[ssf] [matilda] Meeting Troops Home Now..

worldwarfree at riseup.net worldwarfree at riseup.net
Mon Mar 20 12:46:05 GMT 2006

I'll do the warm up act i.e. switch on power, open the door for people
coming to the meeting and put the kettle on..

Yes the wiki was the place agenda items etc was to go however as Dan has
said there are problems with this..

Armchair would like to talk about money we have money that is owed..

There is not much i have to contribute but i would like to be there..

As Chora blew the fucking roof off Friday, Iraq took further steps into
Civil War with this in mind the Anti War Gig is esential likewise the
Amnesty Gig..

There was over 150 people on friday over 250 on Saturday, well done to gig
collective and their little helpers for Friday being a punter was such fun
and doing the door Saturday was a joy though just eight of us from Matilda
is not near enough.

There was talk of cleaning encuoraging people to leave the space how they
found it so i'd guess we need to talk about this..

Victory to the Iraqi Insurgence
Troops Home Now..


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