[un/loquer] Orientation trip to Chile & Colombia - request for appointment
Haco de Ridder
h.deridder en mondriaanfonds.nl
Lun Oct 5 12:07:00 UTC 2015
Dear All,
On behalf of the whole group I want to thank you for receiving us, sharing your knowledge on your institutions and making our trip an unforgettable experience!
We look back on an amazing and fruitful two weeks.
If you ever happen to visit The Netherlands please let me know!
Our blog is almost updated: https://orientationtrip2015.wordpress.com/
My best, Haco
Officer International Visitorsprogram
Haco de Ridder
Mondriaan Fonds
Postbus 773
1000 AT Amsterdam
T +31 (0)20 523 15 23
Van: Estefanía Piedrahita Villa [mailto:comunicacionyproyectos en casatrespatios.org]
Verzonden: vrijdag 11 september 2015 19:54
Aan: Tony Evanko
CC: Haco de Ridder; Sonia Cristina Sequeda Mantilla; Estefania Piedrahita
Onderwerp: Re: Orientation trip to Chile & Colombia - request for appointment
Hi Haco
All the organizations confirmed their participation in the meeting. This is the list of the number of the members that will join us that day, and their contact email.
-Proyecto NN x 2 //
-Taller 7 x 2 //
-Por Estos Días x 5 // *you already have them
-Platohedro x 2 //direccionplatohedro en gmail.com<mailto:direccionplatohedro en gmail.com>
-Campos de Gutiérrez x 2 // info en camposdegutierrez.org<mailto:info en camposdegutierrez.org> -
-Epicentro x 4 // info en epicentro.com.co<mailto:info en epicentro.com.co>
-Unloquer x 3 // unloquer en lists.aktivix.org<http://lists.aktivix.org>
-Puente Lab x 2 // danielurreapena en gmail.com<mailto:danielurreapena en gmail.com>
Have a nice day.
See you soon!
[Afbeelding verwijderd door afzender.]
Estefanía Piedrahita Villa
Comunicación y Gestión
comunicacionyproyectos en casatrespatios.org<mailto:comunicacionyproyectos en casatrespatios.org>
Celular: 310 500 71 19
Tel: 571 77 98
www.casatrespatios.org <http://www.casatrespatios.org/>
Agenda de septiembre
CuBO.X - Andrés Monzón
En residencia: Moises Londoño, Nicolas Chacón y Camilo Bojacá.
Taller / 9 de septiembre: Conversaciones con tintas distintas - Exposición de Sergio Trujillo
2015-09-07 11:09 GMT-05:00 Tony Evanko <direccion en casatrespatios.org<mailto:direccion en casatrespatios.org>>:
Hi Haco:
We have used 3 companies that have small buses. This one is called
Rutas Verde y Blanco
Contact: Jessica Arango
Telephone: 57 4 444 4265
email: comercial2vyb en gmail.com<mailto:comercial2vyb en gmail.com>
Let me know if you want the information about the others or if you have other questions.
On Mon, Sep 7, 2015 at 4:42 AM, Haco de Ridder <h.deridder en mondriaanfonds.nl<mailto:h.deridder en mondriaanfonds.nl>> wrote:
Hi Tony,
I have a practical question.
For the transport of the group I contacted someone that was advised to me by Nydia Gutierrez but unfortunately this person doesn’t have a bus for 17 persons.
Do you have an idea of which company/person I could contact?
Hoping to hear from you!
My best, Haco
Officer International Visitorsprogram
Haco de Ridder
Mondriaan Fonds
Postbus 773
1000 AT Amsterdam
T +31 (0)20 523 15 23
Van: Tony Evanko [mailto:direccion en casatrespatios.org<mailto:direccion en casatrespatios.org>]
Verzonden: zaterdag 5 september 2015 17:27
Aan: Haco de Ridder
CC: Sonia Cristina Sequeda Mantilla; Estefania Piedrahita
Onderwerp: Re: Orientation trip to Chile & Colombia - request for appointment
Hi Haco:
Sorry for the long delay in answering your question about the MDE15.
