[ssf] Agenda

Dan dan at aktivix.org
Wed Feb 2 20:33:02 GMT 2005


I've stuck up a few items here:


They look like this:

Ideas for meeting goals:

   1. Hallam action on 14th Feb - what do we need to do?
   2. Plan big open meeting: Some issues here are
         1. Forward planning - can we offer a forward plan of events inc.
               1. Meeting, facilitation and workshop training discussion 
based on the Seeds for Change documents. (Dan has printed a load of these.)
               2. Speakers on various issues - brainstorm of who, and a 
brainstorm on the 17th
               3. Democracy cafes
               4. What else? Help! Inc Burngreave stuff, welfare, Peace 
in the Park, G8
   3. Welfare issues, inc invites to speak at various meetings.(brief)
   4. Website: updating, design, accessibility
   5. Pensions Strike (Brief)
   6. Flyer/Democracy in SF

(Not necessarily in that order!)

I'd really emphasise getting the meeting on the 17th right: unless we 
structure it well - in a way that means it's as open and fluid as 
possible whilst not drifting into pointlessness! - it's gonna be a bit 
poo.  Please bring your thinking caps on this one!

See ya soon,

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