[SSC] Actions: Preparation for meeting 1st August

Joss Winn joss at josswinn.org
Fri Jul 27 10:00:31 UTC 2012

Hello everyone,

You will have seen Sarah's notes from the meeting on July 21st. http://bit.ly/NM65Lc

Here are the Actions. There are some very important actions for all members of the SSC.

* All scholars who are committed to teaching in the autumn of 2012 should come to the 1 August meeting with a statement of what they want to teach and/or learn and why, and to the 18 August meeting with a suggested syllabus or reading list, in order to present them, look at common themes, and develop concrete plans for courses that will be taught.
* All scholars should think about a theme for the September public lecture (something related to the overall SSC project; to do with ‘austerity’, John A.’s project work on ‘the people’s constitution’ that he is trying to get interest in, etc.) and/or who to invite from outside to speak.
* Joss and Zoraida will meet to discuss the building of the SSC public library.
* Joss will organise training for using the new website functions in extended time at the meetings of 1 and 18 August. These will be group sessions on how to use the website for supporting classes, social networking, and personal blogs.
* Joss will send around Daryll’s proposal for scholarly literacies and put it up on Google Docs so that people can comment on it. DONE:  http://bit.ly/MD2xJb 
* David M. will book the Pathways Centre for the 1 and 18 August website training sessions; he will also bring a projector to the meetings on those days. DONE. See below. 
* David M. will also book the Croft Street Community Centre for the Saturday meetings that we can no longer have at the Collection due to pricing. DONE. See below. 
* Mike N. is asked to prepare a list of student–scholars who are firmly planning to begin study in the fall, and to confirm with any others who have had a continuing interest.
* David M. will book the Collection auditorium for 5 September, 7–9pm. DONE.

Future meeting dates (thanks, David M.)

Meet at Pathways, Wednesday, 1st August will start at 6.30pm to allow for website training for those interested.

New venues for our Saturday meetings:
18th August: Noon - 4.00pm Pathways Centre


1st September 12.15pm- 4.15pm Croft Street


22nd September 12.15pm- 4.15pm Croft Street
20th October 12.15pm- 4.15pm Croft Street

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