-workshop-august-2021/>
2. Please send your CV and a 1,000-word letter of motivation to the El Cambalache Collective at taller at cambalache.casa <mailto:taller at cambalache.casa> explaining why you would like to participate in the workshop and what types of economic projects you could develop with us or where you live and work.

This course focuses on forming local non-capitalist economic projects and resisting their co-optation within and beyond research. 
**We need other economies** In the last few months, we have experienced a significant global change in our lives around the development of COVID-19 and the government responses to curb the virus. People living precariously on a daily basis, suffering economic, social and legal marginalization, have been put even more at risk from disease, hunger, lack of remuneration and violence. In many parts of the majority world, people have been imprisoned and/or experienced violence for taking to the streets to seek improvements in their wellbeing, freedom from domestic violence, and other reasons that bring them into public spaces. Now, more than ever it is necessary to make non-capitalist economies and to recognize that our Americas are rich in the practices and knowledge of other contemporary and age-old economies. Now is the time! Let's get to work and decolonize our economies!

**This course will cover**
-Methods and analyses for creating decolonial economic projects.
-El Cambalache as a contemporary example of an anti-capitalist and non-hierarchical project.
-Investigating the economic history(s) of the Americas. These history(s) that have been attacked and made invisible by the coloniality of capitalist power. We will focus on how to apply a decolonial perspective and practice to this investigation.
-Analyzing the discourse of capitalist co-optation in the context of the green economy in order to resist projects that cause dispossession.
-Practicing consumption from a decolonial perspective.

**For whom?**
The practice, research and theories of non-capitalist economies included in this course were developed by and for all of us in order to bring about social change. For this reason, it is designed for people interested in creating, practicing and collectively researching non-capitalist economic projects to be carried out in their places of residence or research. Everyone is invited to participate – women, indigenous people and LBGTIQ++ are especially invited. 

**Course presentation**
Decolonial economic geography begins with participatory action research in non-Western, non-hierarchical economic practices.

When studying decoloniality we sometimes find it difficult to move from theory to practice. Have you thought about starting a non-capitalist economic project, but don't know where to begin? Have you asked yourself how to use participatory action research to start a social and/or solidarity economy project? Are you interested in "commoning" and "communality"? Do you want to do decolonial economic research but don't know how to engage in local, indigenous and/or non-Western economic practices in the context of an economic project?

During the last 500 years through the present, indigenous and non-European peoples, slaves and descendants of slaves have been historically denied equal access to participation in the capitalist economy through mechanisms of coloniality.

The capitalist economic system values neither nature nor most of our knowledge and skills. Over the last five centuries people around the world have not accepted that their way of being is to be poor, they have not sat down to simply lament their situation. In terrible circumstances of slavery and oppression, where many people were dispossessed of their property, they were denied access to money and some forms of property by colonial and post-colonial governments, yet these people created diverse and creative networks of exchange and coexistence, which have enabled their survival throughout history and across the world.

These economies have been largel;y ignored because they were and still are mostly women's economies. Silvia Federici has shown that while capitalism developed, women in Europe and the Americas were systematically denied access to the money economy for centuries. As we know from the diverse economies literature, there is much more to the economy than just capitalism. By understanding and practicing these types of non-capitalist activities we can decrease our dependence on money and increase our autonomy by resisting the capitalist economic system.

To participate in this workshop, we ask the participants to share current and future projects to discuss and develop during our activities. There will be collective talks about the frameworks and possible steps to design and carry out methodologies for a project of feminist, solidarity and decolonial economies. Expect readings before and during the workshop, as well as writing activities.
This workshop covers literature on hybrid economies, decolonial territorialization, decolonial feminism, decolonial economics, the Community Economies Research Network, and communality.

Diverse Economies in the majority world of the Americas
Decolonial economy in the majority world of the Americas
Feminisms in the majority world of the Americas
Autonomous movements and their practices
Collective participatory methodology
Research methods that resist hierarchy
Creating practices

**Program description

*Midwives, healers, and other decolonial feminisms from Venezuela and Cuba: Strategies for Thinking History from a De-Colonial Perspective Facilitated by Tito Mitjans Alayón and Belkis Rojas.
In this module we propose to examine on the one hand, colonial/capitalist narratives such as the chronicles of the Indies and other colonial documents, as well as historical and current midwifery and healing narratives of the Venezuelan Andean Cordillera from an intersectional and decolonial perspective. On the other hand, we will examine the presence of such colonial narratives within the discourses of solidarity and communality of contemporary nation states such as the case of the Cuban revolutionary government. The module exposes how history has been used to silence the practices of colonized peoples and erase their economies.

*What Green Economy? Dispossession and sustainable development in the climate crisis. 
Facilitated by Aldo Santiago.
We will analyze the capitalist discourse and economic re-engineering in the context of global warming under the precepts of the green economy. We will reflect on policies, projects and strategies promoted by nation-states, NGOs, businesses and global financial institutions to impose "sustainable" models for energy production and nature conservation, which deepen the processes of dispossession in peasant and indigenous territories. This perspective will allow us to identify strategies to resist the current ecolonialist onslaught.

*Methods in Theory and Practice for Creating Decolonial Diverse Economies in the Americas 
Facilitated by Erin Araujo.
We will talk about the great diversity of economies in the Americas that exist at the same time as capitalism. Much of the majority world in the Americas has little access to money. This low access to money also reduces people's participation in the capitalist economic system, which in response has generated a wide range of alternative, non-capitalist, economic networks – these include mutual support, autonomous governance, exchange, barter, tequio, minga, gifting, group savings, and many other ways to live well and overcome the precarity imposed by the capitalist system, even if there is little access to money. 

*Sharing Seeds of Practice from El Cambalache: The thought and praxis of El Cambalache 
Facilitated by the El Cambalache collective; Chepis, Erin, Belkis, Lupita, Maira and Elena
El Cambalache is a moneyless economy project, generated by and for women and their communities in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico. We are going to share our experiences, challenges, and learnings throughout the process of forming the project. Chat with us about our non-hierarchical project and let's build tools that will allow us to dismantle capitalism. 

*Decolonial consumption. 
Facilitated by Elena Morúa, Maira Pino and Guadalupe Díaz Hernández.
Do you know what you consume? How it is produced?: Experiences in the food and textile field, in communities and in urban areas. 

We will share the experiences of the Koltamba Collective, an organization made up of 20 families of Tzeltal origin, who are coffee producers from the highlands of the state of Chiapas. We will share information about their agro-ecological work, their organization, and their vision of a network of mutual support. Examples of collectives and self-management networks of family and local solidarity economy.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Erin Araujo PhD

Department of Decolonial Economics
El Cambalache,
Calle de los Arcos 5c
Barrio Cuxtitali
San Cristobal de las Casas
Chiapas, Mexico 29230

Academia.edu: independent.academia.edu/erinaraujo
El Cambalache FB: www.facebook.com/lacambalache 
El Cambalache Blog:  https://cambalache.noblogs.org
El Cambalache Canal de Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCslgLGj8V0LFxSaDnL8iYQg
Twitter: LaCambalachera 
Instagram: Elcambalachesancristobal

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