[SSC] Meeting notes 05-07-2011

Joss Winn joss at josswinn.org
Wed Jul 6 05:41:05 UTC 2011

Hello everyone, here are my notes from last night's meeting. It was great to meet Jonathan and Edwin for the first time.

Joss Winn, Edwin Bacon, Sandie Stratford, Jonathan Coope, Huseyin Kishi , David Young, Pete Somerville
The SSC bank account has been set up with the Co-operative Bank. Joss and David are the required signatories and card holders. Getting to this point now allows us to move forward and open up the formal membership process.
Consensus Decision Making Training:
Sandie has organised a weekend workshop run by Seeds for Change, Oxford. The cost of organising the weekend is £320 (£160 expenses + a donation. £160 for Croft Street). 
Participants should pay £20/each + donation. Bring food and drink to share. 10.30 start. 4pm finish on Sunday. People may attend for just one day. 
More details here:
Here's a map to Croft Street Community Centre: http://bit.ly/pbnOfU 
More people are very welcome to attend. If you're keen to attend, please email Sandie: strats at phonecoop.coop
Letter of Invitation:
Some time ago, we drafted a letter of invitation that we intend to send to people, inviting them to join the SSC. The draft letter is here:
The list of people to send the letter to is here:
We intend to send this letter out to people on the above list next week. If you think that changes should be made to the letter, please add comments to the document or send your comments to me or this list. 
If you can think of people to invite, please add their details to the list. Thank you.
Email accounts:
We currently have three SSC email accounts: join@ website@ info@ 
At the moment, David, Jennifer and Joss have access to the accounts, but we're looking for more people to help administer the accounts. If you'd like to help in this way, please contact Joss (joss at josswinn.org) and I'll send you instructions. Thank you! It would be useful to have more people watching for email as we open up the membership process, as there are likely to be regular inquiries. 
Jennifer and Joss will set up the website to allow people to formally apply to be members of the SSC. It was agreed at the meeting that joining should be a single process where people can fill out a form and set up their monthly/annual contribution. [Jennifer, this is contrary to the two stage process we were talking about, so we need to rethink how it will work]. 
We will have this in place next week, prior to the invitation being sent out.
Pete told us about an invitation he'd received to write a paper about the SSC for the Journal of Co-op Studies. More details here: https://lists.aktivix.org/pipermail/ssc/2011-June/000147.html
Pete will write the paper, based on the text on the SSC website.
Charles Cooke from the LCDA has said in the past that the Lincolnshire Co-op group are likely to provide support to the SSC. Joss will contact Charles to arrange a meeting with the Co-op Group about help in publicising the SSC.
If someone would like to design a logo for the SSC, it would be very welcome. 
We should write a press release. This could be based on the recent letters to the Guardian and Times HIgher. 
We need a formal process for getting consensus via the email discussion list. We'll raise this at the workshop this week.
Donations of books are welcome to built the SSC library.
It was suggested that future SSC meetings be recorded so that the recording can be put online. There was general agreement. If you have objections, please let us know.

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