[un/loquer] Fwd: [PLOTS] heads up; microcontroller mooc starts in January

Fabio Barone holon.earth en gmail.com
Mar Dic 17 19:51:53 UTC 2013

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jack Summers <j6summers en gmail.com>
Date: 2013/12/11
Subject: [PLOTS] heads up; microcontroller mooc starts in January
To: publiclaboratory en googlegroups.com

Hi Folks,
If you are interested in learning to make Arduino like projects (or if you
wish to learn more about microcontrollers), you may want to consider the
Beginning January 22, there there will be a free on-line course on
microcontrollers offered by the U of Texas at Austin through EdX . The name
of the course is; Embedded Systems- Shape the World.  You can read about
it, watch the intro video, and sign up at;

I hope to lean heavily on the mooc to deliver lecture content for a
laboratory course I am developing on computer interfacing (this is an
experiment that could work very well or might just crash and burn). While
the EdX course will be taught with the idea of programming in C, I am going
to use the alternative, Arduino like program Energia in my course.  The EdX
course prerequisites are listed as "Computer programming course in any
language with exposure to variables, arithmetic, logic, loops, and
functions. High school physics course covering current, voltage,
resistance, and power."  I am recommending a computer course, but not
requiring it.  If you are interested in participating in my "Arduino like"
alternative, let me know and we can see if we can figure out a way to
include you.

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