[un/loquer] Fwd: [PLOTS] Flone, The flying phone

Fabio Barone holon.earth en gmail.com
Mie Abr 17 19:33:17 UTC 2013

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Juan Pablo <jpt en faba.in>
Date: 2013/4/17
Subject: [PLOTS] Flone, The flying phone
To: publiclaboratory en googlegroups.com

"Flone, The flying phone" project by Lot Amorós, Cristina Navarro y
Alexandre Oliver, based on open hardware, has won the NEXT THINGS 2012
contest (

NEXT THINGS 2013 – NEXT SPACE, the Second Global Art & Technology
Challenge, is looking for innovative and disruptive ideas on the Internet
of Things in the interplay of art, technology and architecture: art that
uses connections / smart objects / spaces as a medium, or art that
reframes, rethinks and reflects on what the role of the Internet of Things
could be(come) in relation with the physical space, etc. (
).[image: Flone, un teléfono móvil volador, proyecto ganador de la
convocatoria Next Things 2013]

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