[ssf] Re: minutes for Thurs. 3rd

Amparo amparo.gutierrez at tiscali.co.uk
Fri Feb 4 10:19:45 GMT 2005

> 6. Dan outlined two issues for the BOM: 1. Forward planning: having a
> programme of stuff, ways of being involved, etc in the SSF itself for
> people who come along. 2. The structure of the actual day. We talked
> a lot – but didn't conclude very much. 7. Start with giving any group
> that wants it 5 minutes to talk

Now, this was really important: "having a programme with ways of being
involved in the SSF itself for people who come along."

New arrivals could be asked (by writing perhaps) how they would want to
be involved, what skills or resources they could, perhaps, start to
provide... I mean this could be a written, emailed follow-up survey:
what did you think of ...?/ how would you like to be involved?/ (they
might choose passive knowledge which is ok isn't?).

2, The structure of the actual day. Will there be any facilitator(s) ? Who?


ooo "a slap with a wet fish!" there goes another great metaphor.)

> dan's ideas [though i disagree with much of what he's written] are
> useful in helping develop what we want to do as an imc. thanks for
> the input [though less of the benevolent dictator/school teacher
> stuff if you don't mind -- or i may have to come round and give you a
> slap with a wet fish :-)]
> r7

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