[un/loquer] Fwd: [Bricolabs] Fwd: DIRSI - Young Researchers Fellowship - Fourth edition, 2010
Paula Vélez
pvelezbr at gmail.com
Tue Jul 27 17:57:23 UTC 2010
Hola Unloquers.
llegó esta info de una beca para desarrolladores.
pensé en diego y en ustedes que le han trabajado a la idea de medellín
no se si estoy perdida, pero les mando igual a ver si les interesa y si
Sharing in case you would have friends in Latin America who would be
interested in this fellowship with ICT for Development thinktank DIRSI.
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Laura León K. <leon.laura en gmail.com>
To: announcements en iamcr.org
Cc: coordinacion.dirsi en gmail.com
Sent: Wed, July 14, 2010 3:00:36 AM
Subject: [IAMCR] DIRSI - Young Researchers Fellowship - Fourth edition, 2010
DIRSI is inviting young Latin American researchers to submit
applications to the Fourth edition of the Young Researcher Fellowships
program. Three fellowships of US$6,000 are available to support
research within the network's current themes: Bandwidth for All,
Mobile Opportunities 2.0 and New Indicators on ICT Access and Use.
Eligible applicants are young researchers (born in 1975 or after)
conducting their academic activities in Latin America. Proposals must
be submitted by 30 July 2010 and the final reports must be completed
by 10 January 2011.
Research proposals and final reports can be presented in Spanish,
English or Portuguese.
Laura León K.
(+ 511) 9950-50494
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