[syfaslane365] Peace train

Bob Banks bob.banks at tribalgroup.co.uk
Mon Jul 17 09:13:29 BST 2006

 Hi Hope Valley peace group members (and others)

We had a meeting of the Hope Valley affinity group, who will be taking part in the Faslane 365 blockade of Faslane (home of Britain's nuclear weapons of mass destruction) in October.  To a large extent we're focussed on the blockade itself, but we feel that it's really important that people know about it, and that the blockade is just part of a many-facetted campaign rasising opposition to the governments current efforts to steam-roller through a new generation of nuclear weapons.  We'd love it if people had energy to put into this campaign. In whatever way you'd like, or can help  - e.g. media, contacting elected representatives, church people, etc. etc.,  petitions, "stalls", events,  etc. etc.......


(We'd also love it if more people are interested in joining the group - either to blockade or to work on support and awareness raising.)


One specific event that is already planned -

We proposed an event to raise awareness and opposition to Trident and to the building of a new generation of "replacement" nuclear weapons.

A "Peace Train" through the Hope Valley - possibly stopping off at each village. Might include ideas like taking a model Trident submarine and banners on the train, asking people to draw on cards or a banner what they'd rather spend £25 billion on,  playing music,  etc. etc.

On Saturday August 26th - Bank Holiday Weekend


Jane Varley agreed to be coordinator - if you can help with the organising (in however small a way) or might like to come on the day (if only for a couple of hours) , can you contact her?

Her email is J <mailto:Jmgx2 at btinternet.com> mgx2 at btinternet.com, and phone (01433) 650132  


People who were at the meeting - is there anything else we said that needs mailing round?




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