[ShareTompkins] anyone out there with a Google Nexus 4 on T-Mobile?

E L Cobb elcobb54 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 21 16:46:55 UTC 2013

I am trying to troubleshoot my Google Nexus 4 with a Straight Talk prepaid
plan, using T-Mo infrastructure.  I get great voice coverage and text
messaging, but no data.  Straight Talk was, of course, useless in the
troubleshooting, other than confirming that I have it correctly configured,
and that there are no outages in this zipcode.

I'm trying to determine whether the sim card is defective or the data part
of the phone.  Is there anyone with a cell phone that takes a micro-sim
willing to meet with me at Gimme! or somewhere similar, so I could try
their sim card in my phone (if my phone then suddenly shows 3G
capabilities, then I know that straight talk sold me a bum sim card).
 alternatively if someone has a google nexus 4 and would let me try my sim
card in their phone, that would also be very helpful.  coffee/tea would of
course be on me.

grrr!  technology!!

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