[Scotia] Speak up! if you'd like to be better at public speaking, debate, story-telling...

Dan dan at aktivix.org
Tue Feb 7 18:07:19 GMT 2006

Hi folks,

Thought you might be interested in this -


Have a read (text reproduced below) and if you're interested, let me know...

Please pass on to anyone you think might be interested.

Bye for now


--Speak up!--

Would you like to be better at public speaking, debate, story-telling...?

You're not alone!  Come and join this mutual learning group.


Scotia Works
Leadmill Road
Wednesday 22nd Feb at 6:45

Please let us know if you want to come -
Contact Dan on 07968 997861 or dan at aktivix.org

"What's a mutual learning group?"

That's a group made up of people with a range of experience, from none
to radio presenter!

What we'll have in common is a commitment to supporting each other get
better, sharing what we know and learning what we don't...

--1st session: "I'm scared!"--

According to one study, 40% of people say public speaking is their
biggest fear. Fear of speaking is entirely natural.  We're all in the
same boat.

So we'll start by looking into the fears and feelings we have about
speaking, before talking about some techniques and methods we can use to
overcome it.

Hope to see you there!


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