[Ssf] Participation in Regeneration

Dan dan at aktivix.org
Tue Jan 11 18:28:14 GMT 2005

*Spital Hill, Regeneration & Participation*

“Community involvement in planning should not be a reactive, tick-box, 
process. It should enable the local community to say what sort of place 
they want to live in at a stage when this can make a difference.” From 
‘Community Involvement in Planning: The Government’s Objectives’ (Office 
of the Deputy Prime Minister, Feb 2004)

“Civil renewal is the development of strong, active, and empowered 
communities, in which people are able to do things for themselves, 
define the problems they face, and tackle them in partnership with 
public bodies. Civil renewal is at the heart of the Home Office's vision 
of life in our 21st century communities. As a political philosophy it 
has been around for centuries…” From www.active-citizen.org.uk, a home 
office funded project.

“Those who pay lip-service to a principle they do not intend to put into 
practice always run the risk of being outflanked by those whose homage 
is more sincere. Hence the idea of democracy, or of popular power, 
however much and however easily it is abused and exploited, still 
retains a radical potential.” Anthony Arblaster

I'm proposing two SSF paths into regeneration -

1. In conjunction with as many groups as possible (including Spital Hill 
local voice, I hope) organises a day's workshops on participation and 
regeneration, in Burngreave. I'm suggesting April.

This is something I've personally wanted to do for a while, but the 
Master Plan process - and the government's rhetoric about 'let the 
people decide!' has really given us a chance to beat them over the head 
with it - in the nicest possible way.

We would also be able to set the structure and the space, to make it as 
participatory as possible.

The aim: to thrash out new ways of local participation in the processes 
of community development. I'm using regen language here, but what we're 
really talking about is developing genuine grass-roots democracy. I 
think it could really work.

The day would include, I hope, some speakers from successful 
community-led regeneration and people who've fought back and won against 
the abstractions of regeneration policy - the Eldonians in Liverpool, 
Pendle's people, Merci in Manchester, Heeley City Farm.

There's likely to be some controversy, in that I'm proposing we involve 
the powers that be: but we can, in conjunction with other groups, set 
the structure of the space and the day, so that they cannot just come 
along and 'consult'.

2. Prior to this - starting straight away - we work with Spital Hill 
Local Voice and others on different aspects of the participation 
process. An 'active research' project - possibly a first Sheffield 
Social Forum-led research project. There's quite a lot to this, so I'm 
gonna go away and brainstorm some more, get back to ya.

One of the most exciting parts of this, though, would be doing an LM3 
research study. And we could do it for free! Here's some info on LM3 -


But any thoughts on the principle?


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