[sheffield-hacklab] Sheffield Hacklab Meeting Proposal 27th July 2006 19:00 Verdon Street

Alan Dawson aland at burngreave.net
Sat Jul 15 17:17:39 BST 2006

Hola, Mundo!

Since the demise of MATILDA we have moved most of the useful computing resource
to a variety of different locations around Sheffield.

Quite a lot of stuff seemed to arrive at an office at 268 Verdon street,
Burngreave, Sheffield.

We could use this space to set up another hacklab.  If anybody is interested in
developing this or would like to discuss any other aspects of Sheffield
Hacklab, I'm proposing a meeting on 

27th July 2006 19:00
268 Verdon Street, Pitsmoor, Sheffield

Where we can perhaps move these things on.

What do you think, suggestions and criticism welcome.

"If you make decisions about software -- or anything -- based solely on
short-term cost and benefit, someone with a longer view can easily
manoeuver you into a trap from which it is hard to escape."  

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