Using Mambo for the SSF site, was: Re: [ssf] Re: 4. tabloids

Chris chris at
Wed Apr 27 11:18:38 BST 2005


On Wed 27-Apr-2005 at 12:12:22AM +0100, Dan wrote:
> Was thinking about setting up a mambo site as the SSF
> site... any thoughts?  Objections?  It has a good
> calendar module!

Go for it if you are also on for maintaining it -- it's
not just a matter of setting it up you also will have to
upgrade it each time there is a security fix / updated
version and also migrate any customisations you might have
done -- the ongoing maintainance of web site application
like this can be more work generally then the initial
install... (this has been the case with the SSF wiki...)


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