[ssf] dda v) and vi)

adam adam at diamat.org.uk
Fri Jul 10 15:39:10 BST 2009

     v) all my colours

     the sixties
     grey pictures of blast-offs
     filmed from ground control
     then, curved images of the world below
     weather systems swirling
     continents discernible, photos
     beamed from above
     showing no gaps
     no bits now left in the maps
     with legend:

     'this where dragons be'

     the globe
     some say still 'the earth is flat'
     er, not *flat* as in *deflated*
     or some *no longer fizzy* analogy
     but *flat* as in
     one could fall from it's edges
     but the sixties cured most of that
     the earth-is-flat business
     globally, with pretty pictures

     as the mad standoff did also
     at the start of that decade
     focus tout le monde's attention
     very acutely, to the flip side
     of rocket technology
       dr strange love
        definitely phallic
         no doubt overlapping designers
          but these bad boys
           are the real mccoy
            carrying a critical mass
             of a very dense substance
              and aimed, not in to space
               this time round, but set to describe
                relatively shallow parabolas
                 between two points on, or close to
                  the earth's delicate surface

             two states though, going to war

              shaking their bits at each other
                telling each other stories

                 'hey man, mine's more potent
                   then yours man
                    when mine blows jo
                     it will knock you in to
                      a new tomorrow ...'

      well, allegedly, the celts
      used to moon their bare arses
      it's all mad, init
      anthropo logically speaking

      little world,
       little world

      some folk you know
      are quite able to, live on this earth
      and yet abstract themselves
      in their minds at least
      somewhere *up above* in metaphor
      or *down below* in particular
      and then pass remarks
      about how the surface appears
      from their inverse squared

      but i suppose
      one could give hope to the idea
      that, if one has never been
      outside one's head and *looking in*
      so to say, how can one
      ever be sure, whether
      one is inside or
      contrawise, outside
      one's mind, at any given time

      mindst ye, it's a shame really init
      we have the technology to reach
      escape velocity, but if we add to it
      this nuclear point
      with sticky back plastic
      and val's old knicker elastic
      then viola, we have a method
      of killing a greater percentage
      of the world's population
      than even cain managed to do
      and i don't mean kwai chang
      man, when will we ever learn

      can you imagine, some one really
      up above, looking in
      hollywood does it, all the time
      dreams up these characters
      occasionally we battle them
      like in *independence day*

      we use the bad boys in that film
      an whole airforce of big ugly
      mother fucking aliens
      intend to harvest the earth, us

      and action -- we all pull together,
                     fine speeches given,
                      then we duke nuke em,
                       big cheers, kissing
                      nuclear families, cut,
                     the end, credits,

      now, i could perhaps accept
      the argument that, given the circumstances
      depicted, in this particular flick
      it may prove handy, to hold
      some atomic tricks, but
      why an extra-terrestrial
      predatory force, would have waited until now
      to have their wicked way with us
      given, we had little more
      than bows and arrows
      just a short while ago
      to defend our nearest and dearest
      i don't know, what's the story, rory --

       coincidence, or was it just their game

      predators, the big external bogie man
      arnie blackblack battles them too
      in the juggles, no, not in real live
      i mean, in the past, in the action movies
      cut, kerr'ching

      before he did a ronnie raygun
      and eurika, got some shout
      in the golden state

      some universities offer courses
      these days, about how film
      depicts successive close encounters
      and attempt to correlate, the changing shape
      of the alien depicted, with the moving state
      of the american psyche, in respect
      to that psyche's changing hopes and fears

      but i don't know, *psyche*
      it sounds a bit posh, doesn't it
      i mean, at one level of abstraction
      if one can't eat, paint or move a *thing*
      in a wheelbarrow, then does that *thing* exist

      and it does makes the films appear
      to be somehow cultured, like

      'ooh ...
       it's psychological init
        with a sociological edge,
         very educational'

      well, mebe
      but if there's psychology
      and sociology over there
      then one might say
      there's a fair amount
      of fuckology coming
      from that direction also

      invented interventions, from above
      uniting a race, if a race we are
      could we not slow down a bit
      until we know where, we're running to

      i suppose, it's the money
      that keeps us all running honey
      take the south shields marathon
      nice folk, no doubt loads of them
      internally motivated to demonstrate
      what is achievable as an amateur
      but many raising cash in small change
      for single issue purposes, many of these issues
      systemic failings of the present way of being
      pennies from the poor to the poorer still
      we give and we give and we give

      i used to give some thought
      to running a marathon, lots actually
      laid up, with my legs smashed to fuck
      i used to think, i will somehow
      extract a silver lining
      from this massive cloud
      that has descended upon me

       i will get better, and one day stand
       and then walk, and then run again
       and i will take part in that race ...

