[SSC] Blogging and commenting

David Young lostmoya at gmail.com
Thu Mar 31 21:28:57 UTC 2011

A couple of ideas I've had recently about the way we as a group could open
some of our discussions beyond this list:

One is: would anyone object if someone (could be me) published all of the
notes from meetings on the SSC blog? I think it would be a good example to
conduct our "business" in public. I realise anyone can in practice join this
list but to me it feels a bit removed from the totally public and searchable
blog. What do others think?

Second is: it strikes me that the Commentpress/digress.it model (a plugin
which allows people to comment on a paragraph by paragraph basis online -
see JISCPress <http://jiscpress.org/> for an example) might be good for
commenting on documents such as the constitution or business plan. Is this
possible or too much work? Would people engage with this or do you prefer to
offer comments by email?

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