[un/loquer] Printed Electronics Project
António Moreira
amoreira en printoo.pt
Mar Mayo 13 16:25:48 UTC 2014
Printoo and BITalino team up to let you create the ultimate smart wearable device
Dear Sirs,
Printoo's flexible modules provide the ideal form factor to quickly create first product concepts for smart wearables devices. BITalino ( http://www.bitalino.com/ http://www.bitalino.com/) is revolutionizing DIY health tracking by making physiological sensors to measure the body's biosignals accessible to all. Combine the two and it has never been easier to create revolutionary smart wearable concepts to life.
Promotional video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orHdEpJa0tM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orHdEpJa0tM
With Printoo, a number of inputs were already available: accelerometer, temperature sensor, capacitive and light sensors. BITalino's modules for Electromyography (EMG), Electrodermal Activity (EDA) and Electrocardiogram (ECG) can be easily connected to Printoo through a flexible coupling board. Combine these inputs with flexible LEDs (in strip or matrix form), electrochromic displays, a sound buzzer, as well as Bluetooth Low Energy connectivity, and the possibilities are endless.
About Printoo:
Being thin, small and flexible, Printoo boards can be used to make 3D printed objects come to life. By bringing novel ultra-low power technologies and having Bluetooth Low Energy connectivity, they are also great to prototype new product concepts around the internet of things and smart wearables.
Printoo is a project developed by Ynvisible.
About BITalino:
BITalino is a low-cost toolkit that allows anyone from makers to students or professional developers to create projects & applications with physiological sensors. Out of the box, BITalino already integrates easy to use software & hardware blocks with sensors for muscle, heart, arousal, motion, and ambient light measurement. Imagination is the limit, and applications can range from muscle activated air drones to personal diagnostics tools.
About Ynvisible:
Ynvisible’s vision is to bring everyday objects and surfaces to life, making them more useful and enjoyable to people. Ynvisible combines printed electronics, traditional printing and electronics, to design and deliver interactive solutions which bring digital experiences and functionalities into the physical world. Ynvisible is a spin-out of YDreams, an interactive products and technologies company. Printoo is Ynvisible’s first consumer product.
For more information, visit http://www.ynvisible.com/ http://www.ynvisible.com/
Printoo's Kickstarter campaign is now in its final stretch, ending in 4 days!
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1030661323/printoo-paper-thin-flexible-arduinotm-compatible-m https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1030661323/printoo-paper-thin-flexible-arduinotm-compatible-m
BITalino is available on SparkFun:
https://www.sparkfun.com/products/12750 https://www.sparkfun.com/products/12750
Best Regards,
António Moreira | Business Development | Ynvisible
http://www.ynvisible.com/ www.ynvisible.com
http://www.printoo.pt/ www.printoo.pt
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1030661323/printoo-paper-thin-flexible-arduinotm-compatible-m?ref=live https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1030661323/printoo-paper-thin-flexible-arduinotm-compatible-m?ref=live
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