        ... but who i am kidding
         i used to hide on cross-country
          when i was kid, whenever the teachers
           weren't looking  ...

        ... but it's not the winning, is it
             and i can walk between
              every second lamppost
               to begin with ...

      so i convinced myself
      for a good few months
      before other self doggings kicked in
      that i build myself up
      to do a marathon

      just being able to run one
      would be an achievement
      but not for any real cause
      or rather, no cause really
      other than me trying to prove something
      to myself

      i don't know
      i never got that far
      i mean, i can run, but i've never
      ran a marathon, so i never
      got to that stage
      where some kind sole might enquire:

        are you doing it for some good cause
         would you like to be sponsored ...

     vi) the world blank

     forget for a bit about some one
     or some thing *being there*
     *up above*, *looking in*
     so to speak, and imagine now
     some one on, or near to
     this planet's bedraggled surface

       i met one once, who said to this me

         'there's only two kinds of work:

          moving relatively small bits of matter
          on, or near to the earth's surface
          and, getting some one else to move
          relatively small bits of matter
          on, or near to the earth's surface'

       i've met others
       who have split work up
       in to different categories

       *paid* and *unpaid*
       for example:

        if paid, then one does the work
        on a contractual understanding
        that at a known time, one will receive
        in return, small bits of matter,
        with numbers on them ...

         coins and folding money

        ... or at least
        be stimulated in to believing somehow
        that a certain number
        in an electronic account
        will increase by a set amount

        and, secondly, we have
        the ever so undefined
        and ever so much greater, with respect to
        human calorie consumption
        sub category, of unpaid work

        whither that work is the joyous
        and sometimes mind numbingly pecking chores
        of parenthood, or for that matter
        what is viewed by many
         to be of some greater charitable purpose
          like, i don't know
           take your pick
            there's loads out there
             many noble causes
              with logos, p r
               web sites and manifestos

       i've read a few, and i think
       some have a point
       take the british national party
       but not as a charity
       but used repetitively,
       in new labour publicity
       as the evil alternative,
        the fascist kid brother
         so to speak, of the untamed
         *british psyche*
          just waiting around the corner
           ready to pounce, on the ever so pleasant
            status quo, so don't

             vote for them

        i don't know, it's a joke isn't it
         the british clockwork,
          yet anachronistic
           eggy weggy pantomime

        but at the same time
         i recognise, that lots of nice folk,
          much nicer than me probably
           are put in fear
            whither it's real or imagined
             by these blipverts
              and are lead to
               a crude and temporary alternative
                but most people in britain
                 voted with their feet
                  so to speak, that is
                   stayed well away
                    from the booths
                     and did other
                      perhaps more useful stuff

          boot, the daily scoop
           and feet are made for walking
            however, it just may take
             more than some home grown
              fear generation x factor
               to get folk these days
                to suspend their disbelieve
                 and go pole charitably,
                  placing an x tidily,
                   in any box associated
                    with the present ruling shower

           well, sugar
           i guess reordering is imperative --

            'as a group, we are not as strong
             as our weakest link, goodbye
             we will reform, throw away
             the shackles of yesteryear
             and we will reconstitute,
             yet maintain the core values
             that we all hold so dear ...'

    what fucking *core values*
     there's never been a golden age
       myths, and spin doctors
        politician's, story tellers
         the lot of them:

     words, sometime's make me cross
     dunt get me wrong
     i'm pretty sure
     it's not a phobic response
     for, individually
     when presented with any one of them
     i tend to remain very calm
     or even if lot's of them come together
     in strings of intelligible
     if fractured at times,

     but core-values, well please
     please release me, i don't know
     *words*, may be it is all behavioural

     oh, that reminds me, drainage
     i have a plan, i started writing it
     about fifteen years ago,
     in my head at least, the plot so to speak

     but plot, who am i kidding
     any one who knows me, will testify
     i have very little, if any
     sense of direction

     nevertheless, i was not confused
     to where i was in the book
     i contemplated ...

