[Campaignforrealdemocracy] Thurs 16th July Localists Union Meeting Fwd:

Mark Barrett marknbarrett at googlemail.com
Thu Jun 11 20:03:54 BST 2009

Hi everyone

Following Monday's CRD meeting I've provisionally booked the Guernica space
for the 16th July for a pre-sponsorship Localists' Union meeting. I know
some probably some can't make it, but does that sound ok, or are there any
major clashes I should be aware of? Some draft action points that came out
of the meeting are set out below this mail.

Please let me know if you plan to attend on the 16th, or any other helpful


*Draft Statement about Real Democracy*

Real democracy means, at the minimum, completely open community based
decision making run broadly on consensus principles having the final say on
everything that happens in that community
a few notes

what is a community - communities define themsleves and can be virtual
as well as real, people can be part of many communities but it is up to
communities themsleves how they define membership and what rights
different kinds of members might have (e.g. only residents have a right
to block proposals). However, The CRD will focus on helping small
geographical based communities where there are disputes between members
of the community and current governing institutions to define
themselves, increase participation / legitimacy use that to resist
unwelcome activity and take postive actions for the benefit of the

*CRD Draft Action Points of Consensus*

(1) To support one or more local community struggles in London, and where
possible help them develop towards the self-governing 'real democracy' /
local sovereignty project we've been considering at 2012, in a way that
suits them. To offer them info, skills to share and connections with other
local/democratic community groups in London and elsewhere.

(2) To map and support local struggles that can be supported in this
way, and to connect the group with local groups and local groups with
one another, in practical solidarity

(3) To build mainstream trust in the idea of community, and in a different,
emancipatory way of organising society

(4) To invite groups and individuals calling for democratic community to
form a properly constituted Localists' Union, (but not limited to that -
see (D) below), with a few simple, uniting campaign demands, possibly:

(A) the demand for a community building to be given over, in every
neighbourhood to be run by the community around it
(B) the demand for land in and around cities to be ring fenced for new,
intentional democratic communities to be realised

But also (C) a commitment to consider key questions about
superstructure, for example regarding the taxation system, and other
structural changes that may be necessary to support the developmenty of
democratic communities, everywhere.

And (D) recognising that the struggle for real democracy is not just about
localism, and that we must be for the right to organise more widely; in
workplaces, places of study, prisons, hospitals - participation not false
representation. And to build a movement based on that right.

(4) to invite colleagues / friends and people of like mind in the wider
network to get involved
(5) to please support the Big Democracy Picnic at Parliament Hill on Aug
15th, and to invite everyone we know
(6) the consider the possibilty of working with other groups to put on a
winter 2009 Right to the City Conference.
(7) To arrange a meeting in the next month to take this agenda further
forward  - *meeting provisionally confirmed for the eve of Thursday 16th
July *at Guernica in the Whitechapel Gallery.

Comments welcome!

PS found this on Flickr
which, for those who didn't attend is by chance a sculpture - complete with
picnic - situated right next to where we met
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