[ssf] you can have your cake and eat it :

zerosevenfour two zerosevenfourtwo at hotmail.co.uk
Sat Feb 5 17:07:40 GMT 2005

the next one is booked first tuseday of march from 6pm: me andy will do a 
flyer for the meeting on the 17th eleswhere etc: we was thinking democracey 
cafe on side: ssf stuff on the other ie info on meetings up and comeing 
events: useing some of dans written words: we will start work on this 
tuesady place a copy at the wicki in XCF formatt so people can add take 
away: it would be cool to have all this done by the 14th feb so it can be 
given out at events planned for that day and as said for the 17th: we was 
thinking getting them printed at jumma print: with that in mind thay need to 
be by the 11th: giveing time to printed and ready: so feed ideas thoughts 
desires by the 10th feb if poss:


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