       'i am in the *here and now*'

     .... it was to be a contemporary work

     and i broadly knew
     where i was wanting to get
     chronologically, with the world
     well most of it
     by two thousand and ten
     i thought, we will have
     a world of peace
     when money is not used
     other than in, the *reservations*

     the *reservations*, here i pictured
     a kind of theme park almost,
     where people from all over
     this planet, had congregated
     in dribs and drabs
     folk, who for whatever reason
     wanted to continue
     with the degradations

     when nebulous, these conclaves
     were watched closely
     if only because, concerns were expressed
     about some of the folk, there gathered:

      people with *known-form*

     but over time, and amongst the upheaval
     of it all, where many parts of world
     could perhaps have been said to be
     equally as drib drabby, in the real
     and somewhat hop scotchity metropolitan
     outpourings, little serious attention
     chat and debate, had been given to
     the remaining reservations, as indeed
     they were little more, than reservation in name

      some of these groupings, had developed
      almost quite naturally, in to environments
      of therapeutic role play, for instance
      in the months that immediately followed consensus
      prior to entry, at one reservation
      no longer now existent, contestants were required
      to feed what ever paper money,
      they had managed to gather together
      nervously in to a self service machine
      which *normalised* their apparent wealth

       some currencies held their value, sure
       longer than others, durability of texture
       or sentimentality of the players, who knows
       but, over a relatively short period of time
       one could see, from the decreasing
       and faintly florescent new whole number
       which the machines stamped crudely
       upon the old notes, before returning them
       to the would be players
       that, normalisation was tending
       quickly towards zero, in an apparent
       linear and quantum manner

      outside the reservations, money
      took on a more charitable edge

      in those same few months
      a special print run
      was undertaken, at the
      bank of england presses
      which switching back
      briefly for the day
      from wall paper production
      where set yet again, with the plates
      the negatives, of the notes circulating
      immediately prior to consensus, except now
      when printed, in certain lights
      appeared the image of a child
      beside elisabeth, and the paper once dry
      was cut, stacked and packed
      in monopoly maundy sets
      before being distributed to the kids
      in the hope, that by playing the game
      they'd improve their mental arithmetic
      and learn something about the nature
      of a prior history

      the child's form, somewhat hidden
      on the notes themselves, placed boldly
      central, on the box-fronts

      stern in stance, wrapped in a dark
      union jack, yet the face exposed now
      and recognisable by many:

        it's stewie griffin
        off of family guy,
        -- you are now cured --
        was printed as a strap line

      but the above, and the many other examples
      you will find in this period
      of transitory artifact, can be considered
      as no more, than the fading echos
      of defence memes prevalent
      through out that first decade

      by two thousand and seventeen,
      -- where i contemplated beginning the tale --
      many memes dominant in the bizarro world
      of the naughties, had
      like money itself, fallen out of use
      and in deed, many folk took their children
      to visit, the tamer reservations

      some from nostalgia, no doubt
      and a few were said to have
      used the occasion to deliver a kinda ...

        'you don't realise
         how lucky you've got it
         you kids, these day'

      ... yorkshire man
      living in a cardboard box
      type sketch

      but the kids themselves, knew by then
      if not hardship, at least a couple of
      lean mean winter, and some i hear
      didn't make the comparison out loud

      that being said, some seven odd years
      post the first consensus
      as the world
      or rather the human part of it
      which had agreed and acted out its remit
      what, for some, had felt like little more
      than blind faith, initially
      sempt to be now
      a simple, and blindingly obvious truth ...

          azadeh, a main character of the story
          is considering this change in perspective

          she is at home, and she thinks she
          vaguely kops it, she sits down
          folds her hands over her lap,
          and says

