[AktiviX-discuss] free social network(s)

flawer flawer at hacklaviva.net
Sun Sep 30 16:56:50 UTC 2012

regardin federation: i also recommend investigating the aggregators and
html(5) launchers. elgg does strange urls and doesn't do it all. for
exmple i believe in a outer more proper wiki, while the dokuwiki and
pads integrations there to be pre more serious wiki.. we'll see, i am
actually very hot on this for a better visibilization of spanish
movements that have a bit of "multiplatform hell".  probably you
experienced similar issues and have some multiplatform launching
solutions for some project i can see? (with mailman+blogs+wiki+etc)

On 09/28/2012 11:46 PM, Alan Dawson wrote:
> I wonder if you could help us learn more about it's technical details.

i couldn't help much in solvin bugs or server issues. i guess i am a
good company for content management (info arch.), promoting, lessons
learned from the n-1, docs, "where we going to issues" and bla.
> 1. Is is a federated social network. [...] compatible and autonomously run services?
> 2. ostatus suport, indy.im

See this other fresh thread:

join the group / list and feel encouraged to shake up further questions

> 3. What resource are required in running a lorea seed ?
I could tell you that it consumes more than 'normal', it also does more
than 'normal' ;)

it would be nice to send someone to barcelona for a week or so and do a
proper setup from there. Also mind that 'you could ask for server
service at lorea' and they will ask you for what you'd like to do for
the project apart of supplying your seed's consumption,

however the irc channel is quite attended, but these days have activity
peaks,  so maybe gets abit of delays on more basic questions.. 10th
october is the planned release date, 12-14 is the yearly spanish
hackmeetin.. after that some people will stay there at the place for
consolidating further the new distro and sites,

regardin to the domain: if there's some that could help further than
another, go  say  rent! :). there's the newdomain posibility, and in
that case, think wether it to be a "aktivix" style one or something more
nety like 'fiona' (short, freedom in galeic and with more vocals than

ot but related:
there's some multilingual management featuring and mapping 
http://red.anillosur.cc (lorea)+ http://ecozoom.mapunto.net (macadjan)
in the oven.. i guess n-1 will be then more like the seed for the
seedless and i dont know if you could feel that sustainable enough for
the uk..
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