[Ssf] Yes, 2% human...

Amparo amparo.gutierrez at tiscali.co.uk
Mon Nov 8 07:16:47 GMT 2004

O Albion sweet Albion doomed to kill
In your God's name which is Profit
O once merciful Albion doomed to kill
For your God whose name is Profit,
Where has your profit gone?
When has your precious oil turned into blood?
Why are your poor people's benefits being cut?
Haven't you already bombed Iraq?
Haven't you already massacred Iraq?
Then why are your people's benefits being cut?
O Albion sweet with animals but doomed to kill
In your God's many names none of which is The Merciful,
What have you done?
O Albion where Stopping a War
is a capital Crime...


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