[un/loquer] Fwd: October Build Night - Creative Reuse
brolin .
brolin108 en gmail.com
Mar Sep 3 21:18:19 UTC 2013
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Carley Jacobson <carley en instructables.com>
Date: Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 3:52 PM
Subject: October Build Night - Creative Reuse
We have just announced our Creative Re-use October build night
This month we don't have a sponsor so we're going to turning this into a
little friendly competition.
Host a build night at your space re-using and re-purposing e-waste, trash,
and found objects. Submit your creations to win Instructables t-shirts and
patches for your makerspace.
Cheers and have fun!
- Carley
Carley Jacobson
Business Development, Instructables.com
Autodesk Consumer Products
(e) carley en instructables.com
(m) 401.575.3163
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