           'but why then all the rumours'

          a big maine coon cat
           that sometimes answered to the name marcel
            and always to the smell of food
             if only to turn his nose up in disdain
          lifted one heavy eye lid
           at the sound of aza's voice
            and made that short two pitch
             squeaky sound in response
              that azadeh took to mean:

             'you half woke me then
              and nothing's moved
              except you, since i went to sleep
              and you're ok, except you're noisy
              so unless you maintain a modicum
              of silence, i will turn my nose up
              at you too, and go crash
              somewhere else instead'

            -- repeats azadeh to the cat --
           'there's going to be
            quite a lot noise around here soon
            in any case marcel, so you'd better start
            getting used to it'

      by rumours, she's referring to stories
      that have began to circulate
      in the early months of seventeen

      certain of the talking heads
      of the past decades, have not only
      avoided any amends work
      which alone, invalidates the terms
      of their amnesty, but they are also
      actively planning a make or break
      world retake, and have access to secret
      hidden devices

      speculation grew like wild fire
      half remembered tales
      started appearing, calling for
      a reformation of the courts ...

         azadeh giggles
         when she hears the call for reformation


      she thinks, she has a pretty blissful
      existence these days
      but it wasn't instant, as it was
      with many, for example
      whilst most us had spent
      the days of the courts spell bound
      by their significance, and shocked
      at many levels, by the stark reality
      laid out, for all to witness ...

          'this is consensus
           we're just here to spell out the problems
           clearly, and any answers we have
           are second hand clearly ...'

      ... began the transmission
      azadeh, sat transfixed, anxious
      she knew, it could still go wrong
      even now, at the very start

      she was aware of the set up,
      the introductory speeches
      by the usual suspects, those there
      for the press to photograph smiling
      and looking stern when appropriate
      if called upon to do so
      at events, if not as globally important
      as the one unfolding, certainly ones
      advertised in the build up
      as being of the uppermost relevance, but
      they'd said their peace, and sat down quietly
      god bless them, as did some leaders
      who could claim, in many cases
      a greater, and more recent estimation
      of political confidence

      but then again, they had darker skin,
      and spoke with a strong indo-european accent
      in public, which a few of the other leaders
      until recently, had been unable
      or unwilling to translate

      and they sat down too, allah be praised
      and let the earth scientists
      delivery their analysis
      from top to bottom
      melting ice caps and all that
      much of it known and already accepted
      if only somewhat recently by many corporate
      and state leaders, after what had seemed
      like a long period of short termed thinking
      and selfishly motivated denial

         azadeh pushed the red button
         on the remote to a free view box
         and saw the representatives
         sat still, in the lecture theatre
         wearing ear phones, listening to a narration
         in an accent they understood

         she, switched to chinese
         a language she didn't understand at all
         at that point in her life, but one
         she like to listen to, because she thought
         it sounded so sing-songy, and smiley
         with it's open, and extended diphthongs

           she got up, went out the rear
           of where she was lodging back then
           and looked out
           towards the quiet horizon

           she remembered the attenborough broadcast
           at the turn of the century
           and where she was visiting then
           with a yucky tummy flue
           that left her dazed and running late
           to a celebration in that town

              it was strange, she thought at first
               everyone she passed, looked at her
                as though in recognition
                 she was in a hurry
                  nodded and walked briskly on

                  then, as she slowed down
                 she heard their good wishes
                and phased in to the celebratory period

            'oh, best of luck
             for the new millennium
             to you too'

            -- she echoed back
               to total strangers --

              but what was weird
              was that she had felt they meant it

              she'd looked them
              clean in the eye's, when they spoke
              as indeed, they'd looked in hers

              heads were up, that night

            'dithery old drunken fools ...'

            -- she said out loud, and then --

            '... eat, eat'

              her mind wonders again,
              this time to a pair of socks
              she used to wear, and she stopped
              went back in, grabbed a sandwich
              and turned down the box

              she's fretting again,

           'it could all go wrong
            you know this'

              she secretly squeezed a golf ball
              in her hoodie pocket
              as she recalled the media handling
              of an event in two thousand and one
              and where heads had gone, that day ...

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