[ssf] uv :: v ) on kings and secret rings a) sovereignty

dougald hine writetodougald at gmail.com
Tue May 1 23:53:33 BST 2007

Is there a good reason why you're sending this stuff to the SSF list?


On 5/1/07, amadan mor <adam at diamat.org.uk> wrote:
>    "all of us are the children born of the damsels
>     whom amangons and his men raped --
>          these great wrongs
>          shall never be redeemed
>          in wordly time
>         we are bound to travel in common,
>          knights and damsels,
>           through this land
>            until god wills that
>             the court of joy be found,
>              for that will make
>               the land bright again"
>                -- the elucidation ~ 1230
>   in elizabethan times shakespeare wrote
>   upon this archipelago, and beyond
>   of kings, their battles, secret ambitions
>   crimes, courts, resolutions
>   hansard and analogous records
>   records these things presently
>   to me, in a less comprehensible fashion
>   sovereignty's image appears world over
>   on stamps and bank notes, faces, institutions
>   past present heroins princes land-thoughts
>   sovereignty's regalia, co-dominions
>   many images, mapping out the currency
>   of social and economic intercourse
>   respectively banding the strands
>   of the ideas, the imaginary that form us
>   the why of our mappings
>   manifests in complex reality bindings --
>    social niceties of rarefied times
>    compressed into temporal defence
>      who comes lapping against the shores --
>          what end justifies the means king
>          rang 911, madrid, london
>          ripping through core common mantle
>   other mappings -- walled cities, check-points
>   fronts, disease, danger, death
>   exclusion zones, demarked territories
>   chequer game reality --
>   -- full spectrum imaginary war games
>   acted, role-played, multiple scenarios
>   move through dress rehearsal
>   to the theatre of the real
>   sovereignty chooses her own representatives
>   tests and trains her champions
>   bestowing rings of invisibility
>   giving free capacity to her command
>   echoes her command --
>   the means justifies the end
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Dougald Hine

The School of Everything

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