[un/loquer] Fwd: Maker Faire - Talk about Build Night Program

brolin brolin108 en gmail.com
Mie Mayo 14 02:26:49 UTC 2014

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Carley Jacobson <carley en instructables.com>
Date: Tue, May 13, 2014 at 5:42 PM
Subject: Maker Faire - Talk about Build Night Program

General Announcement.

I'll be speaking at Maker Faire about Instructables and the Build Night
program (see here<http://makerfaire.com/makers/instructables-build-night-program/>).
Come check out my talk and introduce yourself to me! The talk is on
Saturday, May 17th from 6:30-6:45pm.

Also, if you are traveling to Maker Faire this year and will be in San
Francisco, I would like to invite you to our office party on Thursday
afternoon from 6-8pm. Send me an e-mail saying you would like to attend and
I will send a formal invite.


Carley Jacobson
Business Development, Instructables.com
Autodesk Consumer Products

(e) carley en instructables.com
(m) 401.575.3163
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