[syfaslane365] Just a couple of things

Jamie Sanderson inertiatic_esp at hotmail.co.uk
Sat Oct 7 11:57:06 BST 2006

Hey all,

Well managed to get back last night after a really hard slog down the M6. 
Definately a big well done to Simon who was fantastic with all the driving!

I know it's early days yet and some people aren't even back but if anyone 
knows of the whereabouts of a blue "animal" fleece (I think it's most likely 
to be in either burried in the van or the hope valley peoples cottage) can 
they let me know asap and I'll arrange to collect it from them sometime over 
the course of the week.

Well thats it.

Hope everyone is well and that we will all see each other again soon.


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