[sheffield-hacklab] Hacklab slating found on another forum

Alan Dawson aland at burngreave.net
Fri Sep 16 16:58:48 BST 2005


Quoting Heather Paterson <hmpaterson at hotmail.co.uk>:

> Just spotted this on another forum:-

thanks ...  whomever is writing this is a little inconsistent.. first they say 

"...he was having to leave the building (For genuinely urgent reason as it
turned  out) and therefore had to turf everyone else out ..."

then they say 

"...I just managed to submit the above contribution, and then had to conclude a
credit card transaction ..."


"... -he could have easily waited 2 more minutes until I had concluded my secure
 transaction, and in any case he should have given more warning-say 10 mins

Which was it... genuinely urgent or not very urgent with enough time to
accomodate posting discussion pieces to forums and shopping online ?

The hacklab has yet to make decisions about opening times and support.

I plan on being their on Thursday evenings.  resources in other parts of the
building that _may_ be supported by hacklabs activities will depend on other
people to manage access and availability.

"If you make decisions about software -- or anything -- based solely on
short-term cost and benefit, someone with a longer view can easily
manoeuver you into a trap from which it is hard to escape."  

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