[AktiviX-discuss] free social network(s)

flawer flawer at hacklaviva.net
Wed Sep 26 11:25:14 UTC 2012

> I heard on the grapevine the idea was to re-build lorea without elgg? Is
> that so? Sounded like one of those big projects...
nops, the other way round, lorea 1.7.x from elgg was abit forked. the
plan for the 1.8.x october release is to not be an elgg fork anymore....
try it at http://dev.lorea.org

as a confession, probably we could set up another one for the usa and
then another one just for global projects and somehow moderated, which
is the one i am more wishing and should come..

for not mixing global english an local english.. ;)
this shouldn't bother crabgrass or idk, i use it some time ago, but not
from the mail ;(

> group forums as mailing lists (you reply from your email and goes to
> all),
> For what it's worth, as ever, this can also be done with Drupal Organic
> Groups and Mailhandler - 

uhm, i forgot, but i wasn't sure about it.... how about 'add friends'
and mass invite them to group, track their activity? any 'nice' site
doing that groups and mailhandler i can try testing?

btw: i am also working on a drupal for economies,
http://sharewiki.org/en/Drupal_Coops cos lorea seems not to, unless
there's some scratch for that too and could later be in the distro /
n-1.cc, idkw.

apart of integralces.net (it is been designed without using much drupal
core for an easier federating and migrating of key data to other
frameworks like i.e. lorea),

see this other hot thread about ecodrupal too..


> mailman 3


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