[AktiviX-discuss] E-citizens...

gareth at problem-solved.co.uk gareth at problem-solved.co.uk
Thu Feb 3 11:47:16 UTC 2005

> 2. Why I need other people to join in - I can be pro-open source and 
> recycling, but what the hell does *any* of this mean? -

>For those who came to Aktivix sheffield and saw the Pebble wireless access point
>being built, out of old PC and wifi card, we've ported the 'stuff' thats in the
>pebble to the OpenWRT platform on the LinkSys WRT54GS ( this is a #50 consumer
>Access Point ).. which now supports ospf for routing, wds for inter AP links,
>and vpn encryption on internode links.  ( at least in our version ).  Other
>goodies you can plug in are asterix ( an open source VOIP application ),
>quality of service. 

Ignore this bit if you're not a techie person. If you are then you'll know it's really quite cool,
potentially important even radical. We're not just seizing the means of production here - we're
inventing them!

Kudos to Alan - he's been working away at this sort of stuff for about five years and through his
efforts more than anyone else (although lots of others have made vital contributions) Burngreave
has one of the most advanced community wireless networks in the country/Europe.

>So for #50 you get a really powerful building brick for
>community network building.

> I guess it means 'yay!  Cheap and easy wireless access for the masses!'  
> Is that right?

Yup - it's that alright. It's also more - the tantalising posibilities are of providing a cheap or
even free way to use next generation mobile phones to call free within Burngreave - at least to
other users of the system. There may well be a way to provide a 'gateway' to the regular phone
system and offer people cheap calls to everywhere!


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