[SSC] Logo Design Studio

David McAleavey davidmcaleavey at virginmedia.com
Sun Feb 26 18:26:57 UTC 2012

Dear All,

I trust you are well; I know you are busy.

*Design Studio*

As no one has contacted me about the studio, I suggest that we use, as a
stop-gap, the simple logo that we asked Jamie to create for us.

(Find attached)

It does come in different flavours!
(Joss, could you circulate the different colourways?)

*Open Day*

I propose a workshop that has the working title:

Socially Engaged Social Science
Making Things Happen: Creating Prosociality through Practice

Would anyone like to join me in facilitating/creating it?

*Photography on The List*

Would anyone object to photographs being posted on The List? I recognise
that filesizes might be an issue - I am aware of our current 400k limit
- but I have some splendid photographs from yesterday's event in Birmingham
that I would like to share in all their detailed glory (1.5MB jpeg); the
devil is occasionally to be found in those details!

Sujey, I would like to know what you think of this:


Respectfully yours,

David McAleavey

On 21 February 2012 21:07, David McAleavey
<davidmcaleavey at virginmedia.com>wrote:

> Dear All,
> Jamie has agreed to lead a studio... if you are interested in joining us,
> let me have some dates (preferable over the next two weeks) that work for
> you, and I'll try and organise a time, and a place, that works for us all.
> Respectfully yours,
> David
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