[syfaslane365] The debrief

Jill jgibbon at wimbledon.ac.uk
Tue Oct 17 09:03:25 BST 2006

Here is a quick summary of the debrief on Sunday evening:

Every  one was positive about the action, and most people were keen to go
to Faslane again.  We also discussed problems that arose in the action,
particularly in the area of consensus descision making, and we decided it
would useful to do more training in this area.  One theme was of using fun
to overcome fear.  With this in mind we plan to do a CIRCA training.  Any
one fancy being part of a clown navy at Faslane on April 1st?  Watch this

Thank you Kiri and Richard for the use of your house.
Thank you to everyone who brought food and drink.
Thank you to everyone who came.
And a really big thanks to everyone who came to Faslane!


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