[un/loquer] Fwd: Instructables March Build Night with Voltaic Systems

stencil malibu seliotoy en gmail.com
Mie Feb 5 03:34:41 UTC 2014

d 1+

2014-02-03 Fabio Barone <holon.earth en gmail.com>:

> buena idea kalash
> 2014-02-03 kalashnikov <kalashnikov en otrabanda.org>:
> la propia pa lapiratebox
>> hacer con arduino(ó 555) un montaje para que siga el sol siempre? con ldr
>>  y alimente la piratebox ?
>> On Mon, Feb 3, 2014 at 3:50 PM, Brolin brolov <brolin108 en gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Yo digo que no apliquemos a esto hasta que no hagamos un instructable
>>> bien chimba para lumi! Las reglas siempre han sido claras.
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: Carley Jacobson <carley en instructables.com>
>>> Date: Mon, Feb 3, 2014 at 3:44 PM
>>> Subject: Instructables March Build Night with Voltaic Systems
>>> To:
>>> Hello Makers,
>>> We are back with our second build night of 2014! There are a few changes
>>> to the build night program so please read carefully.
>>> For March we are partnering with Voltaic Systems<http://www.voltaicsystems.com/>to send you a 6W solar charger kit! Unlike past build nights where you had
>>> 1 night to host a workshop, we are allowing you 2 months to build your
>>> projects! At the end of the 2 months we will select our favorite project to
>>> receive 20 Instructables t-shirts for your makerspace!
>>> This isn't first come first serve - we will be evaluating each
>>> application. Feel free to do some research before you submit by the *February
>>> 7 deadline*.
>>> *Selection Process*: We look at past build night participation, past
>>> project quality, and project proposals for the current build night. If you
>>> haven't participated in a build night OR haven't submitted Instructables
>>> for build nights you signed up for we suggest your space create
>>> Instructables over the next few months and submit them in future
>>> applications. There is also a section on the application to explain why you
>>> weren't able to submit projects for a past build night.
>>> Find event details and sign your space up for the March Build Night
>>> <http://www.instructables.com/community/March-2014-Build-Night-Voltaic-Systems-Solar-Panel/>
>>> here<http://www.instructables.com/community/March-2014-Build-Night-Voltaic-Systems-Solar-Panel/>.
>>> There are 15 spaces available.
>>> Have fun!
>>> Cheers!
>>>  Carley
>>> --
>>> Carley Jacobson
>>> Business Development, Instructables.com
>>> Autodesk Consumer Products
>>> instructables.com/carley
>>> (e) carley en instructables.com
>>> (m) 401.575.3163
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