[sheffield-hacklab] Definitely gotta do this one!

Alan Dawson aland at burngreave.net
Fri Jun 2 13:37:22 BST 2006

Quoting Alan Dawson <aland at burngreave.net>:

> Quoting Dan <dan at aktivix.org>:
> > Allo
> > 
> > Here's another cunning plan.  This could be really fun and terribly
> worthy.
> > 
> > Website: MATILDA 360.  Taking the mickey out of the sheffield council's 
> > link to 360 tours of things like penthouse hotel rooms etc...
> > 
> > It would want: clickable maps to get from room to room.

Maybe we could use the doom ( or better still blender ? ) game engine to build a
virtual MATILDA ?

Tony Dawson ( http://www.mobygames.com/developer/sheet/view/developerId,1280/ )
of ZOOL ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zool ) fame

has been sighted down the hacklab.  

He might give some pointers and help on progressing that.

"If you make decisions about software -- or anything -- based solely on
short-term cost and benefit, someone with a longer view can easily
manoeuver you into a trap from which it is hard to escape."  

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