The theme of the event this year is Local Stories / Global Practices.
While the official website is still being designed the Museum of Antioquia has posted some information about this years event and in the same section you can find some general information about the event. Here is a link. If you do not read Spanish you will have to scroll down for the English version.
After participating in a call for proposals, I was appointed as the local curator. In addition to selecting local artists to participate in the exhibition, I am helping to coordinate the local 'Host Spaces'. These are artist initiatives that are invited to participate by opening their spaces to the general public during the course of the event. Specifically in 2015. The spaces will recieve
In Casa Tres Patios we will have 2 artists and one graphic designer who will be working at the same time either on one common project or on 3 separate projects or maybe a combination of both of these possibilities.
The residents include:
Bert Theis (Spain)
Franc Paredes (Argentina)
Nina Bianchi (USA)
They all have interests around the construction of community, commons and politics. We will see what they come up with.
If you have any more questions about C3P or MDE15 please do not hesitate to ask.
On Thu, Aug 20, 2015 at 2:00 AM, Haco de Ridder <h.deridder en mondriaanfonds.nl<mailto:h.deridder en mondriaanfonds.nl>> wrote:
Dear Tony, Estefania and Sonia,
Thank you for your prompt reply!
I’m really happy that we can visit Casa tres Patios on the 26th of September at 17:00 and that you are willing to invite the other groups for short presentations.
Of course it’s ok if you also invite the other ones you mention and to have all institutions do presentations of around 10 minutes!
Also I think it would be great if you could tell more about your plans for MDE15.
Please keep me posted on the institutions that confirm and the names of the one that are coming so I can send them a thank you mail and some information on our trip?
My best, Haco
Officer International Visitorsprogram
Haco de Ridder
Mondriaan Fonds
Postbus 773
1000 AT Amsterdam
T +31 (0)20 523 15 23
[twitter]<http://www.twitter.com/mondriaanfonds>Fout! Bestandsnaam niet opgegeven.<http://www.facebook.com/mondriaanfonds>
Van: Tony Evanko [mailto:direccion en casatrespatios.org<mailto:direccion en casatrespatios.org>]
Verzonden: woensdag 19 augustus 2015 22:21
Aan: Haco de Ridder
CC: Sonia Cristina Sequeda Mantilla; Estefania Piedrahita
Onderwerp: Re: Orientation trip to Chile & Colombia - request for appointment
Dear Haco:
Thank you for your email.
Yes, we would be happy to host your group on September 26th.
I have set aside that date and that time, and we will invite the groups that you have mentioned to make short presentations of their projects.
There are some other groups in Medellín that are have very good projects as well, they include Un/Loquer<http://unloquer.org/> (who we house in our garage), Campos de Gutierrez<http://www.camposdegutierrez.org/>, Por Estos Días<http://porestosdias.org/> and Proyecto NN<http://www.proyectonn.com/>. Please let me know if you think it would be ok to invite one or more of them to also present their projects.
I think it would be good if we set a time limit for each presentation. If all of the groups come, we would be 9 in total. If each group has 10 minutes maximum the presentations would last about 1 1/2 hours. Would that be ok?
I am copying Sonia Sequeda, our general coordinator and Estefania Piedrahita our communications person with this email in case.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 8:54 AM, Haco de Ridder <h.deridder en mondriaanfonds.nl<mailto:h.deridder en mondriaanfonds.nl>> wrote:
Dear Tony Evanko,
My name is Haco de Ridder and I work for the Mondriaan Fund in the Netherlands.
At the fund I am responsible for the international visitors program and the organization of our yearly orientation trips.
I am contacting you because I am planning our Orientation trip in September / October 2015 to Chile (Santiago and Valparaiso) and Colombia (Medellin and Bogota).
