[un/loquer] teléfonos
Paula Vélez
pvelezbr en gmail.com
Dom Dic 7 23:52:06 UTC 2014
Hola Fabio,
Qué bueno!
Gracias por esa información y por compartir la carta de la chica.
2014-12-03 2:45 GMT+01:00 Fabio Barone <holon.earth en gmail.com>:
> alguna vez me respondió alguien en la lista de P2P que dizque tiene uno.
> pues es super interesante el proyecto, pero no se exactamente en que andan.
> Aquí te dejo con la respuesta de la muchacha:
> Hi all,
> For those living in Europe, there is the Fairphone. The first edition of
> this smartphone was produced through crowd-sourcing and shipped last
> December/January. It is not yet a modular phone - but I think that one is
> in the making. Only 25.000 Fairphones were produced in the first round.
> Spare parts and a repair manual are available. The second round consists of
> 35.000 Fairphones and the pre-sale starts in May.
> The Fairphone is fair in many different ways (free/open source software,
> rootable, transparent pricing, non-conflict minerals, worker rights, ewaste
> solution, double sim, replaceable battery, etc.). The philosophy behind
> Fairphone is to have fewer mobile phones around, not more. Secondly, the
> real goal is not just a fair mobile phone, but a circular economy. As a
> Fairphone buyer, you become an investor in a workers welfare fund in China
> and an e-waste project in Ghana.
> The Fairphone is not 100% fair and 100% perfect - but it is the best
> available at the moment. All this and more can be read on the Fairphone
> website/blog. Browse through the pages and blog entries - there is a lot of
> interesting information.
> http://www.fairphone.com/
> Greetings,
> Maja - a happy Fairphone owner
> ************************************************
> y también escribió esto:
> Hei,
> I have written a paper about the Fairphone (and Participatory Design):
> http://philo.at/ocs2/index.php/oslo14/ctnewd14/paper/view/295/65
> I will present it next week at a conference in Oslo. If you are in town:
> http://www.catacconference.org/
> On 12/02/2014 06:53 PM, Paula Vélez wrote:
> quién conoce estos teléfonos?
> http://www.fairphone.com/#phone
> serán buenos?
> alguién sabe de ventajas, desventajas, tipo de empresa.... y esas cosas.
> saludos,
> paula
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