[sas-announce] ENS conference September 3rd

David Broder david_communist at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Aug 3 15:31:29 BST 2005

"Putting political activism back into the student movement"

A one day training and discussion for student activists and student union officers, organised by Education Not for Sale, Students Against Sweatshops and University of East London Students' Union.

Saturday 3 September 2005
University of East London Docklands site
(Cyprus DLR)

Discussions and training will include

- The future of NUS - the fight against top-up fees  - solidarity with workers & students in Iraq  - defending the right to protest  - the Coke boycott - anti-semitism - fighting fascism - after the G8: strategies for global justice - how to build campaigning SUs - fundraising - setting up an activist group - running successful campaigns - regional activist and student union link-ups.

Speakers will include

- Peter Tatchell - War on Want - Lancaster arms protestors - People & Planet - No Sweat - members of NUS national executive - Searchlight anti-facist magazine - TELCO - Organisation of Women's Freedom in Iraq and many more.

For more details, visit the Education Not for Sale website, www.free-education.org.uk

Please bring a delegation from your student union or campaigning group. To register in advance ring NUS executive member Dan Randall on 07961 040618, email daniel.randall at nus.org.uk or write to ENS, 94b Corrance Road, London SW2 5RH.

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