[un/loquer] Printoo - Printed electronics prototyping platform

António Moreira amoreira en printoo.pt
Mie Abr 2 14:23:30 UTC 2014

I’m writing you from a Printed Electronics start-up called Ynvisible. We´re now working on a project called Printoo, an open-source, paper-thin, flexible, and modular Arduino-compatible platform. Some of the modules available with Printoo are novel Printed Electronics technologies never before made available to the maker community.  
We’re going to launch Printoo on Kickstarter soon, but we’d like to show you a preview beforehand:  
We believe it is a great platform to easily and quickly create concepts for smart-phone controlled vehicles (it comes with Bluetooth LE), smart wearables, internet of things, interactive posters/cards, or even to give life to 3D printed objects. We’ve begun showing it to Maker communities close to us – at AltLab (Lisbon Hackerspace) and local FabLabs – and were met with great enthusiasm which we hope you will share.  
We’d love to have your feedback on this and most of all, we’d love to see what you and the members of your hackerspace could do with this platform. If you’re interested, we’d love to present Printoo and talk a little bit about Printed Electronics through Skype or Google Hangouts.  
www.printoo.pt // www.facebook.com/theprintoo  
Best regards,  
Manuel Câmara  
PS: Apologies if this project is not of interest to you. We will not send you further emails other than as an eventual reply to an email from you. Thanks!

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Ynvisible | Rua Mouzinho de Albuquerque, 7 | 2070-104 Cartaxo, Portugal. 
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