[syfaslane365] the moles are rising

nickwiltsher at warpmail.net nickwiltsher at warpmail.net
Mon Oct 23 12:09:50 BST 2006


since we've got this list, we may as well use it for related notices
that may be of interest, and in that spirit:

There's a plan afoot for a temporary, short-term social centre project
in the centre of Sheffield.  A two-week lifespan is projected.  What's
needed is things to make that two weeks packed, enjoyable, and so on. 
So, if anyone has an idea of stuff they'd like to do with some free
space - workshops, exhibitions, events, creative, collaborative,
cultural, or political activities, etc etc - they should come along to
the Rutland (brown st, nr showroom) on Wednesday at 7pm, go to the
upstairs room, and find out more...

Alternatively, if you've got ideas but can't make that meeting, let me
know and i can feed in your schemes...

Sorry not to make the debrief - good that it was good!



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