[un/loquer] Fwd: [New post] An inspiring DIY workshop
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Sab Mar 22 20:18:25 UTC 2014
esta bueno , pero para eso se necesita un espacio un lugar fisico y grande
gracias por el aporte , aqui el club al cual pertenesco :
2014-03-22 11:05 GMT-05:00 Fabio Barone <holon.earth en gmail.com>:
> @checho,
> porque no organiza algo así? Creo sería muuuy bueno.... :)
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: The Restart Project <donotreply en wordpress.com>
> Date: 2014-03-22 6:50 GMT-05:00
> Subject: [New post] An inspiring DIY workshop
> To: holon.earth en gmail.com
> janetgunter posted: " Yesterday we visited the London Bike Kitchen - a
> very special DIY Bike Repair Workshop in east London. We had felt a certain
> kinship with this project for a long time, but had yet to visit. Opened by
> Jenni Gwiazdowski in 2012, the workshop space was a n"
> New post on *The Restart Project*
> <http://therestartproject.org/?author=4> An inspiring DIY workshop<http://therestartproject.org/repair-elsewhere/an-inspiring-diy-workshop/> by
> janetgunter <http://therestartproject.org/?author=4>
> [image: LBK]<http://therestartproject.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/LBK.png>
> Yesterday we visited the London Bike Kitchen <http://lbk.org.uk/> - a
> very special DIY Bike Repair Workshop in east London. We had felt a certain
> kinship with this project for a long time, but had yet to visit. Opened by
> Jenni Gwiazdowski in 2012, the workshop space was a natural evolution from
> a market stall where Jenni helped people reconnect with their bikes and
> realised that there was real demand for DIY repair.
> Now it is a hub of activity. On Friday afternoon we caught the drop-in
> members of LBK, wearing lovely aprons, hard at work on their bikes. They
> borrow tools, a bike stand, and the expertise of the mechanic on duty. The
> LBK has a full weekly schedule <http://lbk.org.uk/index.php/calendar/> of
> women's workshops, events for kids, and DIY repair clinics. (The LBK's WaG
> nights were an inspiration to us<http://www.meetup.com/Restarters-London/events/170477292/>
> .)
> The LBK mission is not to sell stuff - besides some basic tools, parts and
> consumables, they are quite minimal on the merch (although we love the "Fix
> Shit" t-shirts<http://lcc.org.uk/articles/safer-lorries-two-way-streets-and-sir-bradley-wiggins-honoured-in-new-look-london-cycling-awards>).
> What is for "sale" is empowerment, community and resilience.
> As a project that has popped up in more places than we can even count, we
> absolutely love the community feel to the LBK, the regularity and stability
> that a project with a stable homebase builds.
> Over coming months we will be hosting a series of workshops at
> Makerversity <http://makerversity.co.uk/>, our current home. We will
> alternate bimonthly skill-sharing workshops for experienced Restarter
> volunteers with workshops for women. We really look forward to
> experimenting with the feeling of welcoming people to our homebase. And who
> knows, maybe eventually our own workshop?
> *janetgunter <http://therestartproject.org/?author=4>* | March 22, 2014
> at 11:50 am | URL: http://wp.me/p46QLZ-Wy
> Comment<http://therestartproject.org/repair-elsewhere/an-inspiring-diy-workshop/#respond>
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> *Trouble clicking?* Copy and paste this URL into your browser:
> http://therestartproject.org/repair-elsewhere/an-inspiring-diy-workshop/
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