[SSC] further thoughts on document for applicants

canaan joyce joycecanaan at blueyonder.co.uk
Wed Feb 15 12:59:15 UTC 2012

Hi all,
I've been following the emails and am appreciative of all the work that has
gone into this document so far. I'd like to add a few comments/observations
. Also, although I can't come tonight (with considerable regret!) can I ask
that a first step in looking at curriculum be to revisit the documents that
the then curriculum group, of which I was a member, produced? I attach it
for those who will be at the meeting tonight.

Here are my points.  First, as I remember, we had a discussion in October
where we said that we were all to be 'scholars'--teacher-scholars and
student-scholars.  The description below suggests that only those teaching
are to be deemed scholars. Should we not return to the hyphenations?

Second,  I am wondering about our orientation generally. As the statement
below reads, it would seem that we are a potentially liberal group, that is
interested in a cooperative higher education experience. Should we not go
at least somewhat further by suggesting that we offer 'an opportunity to
teacher-schooars and student-scholars to have a critical, co-operative
experience of higher education'?  As someone highly dispirited and
disillusioned by mainstream universities, how like such institutions do we
want to be? Do  we want to state that our aim is  to provide a programme
'at the same level' as mainstream universities? Do we need to mention
mainstream universities at all  or do we want to say something more such
as, 'because an inclusive dialogue is central to our practice our aim is to
critically explore aspects of the world as it is in order to help build an
alternative that affirms the dignity and humanity of more people and of the

I know that we differ in terms of our political orientations and that
therefore we must work with these so that we create a programme that is as
inclusive as possible. Our other documents are more explicitly critical
shouldn't this one be consistent with those?  Shouldn't this document in
which we present ourselves to prospective student-scholars express a
similar criticality?


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