The goal of this trip is to extend international networks and contacts, and to stimulate the international dialogue between art professionals.
Idea is to visit a selected number of institutions, such as museums, galleries, art spaces and art professionals.
With this trip we are collaborating with Flanders Arts Institute<http://www.flandersartsinstitute.b/>, Belgium, The Danish Art Agency<http://www.kunst.dk/>, Denmark and Pro Helvetia<http://www.prohelvetia.ch/>, Switzerland.
The participants of the trip are working in the field of visual arts (bio’s attached).
Here are some links to previous trips:
2014: http://orientationtrip2014.wordpress.com/
2013: http://orientationtrip2013.wordpress.com/
2012: http://orientationtrip2012.wordpress.com/
2011: http://orientationtrip2011.wordpress.com/
2010: http://orientationtrip2010.wordpress.com/
2009: http://orientationtrip2009.wordpress.com/
Would it be possible to visit Casa tres Patios on Saturday 26 September at 17:30?
I know this is late but we are arriving from Santiago that day around 14:00, move to the Arthotel, and hopefully be ready around 16:00 to leave the hotel.
Also I wanted to ask if it’s possible to invite some of the other space’s to give small presentations of their spaces that evening at Casa tres Patios.
Spaces like: Taller7, Platohedro, Puente Lab and Intermundos.
Later that evening one of our group members Dick Verdult alias Dick El Demasiado will have a performance at Transfusion in Medellin and hopefully we can all join!
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Kind regards, Haco de Ridder
Officer International Visitorsprogram
Haco de Ridder
Mondriaan Fonds
Postbus 773
1000 AT Amsterdam
T +31 (0)20 523 15 23
[twitter]<http://www.twitter.com/mondriaanfonds>Fout! Bestandsnaam niet opgegeven.<http://www.facebook.com/mondriaanfonds>
Fout! Bestandsnaam niet opgegeven.
Tony Evanko
Dirección General
direccion en casatrespatios.org<mailto:direccion en casatrespatios.org>
Teléfono: +57 (4) 5717798<tel:%2B57%20%284%29%205717798>
www.casatrespatios.org <http://www.casatrespatios.org/>
Agenda Julio
CuBO.X - Paula Usuga
En residencia: Melle Smets y Eduardo Yaguas
Laboratorios Comunes de Creación: inscripciones abiertas<http://www.casatrespatios.org/#!Vuelven+los+Laboratorios+Comunes+de+Creación+a+la+Red+de+Artes+Visuales/cs55/55883cbd0cf25bae5cad28a9>
[Afbeelding verwijderd door afzender.]
Tony Evanko
Dirección General
direccion en casatrespatios.org<mailto:direccion en casatrespatios.org>
Teléfono: +57 (4) 5717798<tel:%2B57%20%284%29%205717798>
www.casatrespatios.org <http://www.casatrespatios.org/>
Agenda Julio
CuBO.X - Paula Usuga
En residencia: Melle Smets y Eduardo Yaguas
Laboratorios Comunes de Creación: inscripciones abiertas<http://www.casatrespatios.org/#!Vuelven+los+Laboratorios+Comunes+de+Creación+a+la+Red+de+Artes+Visuales/cs55/55883cbd0cf25bae5cad28a9>
[Afbeelding verwijderd door afzender.]
Tony Evanko
Dirección General
direccion en casatrespatios.org<mailto:direccion en casatrespatios.org>
Teléfono: +57 (4) 5717798<tel:%2B57%20%284%29%205717798>
www.casatrespatios.org <http://www.casatrespatios.org/>
Agenda Julio
CuBO.X - Paula Usuga
En residencia: Melle Smets y Eduardo Yaguas
Laboratorios Comunes de Creación: inscripciones abiertas<http://www.casatrespatios.org/#!Vuelven+los+Laboratorios+Comunes+de+Creación+a+la+Red+de+Artes+Visuales/cs55/55883cbd0cf25bae5cad28a9>
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