[un/loquer] LoRaCat Kitty: Build IoT Applications with LoRa, in 3 steps!
Electronic Cats
hola en electroniccats.com
Mar Jul 11 22:32:39 UTC 2017
** LoRaCat Kitty: Build IoT Applications with LoRa, in 3 steps!.
Hi Hackerspaces friends!
I’m andres sabas, an Electronic Cats Co-founder, a startup dedicated to make open hardware.
It is running now our kickstarter campaign to achieve the building of 1000 pieces of the LoRaCat Kitty, a development board designed to make easier the develop of IoT projects that include the technology LoRaWAN, bringing the possibility to connect your devices in a huge distance with a low energy consumption, taking away the necessity of know how to programming, welding, use wires or a breadboard, just using the app
We’re looking for backup of hackerspaces friends who can help to reach the goal or make our project known
http://electroniccats.us7.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=65b0ff13537d14f980739b5d4&id=ba58e85c71&e=6e03936e61 (http://electroniccats.us7.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=65b0ff13537d14f980739b5d4&id=c949113b81&e=6e03936e61 )
We apprciate the backup of all of you community, I keep abreast of any doubts you may have.
Andrés Sabas
Electronic Cats Co- founder
Backer in Kickstarter (http://electroniccats.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=65b0ff13537d14f980739b5d4&id=dfb34cb133&e=6e03936e61)
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